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Breaking : Trump in Deep Trouble. Cabinet Say will Sever Him from Presidency


Tiongs very happy.


Members of Trump Cabinet discussing invoking 25th Amendment: Sources
"This is urgent," Pelosi said. "This is emergency of the highest magnitude."
ByJohn Santucci,Katherine Faulders,Emily Shapiro,Jonathan Karl, andBenjamin Siegel
7 January 2021, 16:34
• 12 min read

25th Amendment: The basics


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25th Amendment: The basics
What you need to know about the constitutional amendment that outlines how the vice presiden...Read More
There have been discussions among some members of Donald Trump's Cabinet and his allies over invoking the 25th Amendment, a potential vehicle for removing the president from office, multiple sources with direct knowledge of the discussions told ABC News.

It's unclear how extensive these conversations have been or whether Vice President Mike Pence is supportive of such action. Many were horrified by Wednesday's violence at the Capitol as well as Trump's apparent lack of urgency in marshaling resources to stop the mob, the sources said.

PHOTO: Supporters of US President Donald Trump protest inside the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, in Washington, DC. Demonstrators breeched security and entered the Capitol as Congress debated the a 2020 presidential election Electoral Vote Certification.

Roberto Schmidt/AFP via Getty Images
Roberto Schmidt/AFP via Getty Images
Supporters of US President Donald Trump protest inside the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, in W...Read More
Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., on Thursday became the first Republican to publicly call for the invocation of the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office.

The 25th Amendment, which was ratified in 1967 in the wake of President John F. Kennedy's assassination in 1963, lays out the procedures for replacing the president in the event of death, removal, resignation or incapacitation.

"The president not only abdicated his duty to protect the American people and the people's house, he invoked and inflamed passions that gave fuel to the insurrection we saw here," Kinzinger said in a video posted to Twitter. "When pressed to move and denounce the violence he barely did so, while of course victimizing himself ... all indications are that the president has become unmoored, not just from his duty, or even his health, but from reality itself."

"It is for this reason that I call for the vice president and members of the cabinet to ensure that the next few weeks are safe for the American people, and that we have a sane captain of the ship," Kinzinger said.

PHOTO: Police clear the U.S. Capitol Building with tear gas as supporters of President Donald Trump gather outside, in Washington, Jan. 6, 2021.

Stephanie Keith/Reuters
Stephanie Keith/Reuters
Police clear the U.S. Capitol Building with tear gas as supporters of President Donald Trump gath...Read More

John Kelly, Trump's former chief of staff, told CNN on Thursday that if he were still in the Cabinet, he'd vote to invoke the 25th Amendment.

While Kelly said he thinks invoking the 25th Amendment to remove Trump is a long shot, he believes the Cabinet should meet and discuss it.

"The behavior yesterday, and in the weeks and months before that, have just been outrageous from the president," Kelly said. "And what happened on Capitol Hill yesterday is a direct result of his poisoning the minds of people with the lies and the frauds."

PHOTO: Pro-Trump protesters breached security at the Capitol and disrupt members of Congress convened to debate the certification of the election in Washington, Jan. 6, 2021.

Sam Sweeney/ABC News
Sam Sweeney/ABC News
Pro-Trump protesters breached security at the Capitol and disrupt members of Congress convene...Read More
Democrats are echoing those calls.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday urged Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office for his "seditious acts."

"We'll review what our options are in terms of the 25th Amendment," she said.

MORE: Biden to Trump: 'Demand an end to this siege'
Pelosi also said she's prepared to impeach Trump again.

"If the vice president and Cabinet do not act, the Congress may be prepared to move forward with impeachment," Pelosi said. "If he wants to be unique and be doubly impeached, that's kind of up to him and his Cabinet as to whether he should stay in office."

The House speaker called the president "a very dangerous person who should not continue in office."

"This is urgent," she added. "This is emergency of the highest magnitude."

MORE: Updates: Capitol breached by protesters, woman shot inside
MORE: What happens if Trump becomes incapacitated? The 25th Amendment could kick in.
Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said in a statement Thursday, "This president should not hold office one day longer."

"The quickest and most effective way -- it can be done today -- to remove this president from office would be for the Vice President to immediately invoke the 25th amendment," he said. "If the Vice President and the Cabinet refuse to stand up, Congress should reconvene to impeach the president."

Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., told "GMA3: What You Need to Know" on Thursday: "If we're not going to use the 25th Amendment in this moment then I'm not clear what it's really for."

PHOTO: Police officers in riot gear line up as protesters gather on the U.S. Capitol Building, Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington, D.C.

Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images
Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images
Police officers in riot gear line up as protesters gather on the U.S. Capitol Building, Jan. 6, 2021, i...Read More
"It should be abundantly clear to leaders in the Republican Party that this president, who they have made excuses for, who they've coddled ... the way that he has conducted himself has slowly and gradually built to what happened yesterday," Coons said. "Removing Donald Trump as president is urgent."

Since the election in November, Coons continued, Trump hasn't been dealing with the pandemic. ... He's been tweeting and golfing and spinning up conspiracy theories. This man does not deserve to be president of the United States anymore."

PHOTO: Supporters of President Donald Trump climb on walls at the U.S. Capitol during a protest against the certification of the 2020 U.S. presidential election results by Congress, in Washington, Jan. 6, 2021.

Jim Urquhart/Reuters
Jim Urquhart/Reuters
Supporters of President Donald Trump climb on walls at the U.S. Capitol during a protest against...Read More
Rep. Seth Moulton, D-Mass., tweeted Wednesday, "Trump is directly responsible for this insurrection and violence. He needs to be removed from office immediately. It is the Constitutional responsibility of Vice President Pence and the cabinet to exercise the power granted them by the 25th amendment."

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., announced Wednesday that she was drawing up articles of impeachment, tweeting: "We can't allow him to remain in office, it's a matter of preserving our Republic and we need to fulfill our oath."

Other lawmakers also called for Trump's removal from office.

Meanwhile, President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris "are focused on their duty -- preparing to take office on January 20th -- and will leave it to Vice President Pence, the Cabinet and the Congress to act as they see fit," Biden transition spokesman Andrew Bates said in a statement Thursday.

Bates added: "Trump must stop blocking cooperation with the transition that could harm the readiness of the United States government to overcome the pandemic and the other crises he has worsened."

ABC News' Libby Cathey, Mariam Khan, Elizabeth Thomas and John Verhovek contributed to this report.


Oh dear... He loses his life time security guard protection..... And the missing portrait of him in the line of presidents of USA...


the CCP is so weak that the party (and country) would crumble to dust should a similar scene occur in beijing

here in America, it's just another day in paradise.


A few days more only. Seriously i think he is good for USA citizens especially those middle low income. But he is jot careful with his speeches but he does have american ppl at heart