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Catholic Church Against Euthanasia! Operation Coldstore Next?


Alfrescian (Inf)
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR>Nov 2, 2008
</TR><!-- headline one : start --><TR>No to euthanasia <!--10 min-->
</TR><!-- headline one : end --><!-- Author --><TR><TD class="padlrt8 georgia11 darkgrey bold" colSpan=2>By Lim Wei Chean
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In his letter, the archbishop said: 'I am writing to categorically state that the Catholic Church condemns direct euthanasia whether given voluntary or involuntary.' -- DESMOND FOO/THE STRAITS TIMES

<!-- START OF : div id="storytext"-->A SPECIAL message by the Archbishop Nicholas Chia was read out in all the 30 over Catholic churches on Sunday.
In his letter, Archbishop Chia came out publicly to condemn the practice of euthanasia or mercy killing.
This has been a hot topic making waves in local media recently with discussions of changes made to the Advanced Medical Directive or living will, which has been seen by some as condoning the act of euthanasia.
In his letter, the archbishop said: 'I am writing to categorically state that the Catholic Church condemns direct euthanasia whether given voluntary or involuntary.'
He added: 'Choosing to end one's life is suicide and the formal cooperation with the suicide of others is 'assisted suicides'.'
Such are 'immoral' acts he said. Furthermore, he said that under no circumstances can the taking of one's life be condoned.
For those who ask for assisted death, he said more care, comfort and friendship needs to be given. He also called upon health-care professionals not to 'even contemplate the option'. They just 'reject' it as following codes laid down by the Hippocratic Oath and the Geneva Declaration.


blah blah blah. Confucious said better to die with dignity than to live with shame. Nicholas Chia how come dun cite chinese philosophers?