53yr old Singaporean spinster, Lilian Wee Lye Neo, who used to work with many horse trainers in Kranji & M'sian circuit, once quite successful & highly sought after bec she has affinity with horses but now a bankrupt, probably on the run from her innumerable debtors. This person, who is my cousin whom I known since childhood, alas also made me one of her victims in her incredibly elaborate scams, pretending to share profits with you on sale of yearlings, whom she cleverly crafted up stories that her numerous clients & horse owners are ready buyers!
How to describe her: typical 53yr old Singaporean aunty look ( a bit like horse-faced look), very ordinary, distinguishing feature is wearing dreadlocks hair like those black angmors in London.
Very conniving conwoman, deceitfully cunning, can tell you stories boasting about her past successes in horseracing, even can show you all her old photos of her in winners circle with notable horses of previous yr (Classic dragon of above said dragon stable).
This female witch has conned many of her own relatives, old auntys, uncle's & cousins, promising rich rewards to "join her" in her horse sales scheme!! What an incredible top notch liar & conjob ! Boasted that she has 300 racehorses in her care, claims to be frequently traveling to Dubai & Australia & London for international races but all nothing but one big scam!
Admittedly, she was once successful in her trade, owned a condo in Woodlands & a house in London. But now all gone, bec of heavy debts from gambling in vip rooms in mbs & Rws!
Even squandered her deceased parents inheritance, property & savings as she was only child, millions all squandered away!! Conned me & some cousins by pretending to contract mysterious illness, told us she was in ICU, miraculously alive, wow all the incredible tales just to con own relatives & so desperate till liddat!!!
Even go & faked a suicide attempt after I tried confronting her(took a huge chunk of my savings as a lowly taxidriver), ended up in Imh whereby stupid police or Spf won't even reveal details of her stay!! Useless spf don't wanna do anything, just say go see lawyer!!! Now I think is out of IMH but surely on the run from her many ahlongs & debtors!
Pls beware of this person, this is not a fabricated story at all, just to warn all you peeps beware of such person!!!