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Characteristics of a pathetic low life sinkie loser


Pathetic loser is those that buy weekend car. Some even buy brands like proton and kancil. After buying will 'zeng' until they think its very sporty. WTF. No $ buy real car :rolleyes:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Pathetic loser is those that buy weekend car. Some even buy brands like proton and kancil. After buying will 'zeng' until they think its very sporty. WTF. No $ buy real car :rolleyes:

Saw one pathetic low life sinkie loser you mentioned she drove he weekend car during peak hour within carparks in hdb premises to buy 4d, kena summon by a on the ball tp, she kpkb scream to the tp. Passerbys all shaking their head. :*:


Alfrescian (Inf)
weekend car owners are losers? i think still ok lah as i know another group of vehicle owners even worse.

ride CB400 with a fat minah at the back. go petrol station pump petrol no money pay so ask the fat minah to pay. When fat minah taking $$ from atm to pay the petrol, the bikee stay right beside to see his prey got money or not and will sweet talk the fat minah into withdrawing more to "lend" to him. knn parasite...


Alfrescian (Inf)
weekend car owners are losers? i think still ok lah as i know another group of vehicle owners even worse.

ride CB400 with a fat minah at the back. go petrol station pump petrol no money pay so ask the fat minah to pay. When fat minah taking $$ from atm to pay the petrol, the bikee stay right beside to see his prey got money or not and will sweet talk the fat minah into withdrawing more to "lend" to him. knn parasite...

Also saw one parasite you mentioned he was at 4d outlet, queue was long (majority by low life sinkie losers), he rudely ask 1 sinkie punter to buy 4d or soccer for him,. punter rejected, he proceeded to ask another who reluctantly agreed. Few secs later he made eye to eye contact with the initial punter, and wanted to pickup a fight. The punter was scared by his violent behaviour and quickly left the queue. I am pretty sure he is a ex convict.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I personally know a few around me but I dare not tell them this. Do you fall into any of this category ?

1) earn < $3k per month and refuse to give up the luxury of owning a car. In order to feed the car, cut wifey allowance, and ask children to work during their school holidays.
Zero holiday plan for family. Weekend drive family to visit relative, pretending to be a high income earner to relative. Other than relative place, only place visited are places with free parking.

2) earn < $3k per month and doing sales job. Wear nice office wear , coupled with a average car. After work go partying with colleagues, pickup girls and pretend to be high income earner. Borrow money to date the girls, buying them gifts. kangtao peek char as time passed when girl discovered their pocket is empty all the while.

3) earn about $3k per month and wifey doing pt jobs, have 1 or 2 children and insist to stay in hdb 5 room flat. Cpf insufficient to pay monthly instalment, hence monthly cash top up is expected.Insist to drive a car despite cash tight. Once into any unexpected occasions e.g. friends wedding, pretend to be busy or sick to avoid giving ang pow.Borrow money from friend or colleague when necessity house electrical items spolit for emergency replacement.

You take a minority and generalize it as typical sinkee behaviour.

The problems we have is of the PAP's doing.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Also saw one parasite you mentioned he was at 4d outlet, queue was long (majority by low life sinkie losers), he rudely ask 1 sinkie punter to buy 4d or soccer for him,. punter rejected, he proceeded to ask another who reluctantly agreed. Few secs later he made eye to eye contact with the initial punter, and wanted to pickup a fight. The punter was scared by his violent behaviour and quickly left the queue. I am pretty sure he is a ex convict.

I really need to ask. Is the fucker that did this chinese or m&d or shit skin?


Alfrescian (Inf)
You take a minority and generalize it as typical sinkee behaviour.

The problems we have is of the PAP's doing.

absolutely not minority. It is becos of this typical low life sinkie losers that is the main reason for pappy still ruling till now.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
absolutely not minority. It is becos of this typical low life sinkie losers that is the main reason for pappy still ruling till now.

Exactly...well said...If everyone is unsinkified and behave in a proper humanly manner, they will despised those low life pappy shit behaviour..

If people are sinkiely selfish and wanted benefit for himself in the expense of the whole country and people, in other words, dishonour and no integrity, they will vote for such a low life shit govt.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Also saw one parasite you mentioned he was at 4d outlet, queue was long (majority by low life sinkie losers), he rudely ask 1 sinkie punter to buy 4d or soccer for him,. punter rejected, he proceeded to ask another who reluctantly agreed. Few secs later he made eye to eye contact with the initial punter, and wanted to pickup a fight. The punter was scared by his violent behaviour and quickly left the queue. I am pretty sure he is a ex convict.

what a ball-less sinkie!!!


Alfrescian (Inf)
lol refer to sleaguepunter post - hints .a rider with pillon

ROFL the one that asked the minah to pay, that post by sleague.

I really have to add this in. Somehow if they are from that or that race as long as not chinese somehow other cina will "give more face" It's this fucked up mentality that i don't know why occurs.