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Dr Allan Ooi's Obituary - Government's Policy


To speak up for the public does not mean that you must be in the opposition to do it.

The problem with the ruling party is that people dare not speak up for fear of antagonising their superiors or that their chances of promotion within the party will be stifled if they "step" on someone above them who disliked what they say.

I have met several MPs who talk a lot but when you asked them to raise the issue with the ministers, they stopped short and say that they have to go through proper channel to do it. The MPs have direct access to the ministers but they feared raising issues of concern to them for whatever reasons.

There are some MPs who do raised it up to the top but if the top do not come back to them, then there is nothing much the MPs could do as they are restrained by their party own protocol of bringing up issues higher up the hierarchy.

most mps do not present themselves as bold to speak against the herd even though he knows his view is ethical. that's why the need for more outspoken opp mps.

anyway back to the dr allan ooi, there is a latest ST report that according to SAF spokesman, col darius lim, "said capt ooi's superiors were aware of his unhappiness over his work, and had offered him a different appointment. But he never got back to his boss about whether he would take the option." - ST MAR 23, '09, PAGE A6/

shirking responsibility? damage control? whatever it is, it's too late. a precious life was already lost. if SAF doesn't wake up its freaking idea, such uncalled death would continue to occur again in future. it had happened before, it happens now....and it shall happen again.



most mps do not present themselves as bold to speak against the herd even though he knows his view is ethical. that's why the need for more outspoken opp mps.

anyway back to the dr allan ooi, there is a latest ST report that according to SAF spokesman, col darius lim, "said capt ooi's superiors were aware of his unhappiness over his work, and had offered him a different appointment. But he never got back to his boss about whether he would take the option." - ST MAR 23, '09, PAGE A6/

shirking responsibility? damage control? whatever it is, it's too late. a precious life was already lost. if SAF doesn't wake up its freaking idea, such uncalled death would continue to occur again in future. it had happened before, it happens now....and it shall happen again.


Really we should not speculate and read between the lines of what SAF had to say when they had offered him another post but he has not reverted.

The question beg as to what transpired between SAF and Dr Ooi and why did Dr Ooi not revert back to the SAF. We do not know what had happened but can only chose to speculate. It seems that everyone is pinning the fault on the SAF and sympathy is with the late Dr Ooi.

Take an objective view, the SAF did offer him another post and if Dr Ooi did not accept that post, was it communicated to the SAF his rejection of the post. SAF must released infpormation on what had transpired between them and Dr Ooi.

Right now, we can only hear one side of the story from the SAF because it cannot be corroborated by the late Dr Ooi. Only written records can speak for itself.


Really we should not speculate and read between the lines of what SAF had to say when they had offered him another post but he has not reverted.

The question beg as to what transpired between SAF and Dr Ooi and why did Dr Ooi not revert back to the SAF. We do not know what had happened but can only chose to speculate. It seems that everyone is pinning the fault on the SAF and sympathy is with the late Dr Ooi.

Take an objective view, the SAF did offer him another post and if Dr Ooi did not accept that post, was it communicated to the SAF his rejection of the post. SAF must released infpormation on what had transpired between them and Dr Ooi.

Right now, we can only hear one side of the story from the SAF because it cannot be corroborated by the late Dr Ooi. Only written records can speak for itself.

you know SAF is notorious for tekkan-ing or sabotaging. if the alternative post was like a "from a frying pan into the fire", it won't make any difference. dr allan ooi had paid with his life. what does SAF do? more cover up and damage control?

had the system been fair, understanding and mindful with due respect to the talent of servicemen, many tragedies might have been avoided.

remember the dunking of commandos? it caused the death of somebody's son who placed the trust of the army with their son. he ended up dead.....

there were many incidents - suicides or mishaps or mistreatments - many were rumoured to have been hushed up. obviously, not enough has been done to curtail such misfortunate and undesirable incidents.

if the SAF cannot ensure our sons who serve the army are safe and not ending up dead, how can we be sure they can defend us?

this trademark ranting from madsmansg still rants loud and clear when such tragedy happens:



that's why your question about why SAF PLACED OBITUARY MSG FOR AWOL SOLDIER had indeed opened up a pandora box of guilty conscience. they are just short of apologising for the causes that could have led to the suicide of dr allan ooi.

or maybe the deceased have another hidden personal darker secret?


you know SAF is notorious for tekkan-ing or sabotaging. if the alternative post was like a "from a frying pan into the fire", it won't make any difference. dr allan ooi had paid with his life. what does SAF do? more cover up and damage control?

had the system been fair, understanding and mindful with due respect to the talent of servicemen, many tragedies might have been avoided.

remember the dunking of commandos? it caused the death of somebody's son who placed the trust of the army with their son. he ended up dead.....

there were many incidents - suicides or mishaps or mistreatments - many were rumoured to have been hushed up. obviously, not enough has been done to curtail such misfortunate and undesirable incidents.

if the SAF cannot ensure our sons who serve the army are safe and not ending up dead, how can we be sure they can defend us?

this trademark ranting from madsmansg still rants loud and clear when such tragedy happens:


Sad to say, most if not all armed forces in the world have a lot of dark stories kept away from the public. Even the most democratic country in the world, the US or the UK also have a lot of dirty practices going on in their armies that are kept away from public limelight. It's unavoidable but it is a question of how you minimise such things from happening here.

The dunking of commandoes. Isn't that part of their training but perhaps they were put into the water for too long. Not everyone physical body is able to take it. In my army days, I have done POW training whichis worse than dunking and we were also thrown into the swimming pool without being allowed to surface above for a period of time.

If you are in a war and captured, can you tell your enemy that they cannot do this and that to you. SAF would have been a laughing stock to other armed forces in the world. You are in the army and not in boy scout.


more guilt, more damage control and a letter that is too late to a deadman who tells no tale....

March 23, 2009
SAF offered doctor alternative posting
THE Ministry of Defence (Mindef) and the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) extend our deepest condolences to the family of the late Captain (Dr) Allan Ooi Seng Teik.

Mindef wishes to clarify certain facts regarding media reports on Capt (Dr) Ooi's service in the SAF and his scholarship bond.

Capt (Dr) Ooi joined the SAF in January 2000 and was sponsored under the Local Study Award (Medicine) for his medical studies at the National University of Singapore, and completed his housemanship in April 2006. Thereafter, he completed the SAF's Medical Officer Cadet Course and was commissioned in August 2006. He then served for 11/2 years in the Air Force Medical Service. He was sponsored by the SAF for further specialist training in Aviation Medicine in Britain in January last year.

Upon completing this course in July last year, he was posted to the Aeromedical Centre to perform clinical and staff work. He was scheduled to go for his hospital posting at the end of this year.

While serving at the Aeromedical Centre, Capt (Dr) Ooi informed his superior that he was unhappy at work and was considering leaving the SAF. On Oct 3 last year, his superior offered him the option of posting to an appointment he would be interested in. He agreed to consider this option and get back to his superior in two weeks' time. However, he did not do so. He also did not submit any application to leave the SAF. He went Absent Without Official Leave (AWOL) on Oct 15 last year.

Recipients of the Local Study Award (Medicine) are required to serve a 12-year bond after completing their housemanship. Of these 12 years, six years will be spent in hospitals to acquire clinical competency in fields needed by the SAF. The other six years will be spent in command and staff positions with the SAF Medical Corps, performing duties such as the clinical care of SAF servicemen and professional development of military medicine.

SAF officers who take up sponsorship have a responsibility to serve the full period of their bonds as substantial resources and time have been devoted to training them. Otherwise they will leave gaps in key positions in the SAF.

Nevertheless, if an officer wishes to leave the service early, he can submit an application through a proper process. Approval to leave the service will be granted only in strong and extenuating circumstances.
Colonel Darius Lim
Director, Public Affairs
Ministry of Defence

it looks like SAF is trying to shirk any responsibility linking to dr ooi's death.

Porfirio Rubirosa

After reading Mindef's open letter on Ooi's case, I think what we need to keep in mind is that Mindef's scholarships are not the same as other PSC/Government scholarships i.e. this involves the Military and consequential military rules, procedures etc. There appear to be more complexities. However I still do not think that this was the only cause or only major cause that drove Ooi to commit suicide.

You are challenging the terms of the bond that allow extension of bond by the government on a unilateral basis or the consequence of breaking the bond. So far I have not come across cases where the government has taken a bond breaker to court. The court will have to decide and give reasonings on whether the terms are reasonable or not. We are talking of contractual law and not criminal law on whether it is right or not, or guilty or not guilty.

Contract law are commercial law that are well governed and established which cannot be simply overturned by the court purely for the sake of one case.


Taking the suicidal approach is a wrong step in resolving a problem let alone the fact that he is scholar.
Allan Ooi was a holder of the Local Study Award (medicine) and was not an "SAF scholar" or scholar. The LSA is given out to anyone who wants to sign on. The LSA (medicine) is given out to anyone who wants to sign on and got into the farmer medical school here.

There is only one class of officers in the SAF who are SAF scholars. They are the SAFOS scholars.


Eh... Dr Ooi's father is a member of the elite in Singapore, a very powerful very senior doctor sitting on the board of directors of various institutions in Singapore. If he wants to hantam the SAF "senior" doctor who bully his son later on.... (because SAF doctors have to come out and look for job at 45)... no problem man... in fact, the SAF "senior" doctors who bully Dr Ooi Junior can each kena hantam jialat jialat when they leave the service, unless they have powerful backing or powderful backsides.

This is called "cover your own backside"... :oIo: Common tactic by small fries. Costs a few bucks to put a condolence notice, cheap cheap.

Hello! You sound so naive i can't stop laughing when I saw your post. The fucking condolence is out of pity for his family since Allan Ooi is a wastrel and useless fuck.

A lot of people in the medical community and beyond know about Alex Ooi's scandal in which he was accused by his own patient of rape. The patient complained about him to SMC. He was struck off the rolls of SMC. Alex Ooi was forced to take on SMC, and the SMC hired Harry Elias lawyers to fight their decision of expelling Alex Ooi from the medical community. Even though he got off the hook later by claiming that the patient suffered from De Clerambault's Syndrome, a psychiatric condition where the patient fantasizes sexual relationships with their doctor. God my doctor is one ugly whore i'd never have her play any role in my fantasies.

The fact that your own profession's governing council hired ITS OWN LAWYER to fight against you, whether you win or not, you still lose in the end. Like someone else said, he was a persona non grata there after.

You also sound so naive about this particular gynae or in fact all specialist doctors and their relative place in society against the elite in government. I think you desperately need to get your head checked by a psychiatrist or maybe just read and ask elite people and elite-to-be what's going on in the big fat world around you.

Yeah lah chief medical officer is only BG estab held by a full COL. But he answers to the CDF, and let me assure you CDF makes shitloads more $$$$, several times more than Alex Ooi. And CDF's house is so much nicer. I know because I have seen both.

Thats just $$. For power pls dun even need to say. You need to get your head of the sand man hahaa. Unless you think some random specialist doctor in Singapore has the same power and clout as the chief of defence or a perm sec or a government minister. You think all of them are Ng Eng Hen? HAHAHAHAHA you are a joke
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more guilt, more damage control and a letter that is too late to a deadman who tells no tale....

More like a dead man who is a lying loser before his death, will successfully have his lies spun into truth by the myopic mob who side with him because he's stupid enough to be dead. Sympathy votes given to the dead. Gettit. If he had told you all he was sexually abused by aliens in military uniforms, you would have believed him and be up in arms also.


March 23, 2009
SAF offered doctor alternative posting
THE Ministry of Defence (Mindef) and the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) extend our deepest condolences to the family of the late Captain (Dr) Allan Ooi Seng Teik.

Mindef wishes to clarify certain facts regarding media reports on Capt (Dr) Ooi's service in the SAF and his scholarship bond.

Capt (Dr) Ooi joined the SAF in January 2000 and was sponsored under the Local Study Award (Medicine) for his medical studies at the National University of Singapore (farmer university), and completed his housemanship in April 2006. Thereafter, he completed the SAF's Medical Officer Cadet Course and was commissioned in August 2006. He then served for 11/2 years in the Air Force Medical Service. He was sponsored by the SAF for further specialist training in Aviation Medicine in Britain in January last year.

Upon completing this course in July last year, he was posted to the Aeromedical Centre to perform clinical and staff work. He was scheduled to go for his hospital posting at the end of this year.

While serving at the Aeromedical Centre, Capt (Dr) Ooi informed his superior that he was unhappy at work and was considering leaving the SAF. On Oct 3 last year, his superior offered him the option of posting to an appointment he would be interested in. He agreed to consider this option and get back to his superior in two weeks' time. However, he did not do so. He also did not submit any application to leave the SAF. He went Absent Without Official Leave (AWOL) on Oct 15 last year.

Recipients of the Local Study Award (Medicine) are required to serve a 12-year bond after completing their housemanship. Of these 12 years, six years will be spent in hospitals to acquire clinical competency in fields needed by the SAF. The other six years will be spent in command and staff positions with the SAF Medical Corps, performing duties such as the clinical care of SAF servicemen and professional development of military medicine.

SAF officers who take up sponsorship have a responsibility to serve the full period of their bonds as substantial resources and time have been devoted to training them. Otherwise they will leave gaps in key positions in the SAF.

Nevertheless, if an officer wishes to leave the service early, he can submit an application through a proper process. Approval to leave the service will be granted only in strong and extenuating circumstances.
Colonel Darius Lim
Director, Public Affairs
Ministry of Defence

SAF called his a "sponsorship", not scholarship.

Also, he was referred to as a "recipient of LSA".

I told you he was not an SAF scholar.

SAF is an armed force. It needs to continually have people filling its rank. Officers and specialists cannot just suddenly resign and serve a month's notice as with the private sector. EVERYONE in SAF is under some kind of sponsorship. There are also SAF-ITE sponsorship for specialists, and specialist-Poly sponsorships. All its farmer officers have had some kind of sponsorship to a local university. They will be referred to, as Allan Ooi, as recipient of the LSA, or ATA (now called SAS).


SAF gives a very indelectable impression: they are good at sabo-ing their own kinds. maybe the lesser the competition, the easier up the hierachy ladder.:p

Lee Hsien Tau

Much have been said in the thread on "Dr Allan Ooi’s farewell letter and last word before his death: Questions for SAF" and the main thrust of blogger's views had been centred on the pros and cons of scholarship bond.

However, I have questions for Mindef or any government officials who can answer the undermentioned questions:

For the record, this is not meant to have any disrespect for the late Dr Allan Ooi nor to his family who are grieving for a loss son and family member.

It is a known and undisputed facts that Dr Ooi was an army deserter and went AWOL (Absence without Official Leave) for several months. As an AWOL personnel, he is wanted by the authorities and any police stop and search, his name will appear on the police wanted list as well as a warrant of arrest would have been issued against him.

In other words, he is wanted for a criminal offence under the SAF Act for going AWOL.

As a wanted man, he is going to face imprisonment if convicted in a court martial or maybe in a civilan criminal court. He would have faced shame and humiliation if he is convicted had he been alive as he would have to serve imprisonment.

My question to the government is this:

Why is Mindef Chief of various forces advertising in the Obituary Section of The Straits Times sending their condolences to the late Dr Ooi when he is a wanted criminal for AWOL in the army.

What message is the government sending to the general public that even a wanted criminal can be "celebrated" and condolences messages sent even for an AWOL personnel. Is the government going to put up an obituary sending condolences messages if the deceased had committed muder assuming he had been a high ranking military officer and a scholar as well.

Kindly clarify the government stand as it had been a hot topic in the public.

Very good question, but I'm afraid it will go unanswered.

It is white horse's policy not to talk about white horse's policy.