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Serious Bridal Shop Suddenly UpLorry! 50 Pairs of SPGs and Sinkie Hubbies Bought Packages!



Customers left in the lurch after bridal shop Love Nest in City Gate suddenly shuts down, employees allegedly owed months of wages​

The company had received winding down orders in January 2023, but continued to sell packages that were valid till 2025.​

Seow Kai Lun
Seow Kai Lun
Updated Wed, 3 April 2024 at 8:30 pm SGT

At least 50 couples and their upcoming nuptials have been affected by the apparent sudden closure of Love Nest, and its linked company, Love Story. (Photo: Getty Images)

At least 50 couples and their upcoming nuptials have been affected by the apparent sudden closure of Love Nest, and its linked company, Love Story. (Photo: Getty Images)
SINGAPORE — At least 50 couples and their upcoming nuptials have been affected by the apparent sudden closure of Love Nest, and its linked company, Love Story, which provides pre-wedding photoshoot packages and rental of wedding attire as well as jewellery and home interior services.
According to Shin Min Daily News, the wedding company’s store at City Gate was empty and locked up when a reporter visited on Wednesday (3 April).
Calls to the company went unanswered as well. A security guard shared that some couples had gathered outside the shop the previous day and the police had visited as well, Shin Min reported.
The Love Nest Facebook page and website remain operational but Love Story’s Google business profile indicates that the business is temporarily closed.

Affected customers allegedly informed through text about the sudden closure

User Dragonnitex, who paid in full for a pre-wedding shoot and rental of wedding attire, took to Reddit on 1 April to share that he was informed that the company had not been paying salaries to employees for several months and they had walked out.
When he visited the shop on the same day, it seemed like only one employee was manning the store and she said that employees had left group chats as they were “going on maternity [leave]” or “going home”.
User pixel7 shared on Singaporebrides forum that the company had allegedly sent a message to inform customers that it would temporarily closing its operations from 2 April until further notice, citing “unforeseen circumstances and financial challenges”.
It further elaborated that “all services will be temporarily unavailable” and that it was “working diligently to resolve any ongoing issues and resume operations as soon as possible”. A customer service phone number was provided, but when dialed, no one picked up.
Affected groom Ramsey Teo, 30, told Yahoo Southeast Asia that he was also caught off guard, as prior to 1 April, the company had been responsive in the Whatsapp group chat with him.
His bride had also gone for a gown fitting as recently 17 February, hence he did not expect to receive news that the company would be ceasing operations before his wedding in November 2024.
He and his wife had signed up for a $8,000 package that included a pre-wedding shoot and rental of wedding outfits at a wedding fair in October last year, and were informed that they had to utilise the package by end of 2024 or they may have to pay extra fees.
However, Teo, who works as an executive, counts himself lucky as he did not make full payment yet as he was “unhappy with their services”. He was planning to only pay the full amount after his wedding day.
He also shared that other couples had paid up to $10,000 in full to the company without receiving any of the promised services.

Company is undergoing liquidation, allegedly owes employees months worth of wages

A forum user on Singaporebrides said that they had contacted CASE and were informed that the company was undergoing liquidation, while another user was told to contact the liquidator instead as “the company does not have money to repay”.
A check on the internet showed that Love Nest Holdings was given a winding up order on 13 January 2023. The ACRA website also lists it as being "In Liquidation", with BDO Advisory named as the liquidator.
However, the forum showed users purchasing wedding packages from the company as recently as January 2024, and that the company had sold packages that could be utilised up to 2025.
Knotz co-founder Evan Ong, who has helped connect some of the affected couples with other businesses, shared with Shin Min Daily News that about 50 couples had spent about $200,000 with Love Nest and Love Story in wedding services that were yet to be utilised.
These were similar to figures Teo had shared with Yahoo, based on a group chat set up for affected customers.
Several had filed police reports and complaints with the Consumers Association of Singapore (CASE), Ong said.
An employee, who did not want to be named, told the Chinese paper that he had been owed two months’ salary.
He estimated that more than 20 employees were affected and owed at least $100,000 in wages or payments.
The employee added that the owner was currently uncontactable and the affected employees planned to file a report with the Ministry of Manpower.
Another employee, who also declined to be named, said that several full-time photographers with the company had been owed up to 3 months’ salary, amounting to $10,000.
Yahoo has reached out to CASE and the Ministry of Manpower for more information.


Company sounds like have some kind of roots from Jiuhu land? Low ses sinkies deserve it, as the couple can actually learn how to diy together which is more fun, also plenty of local free lance photographers around with nice portfolios charging much less...all just lazy and want to hao Lian


From Her World Magazine, CEO Leonard Teoh should be the centre guy.

Screenshot 2024-04-03 at 9.44.43 PM.png

From the aisle to your home, wedding planning just got easier​

Love Nest, a holistic wedding solutions vendor, will guide you along your journey from choosing the perfect bridal wardrobe to prepping for your new home.
By Her World Brides - 03 Dec 2019

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Wedding planning can get overwhelming, sometimes even frustrating, especially when you don’t have help from professionals, or loved ones. Yet it doesn’t have to be that way.

Instead of emailing every single vendor to get quotes and drawing up copious lists of to-dos and price comparisons, let Love Nest, a holistic wedding solutions vendor do the job for you.
After all, your wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime occasion that is meant to celebrate the beginning of a new life together with your husband, and you don’t want to mar it by feeling stressed.
Love Nest’s Chief Operating Officer, Leonard Teoh, agrees. “It is natural to be anxious about your wedding and having everything go perfectly during that day. With Love Nest, we are like a love agora. Agora means marketplace in Greek, and that is exactly what we have here. With our comprehensive list of vendors, we hope to help take some stress off brides’ wedding planning processes with quality brands that provide competitive rates,” he says.

Convenient and comprehensive
If you’ve been through the process of sourcing for individual bridal vendors, and going from store to store comparing budgets to get the best bang for your buck, the team behind Love Nest understands.


“We originally began in the bridal industry with Malena Bridal and Signature Bridal, and we are familiar with the wedding planning process through our couples.

One thing we realised from our couples is that they have to go to different stores to seek different services that they will require throughout their wedding journey.
For instance, they will go to different bridal stores and jewellery stores for their outfits and wedding bands. And that doesn’t stop there. There’s still the honeymoon, as well as preparing for their new home. (How much do couples realistically need to buy their first home in Singapore?)


“Love Nest was therefore born to support couples through their wedding journey, and to experience a more convenient wedding journey through our love agora.

They can simply come to our store at City Gate at Beach Road, or view our services through the app to see which ones are more relevant to them at any point in their lives,” says Leonard.

Affordable packages and exclusive perks

Beyond the wedding, Love Nest aims to be there for you during every step of the way, including your honeymoon, and when you purchase your first home.
“We are basically following the couple’s milestones with them, from jewellery for their engagement and wedding bands, to bridal outfits, and then interior designers, home loans, as well as smart home appliances,”
he says.


Apart from ensuring couples enjoy a convenient wedding planning experience, the team behind Love Nest feels wedding celebrations shouldn’t be exorbitant either.

Leonard says, “At Love Nest, all our partners extend exclusive prices and perks, which we then cascade to our couples. Because what we really want, is for couples to know that marriages do not need to come with a hefty pricetag, and that the wedding and the home, can be economical too.”

From aisle to home
If you’re seeking a unique wedding celebration, you’ve got it with Love Nest’s array of exclusive partners. Apart from the venue partners they work with, you won’t be able to find its bridal and jewellery vendors, as well as interior designers and home appliance partners anywhere else in Singapore.


“We have brought in, and are looking at bringing in new brands that are not available in the Singapore market. Because of that, we are able to offer more exclusive prices for our couples,” says Leonard.

Security is paramount


One of the best features of Love Nest, apart from its desire for excellence and providing convenience to couples, is its commitment to protecting their couples.
As of now, Love Nest’s home brand, Nest Lab, is working towards a Case Trust, which acts like an insurance service.

Leonard shares, “We have seen cases where people, in the process of setting up their homes, have put in large amounts of money with the interior designers.
And when their contractor’s business collapse, the couples end up not being able to get their money back. We are looking to change all of that. Here, we are able to insure their deposit; we insure the amount they put in, and provide warranties for them. This way, we hope to provide couples with the assurance that the deposits they have made, are safe with us.”

Plan at your fingertips
Whether you’re making your first appointment at Love Nest, or you’re in the midst of planning for your big day, download the Love Nest app to book appointments with any of the store’s vendors, and RSVP for Love Nest’s vendor events easily!
At the end of the day, the team behind Love Nest feels that couples shouldn’t have to worry too much about their big day.


Leonard says, “Marriages are once in a lifetime occasions, and it is natural for people to feel anxious about their impending weddings. But they don’t have to be, because they can now say goodbye to the days where a lot of time is required to physically source various vendors for their big day.”
He adds that all brides “should enjoy the process” in the lead up to one of the most happiest days of their lives, and that Love Nest’s veritable marketplace of wedding vendors will help couples “get everything settled”.


Alfrescian (Inf)
they ought to thank the conman boss...............he's giving the couples more time to re-consider if they should marry............ :roflmao: :laugh:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
From Her World Magazine, CEO Leonard Teoh should be the centre guy.

View attachment 198290

From the aisle to your home, wedding planning just got easier​

Love Nest, a holistic wedding solutions vendor, will guide you along your journey from choosing the perfect bridal wardrobe to prepping for your new home.
By Her World Brides - 03 Dec 2019

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Wedding planning can get overwhelming, sometimes even frustrating, especially when you don’t have help from professionals, or loved ones. Yet it doesn’t have to be that way.

Instead of emailing every single vendor to get quotes and drawing up copious lists of to-dos and price comparisons, let Love Nest, a holistic wedding solutions vendor do the job for you.
After all, your wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime occasion that is meant to celebrate the beginning of a new life together with your husband, and you don’t want to mar it by feeling stressed.
Love Nest’s Chief Operating Officer, Leonard Teoh, agrees. “It is natural to be anxious about your wedding and having everything go perfectly during that day. With Love Nest, we are like a love agora. Agora means marketplace in Greek, and that is exactly what we have here. With our comprehensive list of vendors, we hope to help take some stress off brides’ wedding planning processes with quality brands that provide competitive rates,” he says.

Convenient and comprehensive
If you’ve been through the process of sourcing for individual bridal vendors, and going from store to store comparing budgets to get the best bang for your buck, the team behind Love Nest understands.


“We originally began in the bridal industry with Malena Bridal and Signature Bridal, and we are familiar with the wedding planning process through our couples.

One thing we realised from our couples is that they have to go to different stores to seek different services that they will require throughout their wedding journey.
For instance, they will go to different bridal stores and jewellery stores for their outfits and wedding bands. And that doesn’t stop there. There’s still the honeymoon, as well as preparing for their new home. (How much do couples realistically need to buy their first home in Singapore?)


“Love Nest was therefore born to support couples through their wedding journey, and to experience a more convenient wedding journey through our love agora.

They can simply come to our store at City Gate at Beach Road, or view our services through the app to see which ones are more relevant to them at any point in their lives,” says Leonard.

Affordable packages and exclusive perks

Beyond the wedding, Love Nest aims to be there for you during every step of the way, including your honeymoon, and when you purchase your first home.
“We are basically following the couple’s milestones with them, from jewellery for their engagement and wedding bands, to bridal outfits, and then interior designers, home loans, as well as smart home appliances,”
he says.


Apart from ensuring couples enjoy a convenient wedding planning experience, the team behind Love Nest feels wedding celebrations shouldn’t be exorbitant either.

Leonard says, “At Love Nest, all our partners extend exclusive prices and perks, which we then cascade to our couples. Because what we really want, is for couples to know that marriages do not need to come with a hefty pricetag, and that the wedding and the home, can be economical too.”

From aisle to home
If you’re seeking a unique wedding celebration, you’ve got it with Love Nest’s array of exclusive partners. Apart from the venue partners they work with, you won’t be able to find its bridal and jewellery vendors, as well as interior designers and home appliance partners anywhere else in Singapore.


“We have brought in, and are looking at bringing in new brands that are not available in the Singapore market. Because of that, we are able to offer more exclusive prices for our couples,” says Leonard.

Security is paramount


One of the best features of Love Nest, apart from its desire for excellence and providing convenience to couples, is its commitment to protecting their couples.
As of now, Love Nest’s home brand, Nest Lab, is working towards a Case Trust, which acts like an insurance service.

Leonard shares, “We have seen cases where people, in the process of setting up their homes, have put in large amounts of money with the interior designers.
And when their contractor’s business collapse, the couples end up not being able to get their money back. We are looking to change all of that. Here, we are able to insure their deposit; we insure the amount they put in, and provide warranties for them. This way, we hope to provide couples with the assurance that the deposits they have made, are safe with us.”

Plan at your fingertips
Whether you’re making your first appointment at Love Nest, or you’re in the midst of planning for your big day, download the Love Nest app to book appointments with any of the store’s vendors, and RSVP for Love Nest’s vendor events easily!
At the end of the day, the team behind Love Nest feels that couples shouldn’t have to worry too much about their big day.


Leonard says, “Marriages are once in a lifetime occasions, and it is natural for people to feel anxious about their impending weddings. But they don’t have to be, because they can now say goodbye to the days where a lot of time is required to physically source various vendors for their big day.”
He adds that all brides “should enjoy the process” in the lead up to one of the most happiest days of their lives, and that Love Nest’s veritable marketplace of wedding vendors will help couples “get everything settled”.

I'm shocked that towkay leonard is now broke. But then again, I should have realised it earlier. The writing was on the wall when towkay leonard had problems paying the karaoke bill at the CC some time ago.


what suddenly uplorry??? the people at the bridal shop already have it all planned long ago.... this is obviously a scam.... squeeze to the very last drop before they run road.... fully aware that they will not be able to fulfill the obligations... isn't that the usual tactics of gym, bridal shop, travel agencies, beauty saloon, etc....???


self entitled associations like this are really just interest gps set up to help wankers group together their own kind to jerk each other off. Always beware of fuckers who like to start this, start that, and make themselves the indispensable heads of organisations. It's to benefit themselves, and the rest of the members are just slaves. Sounds familiar?


"..... Love Nest Holdings was given a winding up order on 13 January 2023. The ACRA website also lists it as being "In Liquidation", with BDO Advisory named as the liquidator.
However, the forum showed users purchasing wedding packages from the company as recently as January 2024, and that the company had sold packages that could be utilised up to 2025."

They were still selling wedding packages one year after liquidation? It's a frigging criminal offence! Towkay Leonard better prepare himself to go in and squat.


"..... Love Nest Holdings was given a winding up order on 13 January 2023. The ACRA website also lists it as being "In Liquidation", with BDO Advisory named as the liquidator.
However, the forum showed users purchasing wedding packages from the company as recently as January 2024, and that the company had sold packages that could be utilised up to 2025."

They were still selling wedding packages one year after liquidation? It's a frigging criminal offence! Towkay Leonard better prepare himself to go in and squat.
you think the fucker is still hanging around for poodles to arrest him? he is probably cruising in somewhere like Thailand now where there are no extradition laws with Sg

Byebye Penis

photo shoot and renovation are rip-offs these days.

wedding photo package >$10,000
HDB renovation >$100,000

these trades dominated by malaysians

Byebye Penis

photo shoot and renovation are rip-offs these days.

wedding photo package >$10,000
HDB renovation >$100,000

these trades dominated by malaysians
blame it on our young people, no money buy private, must reno HDB until it is like condo.

if marry, needs hotel ball-room, $10k photo shoot (some naked), must pick up brides in BMW or Merc.

hahahahah, then after marry, don't know how to do household chores, hire maid.
don't know how to teach kids, hire tutors.
don't know how to cook, use foodpanda.

KingFook Sr

Getting married is actually simple.
You just need the ROM. Period.
Weddings like Funeral Wakes are just shows to satisfy the ego.
Huge waste of money.
"Idiot Candy"