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Newscaster’s fan has 2,000 photos of her

Shin Min Daily News

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<cite style="display: block; font-style: normal; font-size: 10px; margin-top: 4px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 4px; margin-left: 0px; ">Mr Han Li Hui, 80, is the self-proclaimed number one fan of news presenter Tung Soo Hua.</cite>

An elderly man has come forward to proclaim himself as the number one fan of Channel 8 news presenter Tung Soo Hua.

Self-employed Han Li Hui is a photography enthusiast who enjoys taking photos of television images.

About four years ago, the 80-year-old took notice of newscaster Tung Soo Hua, better known as Dong Su Hua.

Mr Han admired Ms Tung’s friendly attitude and felt that she stood out with her looks.

He began snapping her appearances on TV and has since collected more than 2,000 photos of her.

To take her photos, he would chase Ms Tung on the daily evening news and current affairs programme Money Week.

To get better quality photos of his idol, Mr Han even switched to a flat screen LED television set.

In the last four years, he has sent some of these photos to Ms Tung five times, signing off only as “Classmate Li Fei” and leaving his contact number.

However, he has never thought to meet Ms Tung personally and is content to support her quietly.

In the recent Star Awards, Mr Han rooted for her but did not manage to vote for his idol. The reason? He could not make out the numbers on his TV screen due to his poor eyesight.

However, even without help from her most fervent supporter, Ms Tung still managed to clinch the award for Best Current Affairs Presenter.

Source: Shin Min Daily News, 30 April 2012



