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Con Man's cheating fraud methods that got away scott free.


View attachment 15121
Be careful of this bankrupt conman TAN KIANG SAY , aka Don Tan.
IC no. S7322526D
He claim to be a rich multi millionaire businessman of Marriot restaurant, mandarin hotel and many more business and has many PAs to assist his business.
His ploy is to drive his Mercedes SGM3838 to fetch you and he will get the valet to park his car in front of the marriot hotel in orchard road. he wears expensive watches and tell you they are worth 100 over thousands, always bring big notes of 100 and 1000 to purposely show u when paying bills. brings you to marina bay residences swimming pool and recreational room but never to his apartment which he claims to be rented out. The business registered co is under his GF name who he claims to be assistant.
This is all for show you will never be able to get your money back once you invest with his business because it is in his plot to be a bankrupt so that innocent people cannot take action against him even if you report to police or IPTO.
His Latest companies is Nayani Group and Singapore Myanmar capital to lure innocents investors to put in their hard earned money but never to see their money back again...
Your story, his story, the truth!
Posting here of other people stuff doesn't mean you are true, u are more like a "Xiao Ren" to us


View attachment 15121
Be careful of this bankrupt conman TAN KIANG SAY , aka Don Tan.
IC no. S7322526D
He claim to be a rich multi millionaire businessman of Marriot restaurant, mandarin hotel and many more business and has many PAs to assist his business.
His ploy is to drive his Mercedes SGM3838 to fetch you and he will get the valet to park his car in front of the marriot hotel in orchard road. he wears expensive watches and tell you they are worth 100 over thousands, always bring big notes of 100 and 1000 to purposely show u when paying bills. brings you to marina bay residences swimming pool and recreational room but never to his apartment which he claims to be rented out. The business registered co is under his GF name who he claims to be assistant.
This is all for show you will never be able to get your money back once you invest with his business because it is in his plot to be a bankrupt so that innocent people cannot take action against him even if you report to police or IPTO.
His Latest companies is Nayani Group and Singapore Myanmar capital to lure innocents investors to put in their hard earned money but never to see their money back again...
It's your story against his, the truth we don't know, writing here with all these pictures doesn't mean anything, you are a justice judge, and it show your petty heart too


It's your story against his, the truth we don't know, writing here with all these pictures doesn't mean anything, you are a justice judge, and it show your petty heart too
Hi Subok, do you have more details about this story?


Hi Subok, do you have more details about this story?
I don't know about the "accused" but my frd knew the accused, the accused knew about this allegations but he did no "little woman behavior" or retaliate because he believes in karma and time will tell. He is still surviving and gets bigger and better each year. That shows a true character. Doing what the dogdon73 did was a behavior of a loser or auntie. Putting all innocence acquainted to the "accused" tell his character, very doubtful, he is out for the throat, not simple money issues.
Such behavior can be trusted?! Obviously no
Remember all, it's always "your story, his story, the truth!" Thats the natural quote




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My slut daughter ‍♂️


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You never know, maybe Don dies tomorrow. Freak accident. Or maybe now he’s dead already? Hmm. Maybe his daughters die with him? We never know. LOL


Heard the circled guy is his partner in crime.
Two of them look same same

Heard the circled guy is his partner in crime.
Name Sylvester ong zhi hui. Two of them look same same


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Heard the circled guy is his partner in crime.
Two of them look same same

Heard the circled guy is his partner in crime.
Name Sylvester ong zhi hui. Two of them look same same

What you sow you will reap in double! Ends no where!
LOL x 10000000


‼️ATTENTION‼️ Heard that this Nicholas Koh (guy in purple) beside Don Tan Kiang Say (a.k.a. Tan Tian Le) is altogether doing a wholesome scam job. He is the famous author of the book “My Bowl Of Hei Bee Hiang Rice”. Sad to say, did not know he needed to operate and partner up faggot Don Tan and his lowlife daughters to run scams

Nicholas Koh is well-known and prestigious businessman on paper, but what on earth is he operating and partnering with this guy for ? Another scam? Be careful what you see, some people dress up in valuables but are actually bankrupts
