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ckmpd's news clippings - consolidated


Re: Crumbling of Singapore?

From The Temasek Times, 8 May 12:

"The increasingly frequent tirades directed at foreigners and expression of nationalistic sentiments on the internet is a symptom of a wider underlying social problem lurking beneath the surface – the failed integration of thousands of immigrants which we have accepted in recent years and a perception that locals are being neglected in favor of the newcomers.

Singapore has always accepted immigrants from Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong since attaining independence in 1965 and seldom do we hear about Singaporeans complaining about them.

The recent wave of immigration differs from the past as too many foreigners from distant lands and cultures were allowed to enter Singapore within too short a period of time, threatening not only the livelihoods of Singaporeans, but their collective sense of national identity as well which explained the rare solidarity they showed at the ‘currygate’ saga.

The lack of proper channels in both mainstream politics and media for the expression of such grievances, frustrations and angers led them to find their way on the internet where after being suppressed for long, they exploded in the form of rants, witch hunts and lynch mobs targeting foreigners perceived to have taken advantage of the system at the expense of locals."


Re: Crumbling of Singapore?

From The Temasek Times, 8 May 2012:

"The government needs to understand the root cause of public unhappiness and address the grievances acutely felt by Singaporeans instead of dismissing their complaints immediately as ‘xenophobic’ rants as one Choa Chu Kang MP did recently.

Unlike other developed countries, Singapore does not have a social ‘valve’ for citizens to express their displeasure at the government publicly which resulted in such sentiments being suppressed and snowballed with time.

All Singaporeans want is for their voices to be heard, acknowledged and aired. It is not only counter-productive to portray such legitimate concerns as being ‘xenophobic’, but dangerous as well for it will breed a more radical form of right-wing extremism in the long run if the boiling anger is allowed to build up.

It is time the relevant authorities realize that integration has failed and concrete steps must be taken to rectify the already volatile situation on the ground before it becomes too late."


Re: Crumbling of Singapore?

From Lim said:

"What is said about the derogatory name calling those FTs and PRs heaped on singapore citizens? To call online comments xenophobic is clearing missing the root cause. We are opening the door to uncouth and unsavory bunch. Are we so desperate that any tom dick or harry can walk in to enjoy what citizens have paid for with their hardwork, sweat and tax dollars."


Re: Crumbling of Singapore?

From P N Balji:

"there is a crying need for a public debate on whether the policy of letting transport be run by public-listed companies is still the right way. The mess that SMRT found itself in with last year's disruptions can be traced back to this policy.

Saw Phaik Hwa was recruited to run trains, buses and taxis with essentially one KPI: Bring in more revenue by squeezing more money out of the retail space in MRT stations. She did an admirable job with retail revenue making up more than 40 per cent of total income.

But she forget that her organisation was also a public transport operator. Worse, her board and the regulator didn't remind Saw that she had the dual role of making money and providing an efficient, reliable and comfortable transport service."


Re: Crumbling of Singapore?

From PN Balji:

"Healthcare cost is another ideological issue that needs to be taken off the policy holders' shelves, dusted and given a close and critical look. Just today, there is a letter in The Straits Times which tells the tale of an elderly patient who has to pay $1,200 for 90 tablets of a drug that he has to take for his postrate cancer. But generic versions of the drug are available at $160 for 100 tablets in accredited on-line pharmacies, the letter writer says."


Re: Crumbling of Singapore?

From PN Balji:

"Governing Singapore is getting tougher by the day. The good times of high economic growth are not likely to last. Social pressures that come with a growing income divide, an ageing population and a free and easy online world all make the future a difficult one.

With such dark clouds forming in the horizon, ideological traps are the last thing the government wants to be caught in."


Re: Crumbling of Singapore?

From Kristen Han:

"A tiny country with shining skyscrapers. An Asian tiger, an economic miracle. When most people think of Singapore, that’s what comes to mind. But underneath all that sparkle lies a widening gap between Singapore’s rich and poor.

Over the years income inequality has been on the rise, and the country’s reliance on cheap foreign labour has persisted. As the cost of living skyrockets, Singapore’s residents are beginning to really feel the strain, and many are of the opinion that whatever the government is doing is simply not enough."


Re: Crumbling of Singapore?

From Anonymous:

"The number of Singaporeans grew by 16%.
The number of PRs grew by 91%,
The number of foreigners grew by 58%.
The workforce grew by 34%,
That is for 2001 - 2011. "


Re: Crumbling of Singapore?

From Alan Wong:

"Frankly LKY or PAP may be digging their own graves sooner if they are not careful with importing new immigrants en masse. How many filthy rich corrupt PRC, Indian or Filipino citizens can they attract ?

In time the new citizens will also find Singapore a living hell when housing & cars become out of reach even for those mid-income earners. The trend of voting for the opposition is already happening in Middle East, Europe, Japan, Taiwan and even Myanmmar etc.

Sooner or later this will happen to Singapore as voters will simply vote for the opposition to vent their frustration.

Please continue to be arrogant, LKY & son."


Re: Crumbling of Singapore?

From MRT like PAP:

"The MRT is very much like the PAP. Both are old and have started to breakdown due to, inter-alia, poor maintenance. Maintenance requires frequent and thorough checks to find out which part(s) are worn out and needs replacing.

The PAP too is very old. Frequent “breakdowns” can be seen. These include:

(1) Acute and rampant shortages in public housing, public transport, healthcare in Government hospitals, education and elderly care.

(2) High cost of living, public housing, education and healthcare.

(3) Shortage of job for Singaporeans as they are replaced by cheaper foreign workers.

(4) Depressed wages.

(5) Low productivity of the Singapore economy.

In some ways Singaporeans are to blamed for these “breakdowns”. Not enough “maintenance” (i.e., not enough close scrutiny of Government policies and decisions) due to lack of Opposition in Parliament. Many “parts” (PAP politicians and their assumptions, policies and decision are either obsolete or ineffective) and needs to be scrapped, fixed or overhauled. The “cost of maintaining” PAP has also skyrocketed with million $ salaries to PAP office holders.

Singapore get their chance in GE2016 to “fix” unreliable, ineffective, inefficient and expensive PAP. The fix is simple: put more Opposition MPs in Parliament. They will fix the PAP."


Re: Crumbling of Singapore?

From Identify the Cause:

"The only way to avoid further breakdowns is to find the root cause of these breakdowns. And this is OVERCROWDING, OVER-LOADING the system. If we do not understand this, we will never solve the problem. Adding more trains? Cabins may become less crowded, but more trains also means more loads on the tracks, more claws falling off….which will also lead to more breakdowns…."


Re: Crumbling of Singapore?

From World Class Transport:

"There was once Singaporeans were told Singapore has world class transport and therefore Singaporeans need to pay a premium. We Singaporeans agreed and paid the premium. Now we know it is a lie.

MIW told Singaporeans they are the best and therefore command a world class salary. 60.1% of the Singaporeans agreed and paid the premium. Soon these 60.1% of Singaporeans will realise the truth just like they found out that Singapore transport system is never world class."


Re: Crumbling of Singapore?

From Not Rocket Science:

"If an infrastructure system with basic variables could not be disgnosed for the causes of failure, one cannot help to imagine their how on earth these ‘ brains’ could ever be appointed to govern its well being.

Remember that this systemic failures of intermittent stoppages had been happening for over five long months now and SMRT has not been able to troubleshoot its causes. Its totally unacceptable for the paying commuters not knowing if they are to reach their destination ontime. How long can this be when the best brains are on board?

One way to appease commuters is to refund the trip charge immediately if it happens again. This way, its Management and Board knowing the financial loss of profits will be forced to solve it quickly. Otherwise dragging its feet on such an important service is total irresponsibility "


Re: Crumbling of Singapore?

Matt Miller, Washington Post:

"it’s clear that public discontent has opened a new chapter in Singapore’s development that deserves the world’s attention. "


Re: Crumbling of Singapore?

Matt Miller, Whasington Post:

"Public frustration in Singapore today has a number of causes. For starters, for all its growth, Singapore has become one of the world’s most unequal societies. While its per capita income is among the world’s highest, per capita consumption and wages as a share of gross domestic product — both better reflections of the ordinary citizen’s lot — rank much lower"


Re: Crumbling of Singapore?

Matt Miller, Washington Post:

"Even Singapore’s ambassador-at-large, Tommy Koh, a soft-spoken senior statesman with whom I spent an hour recently, calls Singapore’s widening gap between the rich and the poor “socially unconscionable.”


Re: Crumbling of Singapore?

Matt Miller, Washington Post:

"Compounding the problem is growing frustration that the government, long fabled for its competence, can’t seem to make the trains run on time anymore. Literally. The shiny subway system has seen an unusual number of breakdowns and delays in the last year, likely driven by the surge in population and usage — but also, critics claim, because the system was privatized and milked for profit at the expense of maintenance"


Re: Crumbling of Singapore?

Matt Miller, Washington Post:

"A series of floods in shopping and residential areas have likewise exposed inadequate planning"


Re: Crumbling of Singapore?

Matt Miller:

"Then there’s the soaring cost of living. Housing prices have increased beyond the reach of many young couples. The price of so-called “certificates of entitlement,” used to ration the numbers of cars on the road and thus keep traffic manageable, has risen at times to the point where, all-in, a compact Chevrolet can cost more than US$60,000"


Re: Crumbling of Singapore?

Matt Miller:

"In Singapore these days, sentiment has soured: With foreigners taking our jobs, the subways jammed, the streets flooded and costs on the rise, who do these guys think they are — paying themselves a million dollars or more a year!"