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[COVID-19 Virus] The PRC Situation Thread


Yes, it is worse than the flu: busting the coronavirus myths
The truth about the protective value of face masks and how easy it is to catch Covid-19
Sat 29 Feb 2020 00.59 AEDT
First published on Fri 28 Feb 2020 22.00 AEDT
People wear protective masks on the subway in São Paulo, Brazil.
People wear protective masks on the subway in São Paulo, Brazil. Photograph: Victor Moriyama/Getty ImagesClaim: ‘It is no more dangerous than winter flu’
Many individuals who get coronavirus will experience nothing worse than seasonal flu symptoms, but the overall profile of the disease, including its mortality rate, looks more serious. At the start of an outbreak the apparent mortality rate can be an overestimate if a lot of mild cases are being missed. But this week, a WHO expert suggested that this has not been the case with Covid-19. Bruce Aylward, who led an international mission to China to learn about the virus and the country’s response, said the evidence did not suggest that we were only seeing the tip of the iceberg. If borne out by further testing, this could mean that current estimates of a roughly 1% fatality rate are accurate. This would make Covid-19 about 10 times more deadly than seasonal flu, which is estimated to kill between 290,000 and 650,000 people a year globally.
Claim: ‘It only kills the elderly, so younger people can relax’
Most people who are not elderly and do not have underlying health conditions will not become critically ill from Covid-19. But the illness still has a higher chance of leading to serious respiratory symptoms than seasonal flu and there are other at-risk groups – health workers, for instance, are more vulnerable because they are likely to have higher exposure to the virus. The actions that young, healthy people take, including reporting symptoms and following quarantine instructions, will have an important role in protecting the most vulnerable in society and in shaping the overall trajectory of the outbreak.
Claim: ‘Face masks don’t work’
Wearing a face mask is not an iron clad guarantee that you won’t get sick – viruses can also transmit through the eyes and tiny viral particles, known as aerosols, can still penetrate masks. However, masks are effective at capturing droplets, which is the main transmission route of coronavirus, and some studies have estimated a roughly five-fold protection versus no barrier. If you are likely to be in close contact with someone infected, a mask cuts the chance of the disease being passed on. If you’re just walking around town and not in close contact with others, wearing a mask is unlikely to make any difference.
Claim: ‘You need to be with an infected person for 10 minutes’
For flu, some hospital guidelines define exposure as being within six feet of an infected person who sneezes or coughs for 10 minutes or longer. However, it is possible to be infected with shorter interactions or even by picking the virus up from contaminated surfaces, although this is thought to be a less common route of transmission.
Claim: ‘A vaccine could be ready within a few months’
Scientists were quick out of the gates in beginning development of a vaccine for the new coronavirus, helped by the early release of the genetic sequence by Chinese researchers. The development of a viable vaccine continues apace, with several teams now testing candidates in animal experiments. However, the incremental trials required before a commercial vaccine could be rolled out are still a lengthy undertaking – and an essential one to ensure that even rare side-effects are spotted. A commercially available vaccine within a year would be quick.
Claim: ‘If a pandemic is declared, there is nothing more we can do to stop the spread’
A pandemic is defined as worldwide spread of a new disease – but the exact threshold for declaring one is quite vague. In practice, the actions being taken would not change whether or not a pandemic is declared. Containment measures are not simply about eliminating the disease altogether. Delaying the onset of an outbreak or decreasing the peak is crucial in allowing health systems to cope with a sudden influx of patients.


No going back: Bali's Chinese tourists fear virus-hit homeland
In a file photo taken on Jan 27, 2020, Chinese tourists, some wearing face masks, walk after arriving from Nusa Penida at the fast boat pier in Serangan island in Denpasar, Bali. (Photo: AFP/Sonny Tumbelaka)
29 Feb 2020 01:04PM (Updated: 29 Feb 2020 01:10PM)
DENPASAR, Indonesia: Hundreds of Chinese tourists on vacation in Bali are scrambling to avoid going home, fearing both infection from the deadly new coronavirus and Beijing's handling of the epidemic.
Concerns over the rapidly spreading outbreak prompted Indonesia to shut down all flights to and from China this month, hammering the bottom lines of restaurants, hotels, travel agents and interpreters on the popular resort island.

But with more than 2,800 dead from the COVID-19 illness on the Chinese mainland, and entire cities under lockdown, immigration officials in Bali say nearly a thousand Chinese nationals have applied for emergency visa extensions.
"I'm an international refugee," Steve Li, the manager of a European firm in a major mainland city, told AFP at an upscale mall in the island's capital Denpasar.
READ: China reports 47 more COVID-19 deaths
READ: South Korea reports 594 more coronavirus cases, total 2,931

"China is like a big prison, all the cities are locked down," he added.
Li says he does not believe Beijing's assurances that the country is getting the epidemic under control.
While he plans to return to work, Li, who asked not to be identified by his real name, is leaving his wife and two young children behind to wait out the public health crisis.
"I'm managing the company so I can't ask my guys to continue to work while I hide here," he said.
READ: WHO raises global risk of COVID-19 spread to highest level
Around a million Chinese tourists visit Bali each year - the second-largest group of foreign arrivals after Australians - and inject hundreds of millions of dollars into the local economy.
Thousands travelled there from the mainland for last month's Chinese New Year holiday just as the virus outbreak was beginning to snowball, prompting the lockdown of China's Hubei province where the infection was first detected.
Beijing flew home groups of overseas tourists from around Asia last month citing the "practical difficulties" they faced abroad, as fears of the contagion prompted several countries to bar entry to arrivals who had recently been in China.
Only a few dozen Chinese travellers in Bali took up the offer.
"I wasn't surprised," Bali Tourism Agency chief Putu Astawa told AFP.
"They don't want to go back."
Zilong Wang of Beijing said he was postponing his return because he believed his government had underplayed the infection's true toll.
"I'd rather stay in Bali and watch the situation," the 30-year-old told AFP outside an immigration office swamped with anxious Chinese tourists, waiting in line for hours in the hope of extending their stay.
Wang said he was also wary of other Chinese travellers, despite the lack of confirmed virus cases in Indonesia.
"I've been trying to stay inside the hotel," Wang said.
Explore: Real-time interactive map of all the confirmed cases reported around the world

"I am nervous when I meet some other Chinese people especially when they don't wear masks. I'm afraid of getting infected."
Some travellers are preparing back-up plans in case their requests to extend their stays are denied.
Heather Wang, a real estate agent from eastern Zhejiang province, has been in Bali since late January and has no plans to return home - even if she cannot stay on the tropical island.
She is waiting to hear back from the Australian embassy on whether her application for a tourist entry permit has been successful.
"If Australia doesn't approve my visa I think I'll be going to Thailand," the 26-year-old added.


The problem lies with the people. I know honest people in China getting tramped by the selfish. They deserve what they are.

Same like us when we give our leadership a resounding approval ratings, and deserved to be called idiots behind closed doors.
In ah tiong land, its technically impossible to change gahmen unless there is a revolt and civil war. So ah tiongs can only try and change the system from within. Singkieland have erections but the ppl chose to vote PAP. They have the choice but choose not too,,,so its singkies fault the way things are. Singkieland till date have not end up like the mess in mudland etc....so maybe ppl happy with PAP,,if that is the case,,what more can I say? However if ppl vote pap due to BS reasoning,,,than they deserve the gahmen that they get


Alfrescian (Inf)
WHO cannot be trusted this round. Japan horlan this time because they adhered to WHO's advisories.

Almost all of the international organizations have been infiltrated and corrupted by the Chicoms.

Left column: Organization name.
Middle column: Name and appointment.
Right column: When that person was appointed or elected for the job.


Byebye Penis

Leaks over the weekend:
  • Japan has over 3000 cases now but cannot reveal because of Tokyo Olympics.
  • Korean President is speeding up the COVID virus checks. The objective is to maintain the high rates reported for the next 10-14 days and cover most/all members of the sect. By taking the sect members out of the equation in mid March, and limiting COVID checks to those with travel history, they can present a decline to save their politicians' asses.
  • China has many cases in Shanghai but hardly file any cases.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
By the way, if any one you are still holding on to RMB or HKD currencies, better change them to something else quickly. Before they become worthless.

Change to USD, Euro, Aussie or Sinkie dollars.