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Businessman jailed for hurting men in queue

Vlad Tepes

Someone has a voyeurism fetish. Tee hee hee

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Vlad Tepes


Dude, if I can easily track down your former victims. Imagine, how I can easily whistleblow you for cooking the books. Fancy, assaulting 2 50yrs old men. Fracturing one's orbital bone and other's rib. What kind of man are you? Also, ffs you 3 little stooge swines please lose the effing weight. The sight of all your subcutaneous fat is giving me permanent pink eye.

Btw, an uneducated neurotic cunt with money is just another uneducated neurotic cunt with money. Nothing more. No wonder your business is failing coz you're just filth surrounded by other filth. Don't ever reply to this thread again or I'II just post more of your filth and you can do nothing about it.