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China: 李显龙 not our friend nor ally... MAGA!




10月07日 16:38 关注确定不再关注此人吗

[编译/观察者网 童黎]

“李显龙:如果必须在中美之间做出选择,亚洲国家将非常不高兴” 报道截图
据新加坡《海峡时报》10月7日报道,上月到美国进行工作访问期间,李显龙接受了美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)《全球公共广场》主持人扎卡瑞亚(Fareed Zakaria)专访,并与美国总统特朗普进行了会晤。




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Sina military

Lee Hsien Loong is not willing to stand up: Asian allies regard China as the largest trading partner

Observer network

October 07 16:38 Follow

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[Compile / Observer Network Tong Li]

After reminding the United States that it must accommodate a more powerful and powerful China, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong also pointed out in an interview with the US media that the US allies in Asia regard China as the biggest trading partner and if they are forced to choose between China and the United States. By standing side by side, the Asian countries will be very upset. "We all rely on stable Sino-US relations."

"Li Xianlong: If you have to choose between China and the United States, Asian countries will be very upset."

According to Singapore’s Straits Times report on October 7, during a working visit to the United States last month, Lee Hsien Loong accepted an interview with Fareed Zakaria, the host of CNN’s Global Public Square. He met with US President Trump.

In an interview broadcast on October 6, Lee Hsien Loong pointed out that Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Australia, New Zealand and Thailand, the United States' allies in the region, regard China as the biggest trading partner: "If you let them do Make a choice and say 'so I have to cut off contact with my biggest trading partner', I think you will put them in a very difficult situation."

“Our Singapore is not an ally, but a close partner of the United States, but we have the most trade links with China, more than the United States,” he added.

Video screenshot

China has actively promoted cooperation with neighboring countries in recent years, and the United States has earlier withdrawn from the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP), which includes 12 Asia-Pacific countries. When asked if he was worried about Trump’s "the United States is withdrawing from Asia and giving way to China," Lee Hsien Loong said he did not believe that the United States was withdrawing.

He said, "The United States is making very and very active contacts with China. The current negotiations may not be very pleasant, but the United States has not withdrawn from the region."

Lee Hsien Loong hopes that the United States will not only actively engage with China, but also actively engage with other Asian countries. In a cooperative and constructive manner, these countries will establish economic ties with China and establish links with the United States in the economic field.

He also issued a warning: "If Sino-US relations are unstable and unfriendly, it is very difficult for us all to do this. We will face tremendous pressure from the 'selection side station,' which will be a very painful choice."

Lee Hsien Loong further emphasized the importance of Sino-US relations: "We all rely on stable Sino-US relations, increasingly close Sino-US economic cooperation, investment, trade, and the flow of talent and ideas."

“And now the benign trend is being interrupted and may even be reversed. This is a bad thing for the world.”

It is worth noting that Lee Hsien Loong has repeatedly called on countries to recognize that China will continue to grow and develop.

On August 18th, he published the 2019 National Day mass speech in Malay, Chinese and English. In his Chinese speech, he once again stated that Sino-US economic and trade frictions have once again indicated that the United States must accommodate a more powerful and powerful China and prevent China from rising.

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LHL has his father wisdom. He will hv to choose his words wisely when come to choice....

He can learn to act blur like a typical nsf Sinkie...


Alfrescian (Inf)
Ah Lee is by nature timid and tentative at the world stage but a lion at home esp towards the weak opposition. Of course he will just sit on the fence in order not to offend anyone.:rolleyes:


当着特朗普的面 新加坡总理在中美间做了关键决断

2019年10月09日 07:42 长安街知事







关键字 : 特朗普李显龙中国中美新加坡


In the face of Trump, the Singaporean Prime Minister made a key decision between China and the United States.
October 09, 2019 07:42 Governor of Chang'an Avenue

Original title: In the face of Trump, the Prime Minister of the neighbors made a key decision between China and the United States.

"If you are forced to ‘select a side station’ between China and the United States, the Asian countries will be very upset!”

According to Singapore’s Straits Times on the 7th, during the visit to the United States last month, Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said in an interview with the US media.

Governor Chang'an Street noticed how to choose between China and the United States. Since May this year, Lee Hsien Loong has given a firm answer at least four times. That is, the United States must accept the reality. Small countries do not want to be forced to choose between China and the United States. Stand by.

Video screenshot

Not an ally of China

Lee Hsien Loong made the above statement during his visit to the United States. In the face of President Trump’s face, he even showed his attitude, even the attitude of Asian countries, and the signals released were extraordinary.

In an exclusive interview with CNN, Lee Hsien Loong said, "We all rely on stable Sino-US relations." If the benign relationship between China and the United States is destroyed, it will be detrimental to the whole world.

Report screenshot

In an interview broadcast on the 6th, Lee Hsien Loong pointed out that Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Australia, New Zealand and Thailand and other US allies in the region have regarded China as the largest trading partner.

Lee Hsien Loong said, "If you let them make choices and say 'so I have to cut off contact with my biggest trading partner,' I think you will put them in a very difficult situation."

Lee Hsien Loong also emphasized that Singapore is not an ally of the United States, but an intimate partner of the United States. "But we have the most trade links with China, more than the United States."
Video screenshot video screenshot

The governor noticed that in the interview, Lee Hsien Loong also elaborated on a fact.

The United States has previously withdrawn from the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP), which includes 12 Asia-Pacific countries. When asked if he would express his concern to Trump that "the United States is withdrawing from Asia and giving way to China," Lee Hsien Loong said with certainty that he did not believe that the United States was withdrawing.

Lee Hsien Loong believes that "if Sino-US relations are unstable and unfriendly, it will be difficult for us all to do this. We will face tremendous pressure from the 'selection side station,' which will be a very painful choice."

China's development has changed the world

The Governor noted that since May this year, Lee Hsien Loong has repeatedly called on countries to recognize that China will continue to grow and develop on different occasions.

On May 31, the 18th Shangri-La Dialogue was held in Singapore. Lee Hsien Loong made a keynote speech at the meeting. He reminded the United States that China's expectations should be incorporated into the current rules system.

According to the report of the South China Morning Post, Lee Hsien Loong valued China's role. In his speech, he said that China's development has changed the world's strategic balance and economic center of gravity, and this change is still going on.

Lee Hsien Loong stressed that China must realize that it is in a completely new situation of its own success. China can no longer expect other countries to treat themselves in the same way that they used to be weak.

Lee Hsien Loong and Trump

At that time, Lee Hsien Loong also elaborated on a fact.

Lee Hsien Loong said bluntly that the United States is the most important power and the adjustment is the most difficult. But no matter how difficult, the United States is worth building a new understanding.

How to choose between China and the United States? Lee Hsien Loong said that the small country does not want to be forced to choose a side station when the relationship between the United States and China is becoming tense. It is hoped that the two big powers will not exert pressure on small countries.

At that time, in response to the question raised by the Chinese People's Liberation Army General He Lei on how Singapore would avoid making choices between powers, Lee Hsien Loong said that Singapore would try its best to "become a friend of both sides."

However, Lee Hsien Loong admitted that he was forced to choose the side station. "This makes it difficult for small countries."

Impossible to hinder China

Less than three months later, on August 18, Lee Hsien Loong delivered the 2019 National Day mass speech in Malay, Chinese and English.

In the Chinese speech, he once again said that the United States must accommodate a more powerful and powerful China, and it is impossible or ill to hinder China's development.

The Governor noted that Li Xianlong specifically mentioned the achievements of China's reform and opening up in his speech.

He pointed out that China has developed rapidly since the reform and opening up and has been promoted to the second largest economy in the world. China's take-off has great benefits for China itself and the world at the same time, and at the same time it has created a new international pattern.

Under such circumstances, Lee Hsien Loong believes that "everyone does not want to choose between China and the United States, and Singapore is no exception."

Lee Hsien Loong at the UN General Assembly

During the UN General Assembly last month, Lee Hsien Loong reminded the United States again.

In an interview with The Washington Post, he once again reminded the United States that all American allies and partners "are closely connected with China" and forcing them to "decouple" from Beijing would be a "very challenging strategic position."
Keywords : Trump Lee Hsien Loong China-US Singapore
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