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East Coast Plan unveiled


HSK tries to defend CECA and FTAs.

Heng Swee Keat

6 July at 06:34·

We had a long debate in Parliament today about the importance of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) to Singapore, where trade is three times our GDP.
Both Ministers Ong Ye Kung and Tan See Leng gave comprehensive explanations to rebut baseless allegations made by the PSP that CECA gave professionals from India a “free hand” to enter Singapore. This is simply false. Nothing in the agreement implies Singapore must unconditionally let in PMEs from India. Contrary to PSP’s claim, our ability to impose requirements for immigration and work passes, has never been in question in CECA or any other FTA that we have signed. We must put a stop to this misinformation.
I had not planned to speak, but as Singapore’s chief negotiator on CECA, I felt compelled to clarify one of the false allegations made — I put on record that we did not sacrifice our positions on the “movement of national persons” as a bargaining chip during the negotiations. This chapter of CECA — which some wrongly believed allowed Indian nationals free movement into Singapore — was one of the most difficult chapters to conclude. But we did not and would not give away the rights to decide who can enter to live, work or reside in Singapore.
In the end, we landed on an agreement that benefitted both countries, while also protecting our vital interests. Let me take this chance to thank the Trade team at the Ministry of Trade & Industry which negotiated CECA and our other free trade agreements. Throughout these negotiations, our focus was on how to protect and advance the interests of Singaporeans. The bottomline is this — our workers, like workers all around the world, do indeed face more competition with globalisation and technological changes. It is not because of FTAs.
During the debate, Professor Hoon Hian Teck and Ms Janet Ang made excellent interventions that point to preparing Singaporeans for a future that is more innovation-driven, technology-intensive and globalised. As we look ahead, our commitment must remain — to help our workers adapt, reskill, and seize opportunities. We have and must always serve the interests of Singaporeans and continue to adapt our manpower policies. But we must resist any temptations to close ourselves to the world, for this will not solve the challenges that our workers face.


HSK visits Bedok CC Vaccination Centre.

Heng Swee Keat

Yesterday at 05:16·

I visited the Bedok CC vaccination centre earlier this evening and was encouraged by the progress we are making — the centre has received more than 110,000 persons for vaccination so far.
With everyone’s efforts, our COVID-19 situation has further stabilised. We are now in a position to ease some measures. From next Monday, groups of up to 5 persons will be allowed to dine in at F&B establishments. Wedding receptions for up to 250 will also be allowed with pre-event testing. Many of our businesses and people have been looking forward to this. You can read the details here: https://go.gov.sg/moh-7jul21.
If the situation remains stable and at least half of the population has been fully vaccinated, we may introduce differentiated measures to allow those who are vaccinated to participate in more activities. For instance, for F&B dine-in, we might differentiate the guidelines such that a group size of up to 8 persons may be allowed for fully vaccinated persons.
I strongly encourage everyone who is eligible to come forward to be vaccinated, or to bring forward your vaccination appointments. We have made good progress so far, so let us keep going!



Alfrescian (Inf)
HSK visits Bedok CC Vaccination Centre.

Heng Swee Keat

Yesterday at 05:16·

I visited the Bedok CC vaccination centre earlier this evening and was encouraged by the progress we are making — the centre has received more than 110,000 persons for vaccination so far.
With everyone’s efforts, our COVID-19 situation has further stabilised. We are now in a position to ease some measures. From next Monday, groups of up to 5 persons will be allowed to dine in at F&B establishments. Wedding receptions for up to 250 will also be allowed with pre-event testing. Many of our businesses and people have been looking forward to this. You can read the details here: https://go.gov.sg/moh-7jul21.
If the situation remains stable and at least half of the population has been fully vaccinated, we may introduce differentiated measures to allow those who are vaccinated to participate in more activities. For instance, for F&B dine-in, we might differentiate the guidelines such that a group size of up to 8 persons may be allowed for fully vaccinated persons.
I strongly encourage everyone who is eligible to come forward to be vaccinated, or to bring forward your vaccination appointments. We have made good progress so far, so let us keep going!

View attachment 115759
KNN talk as if the Wuhan virus can differentiate between a table of 5 and a table of 8.
I think his stroke damaged a good portion of his mental faculty KNN.

王沙叔叔在等你喝咖啡,别让老人家等太久,很不礼貌的OK ?


KNN talk as if the Wuhan virus can differentiate between a table of 5 and a table of 8.
I think his stroke damaged a good portion of his mental faculty KNN.

王沙叔叔在等你喝咖啡,别让老人家等太久,很不礼貌的OK ?

Please take it easy on HSK, he is simply repeating what the other ministars with actual portfolios and responsibilities have already decided and announced.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Please take it easy on HSK, he is simply repeating what the other ministars with actual portfolios and responsibilities have already decided and announced.
Not only is he DPM without portfolio, he is also DPM without brain.


HSK visited Nanofilm Technologies.

Heng Swee Keat

7 July at 21:36·

Yesterday, I visited Nanofilm Technologies International Limited (NTI) and met founder Dr Shi Xu and his team.
This is a 20-year story from basic research to commercialisation to global impact. The firm was founded on the research discoveries in material sciences made by Dr Shi when he was a professor at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. With his discoveries, he was encouraged by NTU to commercialise them. Thus begin the story of Nanofilm – a tech start-up spin-off. Nanofilm has adapted and expanded its business footprint over the years. Today, we encounter many of its products in our everyday life and it continues to grow. Its latest venture is the development of hydrogen fuel cells, together with Temasek. Nanofilm was listed on SGX last year, and is one of our Tech unicorns.
In our universities, there are many other stories like Nanofilm in the making. I encourage all our scientists and researchers to continue pursuing your passion for science and discovery. For the future belongs to those who believe they can make a difference.



Heng Swee Keat

Like This Page · 7 July · Edited ·

Mr Li Shao Hui, Coating Production Senior Manager, shared with me how coating is done on a plate scraper. These plate scrapers are commonly found in multifunctional printers. By adding nanofilm coating to the plate scrapers, it can prolong the usage of printers.

(MCI Photo by Lim Sin Thai)


Heng Swee Keat

Like This Page · 7 July · Edited ·

Glad to meet Dr Ng Yan Fong again. We last met in 2017 when Dr Ng was still a university student. He graduated from Energy Research Institute @ NTU (ERI@N) and is now working at Nanofilms Technologies as a R&D Process Engineer. I wish him all the best in his future endeavours.

(MCI Photo by Lim Sin Thai)



Heng Swee Keat

Like This Page · 7 July · Edited ·

Thank you for sharing the NTI story with me. It is very inspiring and kudos to the NTI team!

[Back row, from left — the team from Nanofilms Technologies — Dr Phua Vice President and Research and Development, Chua Chee Kheng Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Lars Lieberwirth, Chief Technology Officer, Tan Siew Hong, Legal Vice President.

Front row, from left: Gary Ho Hock Yong, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chief Commercial Officer, Dr Shi Xu CEO, Founder and Executive Chairman, Gian Yi Hsen, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Vice President of Corporate Strategy & Business Planning and Kay Lim, Chief Financial Officer]

(MCI Photo by Lim Sin Thai)



HSK visited Dunman High School.

Heng Swee Keat is with Josephine Teo.​

Yesterday at 05:31·

Spent my afternoon at Dunman High School 德明政府中学 today for a hybrid celebration of the school’s 65th anniversary with students and alumni including Josephine Teo, Low Yen Ling, Alex Yam and Poh Li San.
For 65 years, the school has produced generations of Dunmanians who have striven to live up to the values reflected in the school motto — “诚, 信, 勇, 忠” — Honesty, Trust-worthiness, Moral Courage and Loyalty.
While we often associate schools with academic grades, the intangibles — character and values — matter as much, if not more. I am glad the teaching of values is ingrained in the Dunman High education.
To all Dunmanians, as we celebrate this milestone, may these values continue to guide you as you navigate the world ahead, and contribute to building a better Singapore. I also thank the dedicated staff and teachers of Dunman High School for nurturing and inspiring future generations!



Heng Swee Keat

Like This Page · Yesterday · Edited ·

Mdm Jiang Ling, Head of Department of Mother Tongue (Junior High) shared some art pieces created by DHS Alumnus Mr Koh Mun Hong. Mr Koh is a self-taught artist and poet and is a recipient of the 2016 Cultural Medallion Award. He painted “Fishing Fun (游乐图)” which illustrated a family fishing at Bedok Jetty.

(MCI Photos by Lim Sin Thai) — with Josephine Teo and Low Yen Ling.



HSK recalls his East Coast Plan.

Heng Swee Keat is with Cheryl Chan 陈慧玲 and 3 others.​

Yesterday at 02:30·

Just over a year ago, no one talked about the East Coast Plan. And then, because of my Nomination Day remarks, the East Coast Plan became one of the most talked about plans during GE!
It started a flood of funny memes, and even inspired a line of themed merchandise available online. Whoever accused Singaporeans of being uncreative, humourless and boring could not be more wrong! Also, as you know, I am always happy when our people get entrepreneurial and innovative.
Since then, together with Dr Maliki Osman, Tan Kiat How, Cheryl Chan 陈慧玲 and Jessica Tan Soon Neo, we have pressed on with our East Coast Plan to care for our residents and develop a Caring, Green and Vibrant East Coast. Then, the pandemic hit. Even as we pushed ahead with our plans to improve the East Coast for residents, our greatest priority was to keep everyone safe from COVID-19, and to support our businesses and households affected by the virus. So we worked with public agencies to quickly set up the Bedok CC vaccination centre, which has served more than 110,000 persons to date. We also engaged EC Community Drivers to send our less mobile residents to vaccination centres to get their jabs.

As I rolled out an unprecedented five Budgets, I would also visit our markets at every chance I could, to speak with businesses and residents about how the support measures were helping them, and how else we could support them. For example, I was happy to see the CDC Vouchers being used to keep up the vibrancy in our heartlands.
One year on, I feel more connected with the friendly faces in East Coast. Some of you see me so often that you’ve been giving me advice on what’s good to eat at our hawker centres, how to stay healthy, which of my shirts you like, or whether I need to cut my hair. I appreciate all your comments — it is nice to build this sense of family.
Thank you East Coast residents for giving our team the mandate to serve you. I hope residents have kept safe and well through this last year, and will continue to do so. A big thank you especially to all community volunteers who spent this time serving and caring for your neighbours.

There’s much more we plan to do to grow our Caring, Green and Vibrant East Coast. My team and I look forward to sharing more with you ahead.




East Coast Plan #1: Caring

Heng Swee Keat

Like This Page · Yesterday · Edited ·

A Caring East Coast: We rolled out our multi-layered East Coast Silver Blueprint through our East Coast Conversation, brought the TCM mobile clinic to your doorstep, helped families through the M3@Bedok Household Survey, MOE Uplift and other programmes, and launched the WinSTEM bursaries — to name a few.



East Coast Plan #2: Green

Heng Swee Keat

Like This Page · Yesterday · Edited ·

A Green East Coast: As part of the East Coast Green and Sustainability Plan, we have many community gardens with plans for more. We also have on-going monthly or bi-monthly recycling drives by RCs/NCs, green workshops, Green Ambassadors advocating environment sustainability, and Green Action Teams look into issues like reducing food waste and re-purposing and re-using old clothes. All these help create a greener home for all in East Coast.
