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China's live firing exercise encircles entire Taiwan!



This appears to be the 1995–1996 Taiwan Strait Crisis on steroids because current declared exercise areas include portions of both Taiwanese sovereign territorial and its internal waters, and "would qualify for the UN definition of state aggression".

Videos and more at https://shrtcô.de/fBkJLY


Super Moderator
View attachment 154748
This appears to be the 1995–1996 Taiwan Strait Crisis on steroids because current declared exercise areas include portions of both Taiwanese sovereign territorial and its internal waters, and "would qualify for the UN definition of state aggression".

Videos and more at https://shrtcô.de/fBkJLY
Is this really the best 11 can come up with?


Alfrescian (Inf)
ccp truly xia xuay cowards. waited for pelosi to leave then conducted live firing around tw. why didn’t they give her a 69-gun salute when she arrived and stayed around for a day and half? if ccp forces encircled tw when pelosi was there i would at least give them a little credit for having some balls. truly fucked up.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Fucking useless CCPee only dare to harass Taiwan when the old witch has left Taiwan. Fucking sissy commie dogs.
Don't wonder they got nicknamed 纸老虎..... :laugh:


what a public relations screw up!
at least conduct the exercise when old big tits is still in taiwan OR wait for few weeks then conduct,
now become laughing stock of the world


Alfrescian (Inf)
The island is under siege.
This military drill will make Taiwan rethink its military logistics.
tw should be observing how prc voluntarily plays its hands and finding holes and weaknesses. like a poker game, the player with most chips who move first over-confidently with pocket rockets (no pun intended) by being a brag can lose a chunk of his chips if he reveals to his opponents flaws and weaknesses.


Alfrescian (Inf)
China is essentially just North Korea with a little bit of extra money scammed from the world since joining the WTO. That's all.

I hope this is no longer in doubt. :cool:


Old Fart
Fuck the CCP lah. Want to attack Taiwan, then attack lah! What's this nonsense with live firing exercises and encircling the island?! Balls-less yellow belly fuckers.


tiongkok totally lost face

after howling nonstop for days threatening to take action, they did nothing.


now tiongs want to flex their muscles against teeny tiny taiwanese chinks who are outnumbered by tiongs 50 to 1 (23 million to 1.4 billion)

- they are members of same slanty inferior chink race
- outnumbered by tiongs 50 to 1
- diplomatically isolated
- only a hundred or two km away

against a 4x smaller country that sent politician from 10000 km away, tiongs were totally helpless and meekly condemned the move despite all this bragging and boasting.

lesson to be learnt:

tiongkok is tough against the weak
and meek against the strong

same is case with russkies
it attacked ukraine which has been used and abused as a proxy by yanks for many years now but got no balls to attack nato members, and still performing quite poorly for many months now

and same is case with yankees
it attacked muslims, who globally come from low IQ races (not a single race or ethnic group of ppl that is majority Muslim score at least as much as an average ang moh kia from western europe, forget abt competing with east asian slanties on average IQ, although it is also true slanties are copycats and inferior races unable to be inventive, that's due to their inferior genes), the same Muslims after suffering for so many years around the world in so many ways still can not build nuclear weapons and ICBM under one command, i.e. gain nuclear deterrence, not just talk about it.

it's got nothing to do with bs like money economy or gdp or other nonsense.

what is norkies gdp? economy? forex reserves?
they dont matter.
even teeny tiny norkies got nukes an ICBM, so if Iraq Afghanistan Syria Libya Yemen Palestine etc etc all got nukes and ICBM what would have happened?

would Iran Iraq Afghanistan Syria etc be so easily sanctioned and isolated if they got a massive population of 1 billion each?

answer is quite obviously no.

dont give me BS such as increasing population would lower living standards.

are Iranians Iraqis syrians yemenis or afghans as rich as yankees or japs or gayropeans in last 50 years? no


Iranian women sell their bodies in Dubai across the gulf for money obviously, how is that a sign of great economic performance?

at least with 1 billion people or even more (such as 2, 3, 5, 7 or 8 billion ppl), Iran would have been faaaaaaar more powerful (ditto for other small weak powerless teeny tiny countries in their neighbourhoods), Iran could simply not have been sanctioned embargoed and isolated.

geostrategically a huge population would mean you would have a massive reserve of talents to choose from for just about any task, a massive market, a massive work force, and a massive number of reserachers and scientists, engineerins, troops, massive number of factories, different types of industries, massive number of talent that are world's best rather than mediocre top 4, top 8, top 16, top 30 or top 50 that we frequently find in medicore teeny tiny countries in that neighbourhood in such countries as iran turkey egypt pakistan etc where 80-100 million ppl is considered huuuuuuuge.

it's a pathetic, sick joke. really.

can't believe globally there is such a dire lack of talent.

it's now descended to that pathetic lowly level where leading powers are those that become

tough against the weak, and
meek against the strong


embarassing really

there's dire lack of talent all across

just mediocrity abounds


at the end of the day, tiongs xiaxuay to the max

got no balls to arrest yankees, at least, if not shoot them down

but want to flex muscules at teeny tiny fellow slanties which are also members of same inferior chink slanty race.