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Chitchat Euro 2024 Punter Discussion

Bad New Brown

ze stars r aligning liao. itz confirmed plus chop a fra vs eng final. all in fra outright winner n hedged wif a eng bet. :thumbsup:

The current FIFA world ranking as at 20 June 2024.

The Top 2 European nations are France No 2 and England No 5

If the world ranking is accurate in reflecting the strength of each team.

It will be a France vs England finals :biggrin:


The current FIFA world ranking as at 20 June 2024.

The Top 2 European nations are France No 2 and England No 5

If the world ranking is accurate in reflecting the strength of each team.

It will be a France vs England finals :biggrin:

wtf i din noe dat as i din look at ze fifa ranking. i only look at ze bookie odds during ze course of my thorough analysis. well ze market never lies. :biggrin:


Bad New Brown

wtf i din noe dat as i din look at ze fifa ranking. i only look at ze bookie odds during ze course of my thorough analysis. well ze market never lies. :biggrin:


My betting purpose first I will look the FIFA world ranking then matching the bookie odds and usually they take the higher-ranking teams as favourite to give balls to the lower ranking teams :biggrin:

My study is usually the higher ranking will win when come to knock out stages :thumbsup: all the way to the Finals


The organizer must in a way be glad that Serbia is already out and will not meet Switzerland in the knock-out phase of the competition. The two Albanian-Kosovo players, Shaqiri and Xhaka, are still playing for Switzerland and should these two sides meet atmosphere bound to be highly charged and fan violence may follow.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
The organizer must in a way be glad that Serbia is already out and will not meet Switzerland in the knock-out phase of the competition. The two Albanian-Kosovo players, Shaqiri and Xhaka, are still playing for Switzerland and should these two sides meet atmosphere bound to be highly charged and fan violence may follow.
The 2 dickheads should have opted to play for Albania if they want to be "nationalistic". They are Swiss now and leave their ethnicity out of the game


Alfrescian (Inf)
1st time bet on 4 Q final games.
Tio Germany vs Spain game so already made a profit. So can hope for more winnings.
Why 2 games on Holland vs Turkey because marked sala, suppose to be
France vs Portugal draw game at 1-1, I picked Turkey to win 1-0 over Holland, any way more chances since the game not play yet.

Robert Half

View attachment 2022321st time bet on 4 Q final games.
Tio Germany vs Spain game so already made a profit. So can hope for more winnings.
Why 2 games on Holland vs Turkey because marked sala, suppose to be
France vs Portugal draw game at 1-1, I picked Turkey to win 1-0 over Holland, any way more chances since the game not play yet.

Congratulations on 1-1 Spain draw :thumbsup: