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East Coast Plan unveiled


Singaporeans can save on travel. PAP bring the world to SG. Just open your door is China. Travel to work is India. Go makan is Malaysia. Go hospital is flipping. :eek:

Now malls got many Malaysian food courts. :wink:


Singaporeans can save on travel. PAP bring the world to SG. Just open your door is China. Travel to work is India. Go makan is Malaysia. Go hospital is flipping. :eek:

There are many buses that pass through Little India. :wink:


From theindependent:

Nicole Seah: WP team expands food distribution, extends legal help in East Coast

She mentions appeal letters from some residents being returned with "bureaucratic template responses"


Singapore — Workers’ Party (WP) politician Nicole Seah took to Facebook on Sunday (Nov 8) to provide an update of the party’s on-ground activities in East Coast GRC.

She said the party’s privately-funded food distribution exercise had been expanded to 90 households and that the party had also extended legal assistance in one case.

In October, when the WP team in the GRC began the initiative, it started with 40 households.

Ms Seah called the expansion “not a small feat”, given the “extensive logistic coordination and backend operations involved in delivering all of these items door to door with personalisation of some items, and ensuring the socially distanced safety of our volunteers”.

However, she expressed the hope that the team would revert to having the beneficiaries collect the donations in person after restrictions imposed due to the Covid-19 pandemic are lifted, as this would enable the team to reach more residents.

Ms Seah added that the WP team in the GRC has been able to identify some concerns that some residents have, including “appeal letters which were returned with bureaucratic template responses to some of the residents affected”.

She said: “The red tape can sometimes be incredibly frustrating for one who isn’t familiar with the right avenues to pursue in order to receive help.”
One such case needed legal help and this was provided pro bono by WP MP Muhamad Faisal Abdul Manap (Aljunied GRC).

Ms Seah noted that she had been “really glad to walk alongside” Mr Kenneth Foo and Mr Terence Tan on Saturday afternoon (Nov 7). The two men were part of the WP team in the GRC in the General Election this year.

“Here’s to more opportunities!,” wrote Ms Seah, who has been active on the ground at East Coast, along with other WP politicians and volunteers.

She recently suffered from a sprained back and an injury to her achilles tendon but, after a short rest, went right back to assisting residents, including providing advice concerning government agencies and offices where people may go for help, as well as distributing food and houseplants.

In a Sept 20 Facebook post, she had said: “While we might not be able to provide the full spectrum of assistance in terms of meeting medical needs, or the full scale of monetary assistance, where the WP East Coast team will and continue to help is to provide the heartware. The gotong royong spirit, stopping to take a breather to listen and empathise, and take the time to fully understand residents will help in ensuring that we get to the root of chronic or deep seated issues.”
Ms Seah, Mr Foo, Mr Tan, together with Mr Abdul Shariff Aboo Kassim and Mr Dylan Ng, gave the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) team a serious run for their money in the elections.

The PAP team, anchored by Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat, together with incumbents Dr Maliki Osman and Ms Jessica Tan, plus Ms Cheryl Chan and Mr Tan Kiat How, won the GRC with 53.39 per cent of the vote. /TISG


Singaporeans can save on travel. PAP bring the world to SG. Just open your door is China. Travel to work is India. Go makan is Malaysia. Go hospital is flipping. :eek:

China town is getting more crowded these days. :wink:


Singaporeans can save on travel. PAP bring the world to SG. Just open your door is China. Travel to work is India. Go makan is Malaysia. Go hospital is flipping. :eek:

Singaporeans spend too much on travel. :wink:


Singaporeans can save on travel. PAP bring the world to SG. Just open your door is China. Travel to work is India. Go makan is Malaysia. Go hospital is flipping. :eek:

The world is the oyster for all Singaporeans because of the PAP. :wink:


Singaporeans can save on travel. PAP bring the world to SG. Just open your door is China. Travel to work is India. Go makan is Malaysia. Go hospital is flipping. :eek:

These days, a lot of Malaysians cannot go back to Malaysia. :frown:


From theindependent

Nicole Seah points to “pattern” of job problems in a number of Fengshan families

Singapore — Workers’ Party (WP) politician Nicole Seah took to Facebook on Saturday (Oct 31) to write about a visit to Fengshan ward of East Coast GRC. She drew attention to the employment issues faced by a number of families and, on a happier note, praise the “kampung spirit” of its residents.

Along with Mr Kenneth Foo, who was also in the WP team that contested in the GRC in this year’s General Election, and a team of volunteers, they went on their weekly walkabout that day in Fengshan, where they were “consistently energised by the residents’ warm welcome”.

Ms Seah said that they sometimes detect a similar “pattern” in what residents go through and that this time, because of the Covid-19 pandemic, a number of families had suffered because the sole breadwinner had become unemployed or had taken a job in another field that paid less.

She wrote: “We do sometimes detect a similar pattern in what the residents go through. In this instance, a number of families were feeling the effects of the pandemic either in the form of their sole breadwinners losing jobs or having to take on a lower-paying job, sometimes in a different industry altogether.”
While they had been able to extend assistance “to navigate such challenges in the form of letter-writing to the relevant community bodies to appeal for assistance”, they had also enlisted help to ensure that attention would be paid to the plight of the residents.

She added that help had been extended by WP MP Muhamad Faisal Abdul Manap (Aljunied GRC). She thanked him for allowing them to route the appeals to ensure that attention is given to the needs of the residents, “as letters submitted by an individual who is not an elected MP might not be recognised by the relevant authorities”.

Ms Seah and the WP team asked if the affected residents knew about the available Covid relief or short-term assistance schemes. Some answered that they had not been able to do so because of a lack of knowledge about the schemes or they had not been able to take time from their work to file the needed applications.

On a happier note, she said that she felt the “kampung spirit” when a resident told them that a neighbour would be returning to Fengshan next month and asked that the latter be included in WP’s food distribution and when another resident helped a neighbour in another block by sawing pipes for his electrical fixtures.

“In this day and age, I’m cheered that neighbours are still selflessly looking out for each other. Such is the Fengshan spirit!,” she wrote. /TISG


From theindependent

Nicole Seah meets cancer-stricken resident in Bedok who works as a school bus attendant


Still continuing to walk the ground, the Workers’ Party’s (WP) East Coast team met with a number of residents in need, during an extended walkabout in Bedok North.

In a Facebook post on Sunday (Oct 25), party member Nicole Seah wrote that the team split up into smaller groups during the walkabout so that they could cover more blocks in Bedok North.

She wrote: “Some residents have truly resilient attitudes towards life and are deeply inspiring. Mdm N whom we spoke to is a cancer patient who decided to get a job as a school bus attendant so she could keep her mind upbeat instead of focusing on extenuating circumstances that she is unable to control”.

Ms Seah added that Mdm N’s sister-in-law works in the Food and Beverage industry and often brings home food for her and her son.

“Left my contact with her son and they can reach our team for financial assistance appeals if the medical bill is insurmountable in future”, Ms Seah wrote.

She added that another resident she met, one Mdm Y, is an aged lady. “Elderly residents may sometimes experience weakness and lethargy due to poor appetite. I took the opportunity to tell her some of the interesting Chinese food options within Bedok 85 and told her she has to try and eat a little bit more so that she would feel more energetic and stronger”, Ms Seah added.

In her post, Ms Seah wrote that yet another inspiring resident she met was Mdm R, who has a tenacious son. “He is pursuing his career as an actor whilst juggling an educational scholarship and moonlighting as a delivery food rider on the side”, she noted.


From thenewpaper:

Better amenities, network of caregivers for seniors in East Coast GRC

Seniors in East Coast GRC can look forward to better amenities and a network of caregivers and volunteers under a plan to make the constituency a good place for ageing in.

The East Coast Silver Blueprint, launched yesterday, envisions a town in which all seniors, even if they live alone, will lead active lives with friends in the community and will be looked after by neighbours.

For a start, a survey will be conducted to better understand the needs of seniors.

Town audits will be carried out on physical improvements needed to make the area - which covers most of Bedok and Simei housing board estates - safer and more accessible for seniors.

Unveiling the blueprint yesterday on Facebook Live, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat, an MP for East Coast GRC, urged residents to pitch in in their own ways.

He said this was the spirit behind the Singapore Together movement, which he and his team of fourth-generation political leaders started last year to give regular citizens a bigger say in policymaking.

He said: "Every one of us contributes something, whether within a family, within our neighbourhood or the broader community, and by bringing all of this together, organising this well with a good plan and some shared target, I think we can achieve a lot more."

In East Coast GRC, where four in 10 of the 190,000 residents are aged 50 and above, this will take the form of neighbours looking out for one another as they age.

The constituency will also set up a Caregiver Support Network so those caring for parents can lean on and learn from one another and get connected to resources, as well as healthcare and social services.

With dementia becoming a growing concern, there are also plans to make East Coast a dementia-friendly town, with dementia go-to points where lost and wandering people with dementia can be taken to.

At the national level, the National Research Foundation has added health and human potential as another area of focus, and will be doing research on how babies develop, how children and adults learn, as well as how seniors can keep their minds active and stave off dementia, said Mr Heng, who is chairman of the foundation.


From straitstimes.com

More community gardens, opportunities to participate in green initiatives for East Coast residents


SINGAPORE - Residents of East Coast GRC can look forward to more green spaces and also opportunities to take part in initiatives which protect the environment, under a new plan launched on Sunday (Nov 29).

The East Coast Sustainability and Greenery Plan aims to create more platforms to educate residents on environmental issues, and encourage those who are passionate about the environment to take action.

Efforts to inject greenery into community spaces and the built environment will also be stepped up.

Unveiling the blueprint on Facebook Live on Sunday, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat noted that climate change and rising sea levels would threaten the very existence of a small island like Singapore.

Mr Heng, who is an MP for East Coast GRC, said it is important for East Coast GRC - an area with rich biodiversity, beaches and coastal areas - to play its part in preserving the environment.

He added that the East Coast GRC team aims to partner residents in coming up with ideas for new green initiatives in the constituency.

"I'm very happy to see so many of our residents who are very passionate, and who are stepping forward to share their ideas on how we can move towards building a greener East Coast.

"This is very much in the spirit of Singapore Together, where people with similar ideas come together and do something to realise those ideas," he said.

The Singapore Together movement was started by Mr Heng and his team of fourth-generation political leaders in 2019 to give citizens a bigger say in policymaking.

Such efforts are already underway, he noted, with residents coming up ideas to spruce up community spaces during a recent East Coast Conversations dialogue session.

For example, some suggested turning under-utilised spaces into neighbourhood parks.

One idea that has taken root is the Green Ambassador scheme, which was kicked off in October. It now has a pilot batch of 20 ambassadors, with plans in place to train up to 300 ambassadors over three years.

Residents at an earlier dialogue had mooted the idea to get volunteers as ambassadors, to boost awareness of environmental issues in the community.

At the same launch, the other East Coast GRC MPs - Minister in the Prime Minister's Office Maliki Osman, Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office and for National Development Tan Kiat How, Ms Jessica Tan and Ms Cheryl Chan - elaborated on the sustainability and greenery plan.

They said the plan is to grow the number of community gardens beyond the existing 130 in the constituency, and to introduce new therapeutic gardens, which promote interaction with nature and improve the mental well-being of visitors by helping them to destress.

Community centres will also have areas called "Our Green Spaces', which will provide facilities for residents to conveniently recycle items, including having "reverse" vending machines which accept plastic and aluminium drink containers and then dispense discount vouchers.

This is already being piloted at lifestyle hub Heartbeat @ Bedok, with another set up at Bedok Community Centre in three to four months.

Residents will also be encouraged to garden along the corridors of their Housing Board blocks, with 500 gardening kits distributed to households earlier this month and another 500 to be given out in the coming months.

They will also have opportunities to document, conserve and enhance natural habitats in East Coast, said the MPs.

Project coordinator Angeline Lim, a Simei resident, signed up to be a green ambassador around September.

The 34-year-old and her fellow ambassadors have attended meetings on Zoom to brainstorm ideas on making their estates more green and sustainable.

Ms Lim said that she has picked up useful tips on how to protect the environment through these sessions, and will be passing them on.

"For instance, not everyone may know that certain plastics that have been contaminated with food waste cannot be recycled. These are things I can share with my parents, parents-in-laws, and my peers," she added.


East Coast Plan - recruit green ambassadors :rolleyes::eek::biggrin:

From CNA:

Green ambassadors will be recruited from East Coast GRC to drive its environmental efforts as part of the larger East Coast plan to green the area and to make it more sustainable.


New central green corridor connecting East Coast Park and Changi Beach Park to be created: Heng Swee Keat



More green initiatives for East Coast GRC


New plan to increase number of community gardens, encourage residents to act on ideas

Residents of East Coast GRC can look forward to more green spaces and also opportunities to take part in initiatives which protect the environment, under a new plan launched yesterday.

The East Coast Sustainability and Greenery Plan aims to create more platforms to educate residents on environmental issues, and encourage those who are passionate about the environment to take action.

Efforts to inject greenery into community spaces and the built environment will also be stepped up.

Unveiling the blueprint on Facebook Live yesterday, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat, who is also an MP for East Coast GRC, said it is important for East Coast GRC – an area with rich biodiversity, beaches and coastal areas – to play its part in preserving the environment. He added that the East Coast GRC team aims to partner residents in coming up with ideas for new green initiatives in the constituency, and that he is glad to see many already stepping forward to do so.

“This is very much in the spirit of Singapore Together, where people with similar ideas come together and do something to realise those ideas,” he said.
The Singapore Together movement was started by Mr Heng and his team of fourth-generation political leaders last year to give citizens a bigger say in policymaking.

One idea that has taken root is the Green Ambassador scheme, which kicked off last month. It now has a pilot batch of 20 ambassadors, with plans in place to train up to 300 ambassadors over three years.

Residents at an earlier East Coast Conversations dialogue had mooted the idea to get volunteers as ambassadors to boost awareness of environmental issues in the community.

At the same launch, the other East Coast GRC MPs – Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office Maliki Osman, Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office and for National Development Tan Kiat How, Ms Jessica Tan and Ms Cheryl Chan – elaborated on the sustainability and greenery plan. They said the plan is to grow the number of community gardens beyond the existing 130, and offer opportunities to document, conserve and enhance natural habitats in East Coast.

Project coordinator Angeline Lim, a Simei resident, signed up to be a green ambassador around September.
The 34-year-old and her fellow ambassadors have attended meetings on Zoom to brainstorm ideas to make their estates more green and sustainable. She has also picked up useful tips on how to protect the environment through these sessions, and will be passing them on.
“For instance, not everyone may know that certain plastics that have been contaminated with food waste cannot be recycled. These are things I can share with my parents, parents-in-law and my peers,” she added.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The East Coast Sustainability and Greenery Plan aims to create more platforms to educate residents on environmental issues, and encourage those who are passionate about the environment to take action.

Whenever they use this S-word, it's not good.