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Even elderly singaporeans are throwing away their fear of the fap traitors


Alfrescian (Inf)
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24 Sep 2014 - 10:27pm

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I asked an old lady in her 70s, I asked her, when the PAP started arresting innocent Singaporeans, opposition members, labour unionists and student unionists in 1963 and detained them without a fair trial (and also tortured them in jail) , what did Singaporeans then think?

She said that many Singaporeans thought that it was wrong and they were angry. They wanted to speak up and protest but at that time, if they did, they might be arrested. People were disappearing then and people didn't know what was happening.

And thus a wave of fear descended upon Singaporeans. And this fear has remained since, and Singaporeans have internalised this fear as being natural. Our drive for justice was taken out of us.

The old lady told me that she was starting to give up on change in Singapore and thought to spend her next few years accepting the fate of Singapore.

However, over the past few months, she has a renewed sense of hope. She told me that she believes that Singapore finally has a chance and the greatest hope ever.

Today, she speaks up and speaks to her friends to raise awareness on issues in Singapore. She believes that change is very possible and she wants to do her part to let more Singaporeans know, so that we will do what is right and vote in a government that will protect Singaporeans.

I was very fortunate to meet with her and hear her stories. She told me that we cannot give up and that we have to fight. This is the greatest chance she has ever seen in her life and she says she will stand to fight.

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I am amazed by the strength, grit and courage of the 70-year old lady.

Singapore has hope, and the lady is a testimony to that. She also derided the Pioneer Generation Package and said it does very little to help Singaporeans.

I was inspired by her and it gave me a renewed sense of hope and strength. Thank you.

Let's more of us fight, see and regain this hope and fight for change to protect our lives, because this is the best hope we have.

Let's do this, Singaporeans. Let's fight.

Roy Ngerng
*Article first appeared on https://www.facebook.com/sexiespider/posts/10152440169774141