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Budwig Diet- Meals that are anti-cancer, anti-diabetic...


Alfrescian (Inf)
Quit true actually & I'm trying to rectify past sins I've made in the past, eating junk food. For those who think I'm overreacting i.e. being a hyperchoncriac, don't forget that I have survived a heart attack:eek:

That's understandable why you were so health/diet conscious. Your entry to heaven/hades were once denied.
Take no offence and allow me to say: Go easy on your consciousness.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Cancer is a complex problem & I'm not claiming to be an expert & just sharing a protocol which I have found beneficial. I've added it to my breakfast menu but still doing other stuff e.g. supplementation, watching my diet. etc. By the way the Budwig protocol includes exercise, sun bathing, relaxation, drinking filtered water, eating steamed veggies,.. All got lost in the attacks

I use the word protocol because it's a systemic approach. One is suppose to follow the protocol for at least 5 years. An important part of the protocol is to avoid hydrogenated, transfats, preservatives, sugars, etc Personally I think people like Oprah has been irresponsible for advocating crash diets rather than a healthy attitude.

I think the word cancer is a catch phrase for "ALL" the diseases the doctor can't cure. I notice that you didn't include foods to avoid e.g. hydrogenated, transfats, preservatives, sugars, chlorine.. These are very damaging & are suspected of causing many problem like type II diabetes, heart problems, etc Even the oils that you find in the supermarket have been engineered for longer shelf life & not health.

When I visit the Supermarket I always read the food labels & I find that I can't eat the majority of the foods because I know they are unhealthy :(
Steve Jobs may have been a vegan but he still had to face the pollution in the air, water, insecticides in the vegetables, man made chemicals in paints, carpets, furniture, ..... I doubt going on a permanent diet will help because it's the environment in Spore. The fact that our LHL has cancer scares me because it means that even the privileged are vulnerable:eek:

it is always good to develop habits that keeps you healthy. and there is nothing wrong with that. I am saying this in case some egoistic sinkie who like to show the world that whatever he says is right and expect people to bow to it, comes in again to bullshit.


I am diabetic for already a year and so far no medication needed. Have the other two chronic diseases - hypertension and chrolestrol. Since then, I drink almost daily: bittergourd tea, Sugar care tea mix, pumpkin homemade drink, and brown rice with mostly vegetables and daily Triple-strength Omega fish oil 1,250g.

As the result, one of my chrolestrol medicine was taken off, my hypetension pill halved dosage and no medication for my diabetes as the range is from 5.0-6.5. So far so good :smile:
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Alfrescian (Inf)
wonder if Steve Jobs tried the budwig diet? if he does and got cured, another great contribution to mankind!

I read that he flew to Switzerland to receive alternate treatment.

While in Spore I'm just sharing with others the existence of the Budwig Protocol. There are alot of different diets out there but this one is easy to do. If you consider the cost benefit analysis, it's just cottage cheese & flax oil. Even a skeptic will admit that it's cheap & healthy diet.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I am diabetic for already a year and so far no medication needed. Have the other two chronic diseases - hypertension and chrolestrol. Since then, I drink almost daily: bittergourd tea, Sugar care tea mix, pumpkin homemade drink, and brown rice with mostly vegetables and daily Triple-strength Omega fish oil 1,250g.

As the result, one of my chrolestrol medicine was taken off, my hypetension pill halved dosage and no medication for my diabetes as the range is from 5.0-6.5. So far so good :smile:

If your looking for bitter gourd, Mustaffa's price on Himalaya branded products are cheaper than Guardian or Watson. I think because they import directly from India but it's still a Himalaya branded product
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Alfrescian (Inf)
That's understandable why you were so health/diet conscious. Your entry to heaven/hades were once denied.
Take no offence and allow me to say: Go easy on your consciousness.

When the time comes for me to meet my maker, I hope I don't have to share the same neighbourhood as the old leaf:biggrin:

That's because I'll know that I've been judged to have done bad things :wink:


Alfrescian (Inf)
With doctor's check can help to treat what you have already got, but doesn't guarantee that you won't die from what you already have; for your dots have already being connected & it is now heading to the last big dot.

If you want guaranteed results must talk to God, but keep away from the demi gods like the old leaf :smile:


Alfrescian (Inf)
I am diabetic for already a year and so far no medication needed. Have the other two chronic diseases - hypertension and chrolestrol. Since then, I drink almost daily: bittergourd tea, Sugar care tea mix, pumpkin homemade drink, and brown rice with mostly vegetables and daily Triple-strength Omega fish oil 1,250g.

As the result, one of my chrolestrol medicine was taken off, my hypetension pill halved dosage and no medication for my diabetes as the range is from 5.0-6.5. So far so good :smile:

I sympathise with you about diabetes because I have Type II :(
If you are looking for info on the glycemic index go to http://www.mendosa.com/gi.htm

Foods that help with diabetes are fish, onions, broccoli, curry, cinnamon, & beans
Antioxidants also recommended to counter this problem.

Supplements that help include alpha lipoic acid, chromium, vanadium, fibre, ...etc
Suspected culprits of the problem are transfats, hydrogenated oils, sugars. So avoid like the plague, all the health books I've come across blame it for the health problems the yankees are having.

Its important to get suffient nutirents, so make sure you also include some mult-vitamins.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Johnny did you see my pm about the treatment of cancers by this dr. What do you think about him?

Intriguing video.

Dr. Sam Chachoua is a western trained doctor
He is an MD with research credentials
He can explain his theories within a medical system.
He's got the Xrays & case histories that allegedly proves his treatment is effective

Most importantly the cost of treatment is reasonable. A one time treatment for heart problem/diabetes, rather than taking medication for life.

Personally I'd seek he's treatment :smile:
I was going to look into stem cell treatment in BKK but the problem with the technology is with the targeting of the correct cells.

People can judge for themselves by reviewing the video. I found the 1st half of the video draggy. I found the 2nd half more interesting where he got into the cases histories.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I found a story on of how Cedar Sinai conveniently "lost" Dr. Chachoua's vaccines. "Honest mistake" or suppression:confused: For years many have suspected that large companies were suppressing cures.


By the way, he sued Cedar Sinai for losing the vaccines & won a $10 million judgement


Dr. Sam Chachoua is a western trained doctor
He is an MD with research credentials
He can explain his theories within a medical system.
He's got the Xrays & case histories that allegedly proves his treatment is effective
... I found the 2nd half more interesting where he got into the cases histories.

Anecdotal evidence only?

I found zero medical publication by Sam,
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/gquery?term=(Sam[Author]) AND Chachoua[Author]

Any comment from this article about Sam?


Alfrescian (Inf)

Not really surprising if you are just looking into some "medical journals". The reason he gave for going public is because he claims that his work was being suppressed.
This claim has credibility, when you consider that Cedar Sinai denied any knowledge of him despite losing his vaccines:biggrin:

If Dr Chachoua is lying & Cedar Sinai telling the truth, then why is it that he won the $10 million judgement against Cedar Sinai:confused:
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Not really surprising if you are just looking into some "medical journals". The reason he gave for going public is because he claims that his work was being suppressed.

That's a very interesting excuse.

If Sam has little knowledge in web publishing, you can ask him to email or PM me his publications and I will make sure that his publications get to the web, despite all the hocus pocus conspiracy theories.



Alfrescian (Inf)
That's a very interesting excuse.

If Sam has little knowledge in web publishing, you can ask him to email or PM me his publications and I will make sure that his publications get to the web, despite all the hocus pocus conspiracy theories.

Disclaimer: Before people start criticising me for supporting scams, being a hyper chondriac, being the town idiot, etc, let me make it clear that the only knowledge I have of this doctor is what I see in the video.

I doubt the doctor has a large number of publicists like the PAP. How many doctors do you know that have the time to create their own websites:confused:

People should be aware that the medical business is very politicised & there is alot going on behind the scenes.
It's not as clean, honest, corruptionless, pure, benign, efficiently, ... run as Spore. :rolleyes:


Alfrescian (Inf)
That's a very interesting excuse. ...

It's alright to be suspicious. If someone made all these claims I would want more facts before paying $$$ for the treatment.

I am just a fellow forummer looking for answers & not a self proclaim expert. But if true, this is ground breaking stuff & it would solve many of my medical problems:smile: It would also threaten the livehoods of many doctors:eek:
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Alfrescian (Inf)
It's alright to be suspicious. If someone made all these claims I would want more facts before paying $$$ for the treatment.

I am just a fellow forummer looking for answers & not a self proclaim expert. But if true, this is ground breaking stuff & it would solve many of my medical problems:smile: It would also threaten the livehoods of many doctors:eek:

Cancer treatment is a billion dollar business. So are other forms of life threatening disease treatments.

There are stories on how these big coporations shut down drs that have found new and better ways to treat cancer patients.

How did you find Sam Chachoua's explaination of how cancers are formed and also the hayflick limit in which the cell has a limited number of times to replicate before it's unable to do so typically the number would be 50 times. The cell turns cancerous cos cancer cells are the only cells not bound by the hayflick limit.

In the vid he explains how the ppl with cancer don't seem to be infected with any infectious diseases and how ppl with cancers seem to be a perfect mirror image of those with infectious diseases. At places where ppl had infectious diseases, ppl with cancers were so few and it was the opposite when ppl had cancers.

Causes of cancers are so vast and varied and unknown. Ppl that don't smoke can also develop lung cancer and when asked for the reason why drs will give some vague answer like maybe it was due to stress maybe it was a pink flying elephant, this and that.

It then gives cause to reason that cancer is the body's own natural way to protect against infectious diseases or to go against the hayflick limit. I didn't watch the video in its entirety so i don't know if he explained how developing cancerous cells would actually help someone whose cells in some organ perhaps the lungs had reached the hayflick limit and having cancerous cells would help.


I doubt the doctor has a large number of publicists like the PAP. How many doctors do you know that have the time to create their own websites:confused:

Take it easy.

All I'm asking is for Sam or Sam supporters to send me his publication(s) or at the minimum his academic theses, in fact, hard copies are fine too... and my offer is to help them get his wonderful works published online. Well, the offer is valid till end of 2011.

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Alfrescian (Inf)
This thread is about a diet that will help prevent cancer and diabetes. Let's leave diabetes out of this and focus solely on cancer. This diet has its naysayers as proven by screwballs rants. That's normal. There's probably hundreds of diets out there that claim the same thing. Maybe they work maybe they don't. Maybe this diet works for some ppl but probably won't work for others.

I guess at the end of the day ppl really need to understand how they got a certain type of cancer. I think this needs to be done on a case by case basis. Say a person finds out he has cancer one day maybe lung cancer. He ought to do some research as to why he got it. Perhaps using a method of elimination like does he smoke and drink for eg and so on.

Since the causes of cancer are so varied and almost any body part can develop cancer i suppose ppl need to educate themselves as to why cancer forms.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Take it easy.

All I'm asking is for Sam or Sam supporters to send me his publication(s) or at the minimum his academic theses, in fact, hard copies are fine too... and my offer is to help them get his wonderful works published online. Well, the offer is valid till end of 2011.


Who are you exactly? You're a faceless forummer on a forum that isn't particularly famous especially outside of sg. Sam is someone while not that famous has his name and his treatments recorded down on videos and hosted on youtube. You should be the one e-mailing sam offering your help to get his works published. How can you be the one expecting sam to approach you instead? Seriously if you're really keen to help you would have already tried to find a way to contact sam and offer to help him instead of posting here.