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Cowards always hide behind rules.. Discuss!!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
a coward is someone who betrays his countrymen over fame and glory.A coward can also be the person who runs form his fears not facing them, he is not sure whether he can win or not. from
Graduate School
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a coward is someone who betrays his countrymen over fame and glory.A coward can also be the person who runs form his fears not facing them, he is not sure whether he can win or not.

Yeah, and I hope you don't start zapping people when you lose an argument :rolleyes:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
A very good meaning of Coward:

One who lacks courage to meet danger; one who shrinks from exposure to possible harm of any kind


Alfrescian (Inf)
a coward is someone who betrays his countrymen over fame and glory.A coward can also be the person who runs form his fears not facing them, he is not sure whether he can win or not. from
Graduate School

what's runs form ?:confused::confused:

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
Uncle, why you appear in his signature? :biggrin:

That's because he want to let everybody know that I help him to fuck. LOL!.... Lanjiaoless faggot like him is the true coward who want others to help him to fuck but he himself dare not go and fuck. Read his post and you will notice that. He is the true sinkie.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
This one describes those ball-less sinkie losers:

someone who is not brave enough to fight or do something difficult or dangerous that they should do
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That's because he want to let everybody know that I help him to fuck. LOL!.... Lanjiaoless faggot like him is the true coward who want others to help him to fuck but he himself dare not go and fuck. Read his post and you will notice that. He is the true sinkie.

This one everyone in the forum knows. :wink:

You have to pity him. Dateless on a beautiful Sunday :biggrin:

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
This one describes those ball-less sinkie losers:

someone who is not brave enough to fight or do something difficult or dangerous that they should do

LOL!... Lanjiaoless faggot Tonychat, why you always talking about yourself? You got no balls to fight PAP to get back your CPF now want others to help you fight for your CPF? You got no balls to fight your Malaysian gov to help you get back your CPF now want Singaporeans to help you get your CPF? Why you so sinkie? Too difficult or dangerous for you?
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Why sinkieland got so many rules?

Do lawyers help cowards?

Heard on a TV show (can't remember which one.) "Rules are made for the guidance of wise men and for the obedience of fools." Thought it quite a wise general statement.

On your second statement, "Lawyers help those who pay them."



Rules and laws are necessary to protect people's right and property. However those in power that makes law and changes to law to preserve their power are unethical.

Laws restricting people's right to protest or strike is not in the interest of the people. Do people have to suffer in silence if they are unfairly treated ? HK people are allowed to march in protest. They are a mature and sophisticated society where people march in protest peacefully. I will not accept that the Singapore is a lessor people that the Singapore gov't cannot accord the same freedom to protest if there are real grievances. Do you think the people will take to the street in protest against the 6.9 million white paper if they are allowed to ? Such policy have real impact of the people's lives. Guidelines have to be established for ppl to understand how they can make their voice heard without creating a national crisis or riot, e.g. protest only allow on public holidays will not impact business. Of course idiots that want to make deflamatory statements deserve to get sued or go to jail for instigating a riot. Allowing public protest is a good way to maintain a consistently good government, we cannot wait 4 years for someone to screw up badly to vote them out at the next election. The people has a right to voice their complaint against incompetent MP/Minister or policy that have severe impact on their lives. We need whistleblower and more transparency so that we can correct mistakes more quickly otherwise things can go south very quickly.

If workers are not treated fairly and things doesn't go well because of incompetent managers. How can things improve ? Relaxing the law to allow workers to strike can push out incompetent managers or bad policy so that things can really improve more quickly.
Not cover up incompetency.

Perhaps Singapore should have a constitution established like USA. The constitution should be widely debated and a national referedum be made. This is to prevent gov't in power to change laws that give them an advantage to stay in power, e.g. changing constituency lines that benefits the ruling party. Once a constituency is fixed, it cannot be changed. MP must really be at their ward and serve their ward to get elected. Today can be a single ward, then GRC, next super GRC with 15 MP which can benefit the ruling party. Now weak people can join a strong team to get elected when they can't serve their constituency effectively in GRC. Can anyone seriously believe a 20+ years old MP can really solve problems and serve their ward effective ? MP must build trust and serve their community consistently and for a period of time to earn their position. They should not be elected just because they belong to a powerful party that have power to help or burn a town.

Even China today has a 10 years term for their President. Should our Prime Minister be limited to 2-3 terms max ? Of course the Prime Minister can be allowed to serve as a minister with a portfolio after the 2-3 terms end. 12 years should be max for a Prime Minister by law. This should be in the constitution.

People that cannot voice their greivances in public will do it online. More and more people will believe anything online. Take it out in the open will give everyone an opportunity to make their case. The point is not which party will win, the most important is that the Singapore people continue to prosper and live well. Don't want to have LKY rise from the grave after his passing.