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CCB FAPee Dogs Up Bus/MRT Fare!


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By Lin Jiamei | Posted: 20 April 2010 1231 hrs
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</TD><TD class=bodytext vAlign=top width="60%" align=left>Public transport fares to go down by 2.5% from Jul 3</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top background=images/dotline_240.gif align=left>
SINGAPORE : Bus and train fares will be reduced by 2.5 per cent from July 3 when the Public Transport Council (PTC) introduces a new distance-based fare system.

But not all commuters will end up with savings.

Currently, if you transfer when you travel by bus or train, you end up paying what is called a transfer penalty - that is a second boarding charge.

This has been gradually removed over the last two years through rebates.

Come July, this penalty will be completely removed with the introduction of a full distance-based fare system.

"The change means this - the consumers will have to decide on their priority between distance and speed. Depending on the decision, you can save money or you can end up paying a little bit more, but for the benefit of faster travelling time," said Gerard Ee, chairman of PTC.

A distance-based fare means you pay according to the distance you travel, regardless of the number of transfers you make between buses, or between buses and trains.

This new system will benefit people who have to make such frequent transfers. But for people who choose to go by a slightly longer route, they may actually end up paying more.

Take for example a trip from Thomson Plaza to Collyer Quay.

If you were to take the direct bus service number 162, you would travel 11.8 kilometres and the fare would be $1.33.

With the distance-based system, you could choose a shorter route with one transfer via the MRT.

The distance would come up to 11.2 kilometres and it would be four cents cheaper.

With the change, the PTC expects two in three commuters to pay less or see no change to how much they spend on public transport.

The savings - an average of 48 cents a week.

But the remaining one third of commuters will end up paying some 31 cents more per week.

"One obvious reason is that this group of commuters hardly make any transfers or no transfers at all, so they have not benefited from the removal of transfer penalty," said Ee.

Commuters may also end up paying more if they make short trips, as the starting fare for both buses and trains will go up under the new calculation.

On buses, they will go up 2 cents to 71 cents, and increase 3 cents to either 71 cents or 76 cents on trains.

Senior citizens and students will continue to enjoy concessionary travel.

Their fares will be capped at 7.2 kilometres.

When the changes kick in, seven in ten enjoying concessionary travel will see savings.

Meanwhile, SMRT has said it supports the implementation of distance-based fares.

Its chief operating officer Yeo Meng Hin said it will provide commuters with the convenience of different travel modes and encourage commuters to use the public transport system.

In spite of the fare reduction, SMRT said it is committed to further assist commuters who require financial assistance through its various programmes.

Overall, the PTC said the fare adjustment will cost the operators some S$32 million annually.

- CNA/il/ls
