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Coronavirus is human error ?


Recently, reports and YouTube videos have been circulating on the Internet alleging that the deadly Wuhan coronavirus is a bioweapon ignited by the Chinese government on Chinese people.

Some media reported that the bioweapon was leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is about 32 km away from the pestiferous Huannan Seafood Market, the epicenter of the deadly virus


1st Confirmed Case in China Had No Exposure to Seafood Market
In a recent study entitled “Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China” published on 24 January 2020 in The Lancet by a group of Chinese doctors, the first confirmed case of the 2019-nCoV infection in Wuhan was 1 December 2019. And this patient was not exposed to the Huannan Seafood Market.


Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) Has Strong Expertise in Coronavirus Pathogens
In their website, WIV reported in January 2018 that their biosafety pathogen level 4 (most deadly level) lab is operational The lab is capable of conducting experiments on highly pathogenic microorganisms that can cause fatal diseases. This was China’s first such lab. It is possible that more labs have been built by China thereafter in secrecy.


Chinese Military Involvement in Coronavirus Pathogens
One way to find out how much Chinese military involvement there is in coronavirus work is to understand how much they know about the coronavirus, particularly those coming from bats with SARS-like properties.


Does China Have A Bioweapon Program?
Yes, according to Dr. Dany Shoham, a senior researcher at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, Bar Ilan University, Israel. In his paper, “China’s Biological Warfare Programme: An Integrative Study with Special Reference to Biological Weapons Capabilities” published in the Journal of Defence Studies, Vol. 9, No. 2 April-June 2015, pp. 131-156, he mentioned that it is highly unlikely that China will pass the opportunity not to use biotechnology for military use.


Key Takeaways
In summary, here are a few takeaways from this article:

  1. It is unclear where the 1st contracted case in Wuhan received the virus.
  2. The Wuhan Institute of Virology has amassed substantial information on pathogens, including the bat SARS-like coronavirus.
  3. Chinese military has amassed substantial information on the bat SARS-like coronavirus, having mapped out 50% of all known genome sequences.
  4. Chinese has never stopped pursuing an active bioweapon program.


As the “novel” coronavirus originated in Wuhan is spreading to ten countries, more and more people including international bio-weapon experts are questioning its link to the Wuhan P4 lab located about 20 miles from a seafood market where the first few cases of human infections were found.

A reliable source, one of the Chinese kleptocrats, told Miles Guo today that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will admit to the public of an “accidental” leak of lab-created virus from a P4 lab in Wuhan to put blames on “human errors”. But the official announcement is still being finalized.


Initially, the Chinese communist’s propaganda machines were blaming the virus on wild animals like bats by showing many videos of people eating bats.

In January 2018, a bio-safety level four (BSL-4) laboratory was built in the city of Wuhan, which focuses on the control of emerging diseases and stores purified SARS and other types of viruses. It is supposed to act as a WHO ‘reference laboratory’ linked to similar labs around the world.


The remaining question is whether the Chinese Communist Party leaked the virus on purpose as a desperate attempt to stay in power. There is no final conclusion yet, but the Chinese Communist Party acted suspiciously before, during and after the first case of Wuhan pneumonia:

  • Wang Qishan visited Wuhan secretly during the time of the first “sign” of the deadly virus.
  • The Chinese top kleptocrats like Han Zheng did not respond to any early reports of the mysterious Wuhan pneumonia sent by the government of Hubei province.
  • The Chinese government deliberately covered up and delayed the reporting and containment of the mysterious pneumonia.
  • The Chinese kleptocrat Wang Qishan, the Vice President of China, told his friend confidently that the outbreak would end in February while the epidemic is spreading out of control.
  • The Chinese government deliberately abandon the residents, patients and medical staff at the epicenter without providing food, medical supplies or protective gear.
  • The Chinese top kleptocrats handle the outbreak with a nonchalant attitude. Instead of talking or acting in ways to show concerns, they were celebrating Chinese New Year as if nothing has happened.
  • The Chinese government has not done a lot to reduce the spread of the disease except for sending military forces to prevent people from escaping their cities or villages on lockdown.
  • The Chinese government allows the fear to spread nationally and internationally to create an almost doomsday-like scene.
  • The Chinese government rejected aid, monitoring, donation or assistance from the WHO to keep the epidemic in a black box.



Shi Zhengli has spent a lot of time in smelly caves, poking around in bat droppings. The world may well prove thankful she did.

Shi has hiked into deep mountains across 28 of China’s provinces, finding the dark places where bats live. Then it was zipping on layers of protective clothing, head to toe.

Breathing protection was next and then stepping into the caves to search for the creatures and collect their droppings, many different kinds of bat in all kinds of caves

What she found she brought back to the National Biosafety Laboratory in Wuhan, Hubei province, for analysis. After more than a decade of work, she built one of the world’s largest databases of bat-related viruses.

It was that database that Shi’s team turned to when a new infectious coronavirus caused an outbreak in China at the end of December.

Her team was the first to identify that the coronavirus that was killing people by causing pneumonia was a direct descendant of a wild strain they culled from the droppings of a fruit bat in Yunnan province, sharing 96 per cent of genes.

Her work gave a head start to the scientific research community’s understanding of the origin of the new virus.

Work like this usually gets plaudits and praise, and sure enough Shi moved into the limelight. But for all the wrong reasons.


Shi’s name increased 2,000 times from the average in a recent week, yet most posts on China’s internet and social media about her were negative. Some people called Shi the “mother of the devil”.

The flood of attacks came with allegations that the new coronavirus had escaped from her laboratory, which is in the same city, Wuhan, where the outbreak happened.

As the attacks increased, Shi felt forced to respond. On Sunday afternoon she sent a message to all her friends on the social media site WeChat: “I swear with my life, [the virus] has nothing to do with the lab.”

Shi is one of the scores of scientists joining a global effort to hunt down the virus. In China and many other countries, laboratories are decoding its genes, analysing the molecular structure, and tackling its rapid transmission in the population as it killed hundreds and sickened thousands. The overarching search is for a cure.

For many of those scientists and the public, the coronavirus has drawn comparisons with the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars) in 2002-03. It also killed and sickened people, mostly in mainland China and Hong Kong, and was also linked to a bat virus.

But “the virus is sneakier than Sars”, Chinese virologist Zeng Guang said.


Alfrescian (Inf)

Wuhan P4 virus lab. Built several years ago.

It's just a coincidence that the same lab ramped up its coronavirus research a few years ago. :wink:



Alfrescian (Inf)
View attachment 71219
Shi Zhengli has spent a lot of time in smelly caves, poking around in bat droppings. The world may well prove thankful she did.

Shi has hiked into deep mountains across 28 of China’s provinces, finding the dark places where bats live. Then it was zipping on layers of protective clothing, head to toe.

Breathing protection was next and then stepping into the caves to search for the creatures and collect their droppings, many different kinds of bat in all kinds of caves

What she found she brought back to the National Biosafety Laboratory in Wuhan, Hubei province, for analysis. After more than a decade of work, she built one of the world’s largest databases of bat-related viruses.

It was that database that Shi’s team turned to when a new infectious coronavirus caused an outbreak in China at the end of December.

Her team was the first to identify that the coronavirus that was killing people by causing pneumonia was a direct descendant of a wild strain they culled from the droppings of a fruit bat in Yunnan province, sharing 96 per cent of genes.

Her work gave a head start to the scientific research community’s understanding of the origin of the new virus.

Work like this usually gets plaudits and praise, and sure enough Shi moved into the limelight. But for all the wrong reasons.


SCMP might be based in Hong Kong, but it's a pro-CCP mouthpiece.

Go on, keep blaming bats and other critters for the coronavirus. :rolleyes:


Miles Guo: What does Wang Qishan have to do with Wuhan coronavirus? The West has three things to figure out about this coronavirus


Wuhan seafood market dont sell live bats nor bats soups.

Wuhan seafood market theory made to divert attention away from P4 laboratory.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Human error leaked.

Wang qishan instructed.
Shi zhengli created.

Originally planned bio weapon research went wrong.

If you say leaked, then it must have been due to human error, an 'oops' moment.

Then you see that China now has a perfectly acceptable reason to not carry out the stipulations in the US-China trade agreement signed not too long ago. :wink:

If it's a 'leak' or 'accident', it's one with fantastic timing. :cool:


If you say leaked, then it must have been due to human error, an 'oops' moment.

Then you see that China now has a perfectly acceptable reason to not carry out the stipulations in the US-China trade agreement signed not too long ago. :wink:

If it's a 'leak' or 'accident', it's one with fantastic timing. :cool:
Planned leaked?
More likely is accidental leaked.
Chicom unlikely will play to this far.
This impact crashed their economy and may takes decades to recover.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Chicom unlikely will play to this far.

They have no scruples. Retaining power is far more important than the economy, which if you're honest enough, prospered because they leeched the wealth away from gullible western countries after joining the WTO.

只有你想不到 没有他们做不到


They have no scruples. Retaining power is far more important than the economy, which if you're honest enough, prospered because they leeched the wealth away from gullible western countries after joining the WTO.

只有你想不到 没有他们做不到
Like mao silencing a few hundreds thousand is no big deal.


They have no scruples. Retaining power is far more important than the economy, which if you're honest enough, prospered because they leeched the wealth away from gullible western countries after joining the WTO.

只有你想不到 没有他们做不到
No scruples sums up everything.