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Breaking Dotard Admits Biden Won Erection! Tiongs are involved in this Humiliation


FoxNews appears to be coming to reality and the truth albeit most reluctantly...but unfortunately for FoxNews, it is now losing Trump's core base viewers who cannot accept the truth and facts and continue to get scammed by Don the Con surrogate extreme right so called newsmedia outlets like Newsmaxx and OAN who just peddle lies, baseless conspiracy theories, misinform, disinform...to get eyeballs and make money...sad, pathetic, joke...

All this is going on while Trump continues to let the pandemic rip and couldn't give a toss about the millions having to deal with the harsh economic consequences...

Yes, I agree with you. During the bizarre "Gettysburg Motel" presser, with "America's Disgraced Mayor" Networks refused to cover it. Only 1 minor one did, the OAN network which is rumored to be the next media for Donald J Trump. I did read that Howard Stern did say that this endeavor will fail, as its not easy to run a network. Interesting.

Also interesting, apparently staff morale at FACEBOOK is very low because they know they play a big part in the disinformation circulating. What the previous President Obama called "Truth Decay" This is a very real and dangerous situation going on not just in the United States, but worldwide. The sheer idiocy of certain people never ceases to amaze me. Just today I came across a feed that said "Hypothermia is a Hoax" Only .0005% of people die due to exposure every year so there is no reason to wear a jacket. There are groups of people who are walking around in cold weather, refusing to wear coats because its a hoax. Humanity is in trouble. :eek:


Plunging Morale And Self-Congratulations: Inside Facebook The Day Before The Presidential Election

On the same day Facebook announced only 51% of its employees believed the social network was having a positive impact on the world, a vice president commended their efforts to prepare for the 2020 presidential election.
Picture of Ryan Mac Ryan MacBuzzFeed News Reporter Picture of Craig Silverman Craig SilvermanBuzzFeed News Reporter
Last updated on November 3, 2020, at 11:09 a.m. ET
Posted on November 2, 2020, at 7:57 p.m. ET

  • on and prevent voter suppression “serious, detailed, and often groundbreaking work.”



Lou Dobbs still wants to believe and is a hoping for a Hail Mary Pass even though the clock has stopped and there is no ball.

Let this chaos continue for the GOP in GA and see how this plays out for the senate seats run off on 5/1.

Errrr I would say there is no Tom Brady Quarterback only "America's Mayor" Rudy Guliani to complete such a task .:laugh:

Porfirio Rubirosa

Errrr I would say there is no Tom Brady Quarterback only "America's Mayor" Rudy Guliani to complete such a task .:laugh:
Yeah... really hopeless...compare the standard of lawyering Bush had in Bush v Gore in 2000 to what Trump has now in Trump v Biden 2020...

Bush had amongst his lawyers then, currently 3 members now on SCOTUS...John Roberts the CJ, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett...

Trump's self proclaimed 'elite force' of lawyers are led by Rudy Giuliani of Borat, hair dye meltdown fame, Jenna Ellis who once attacked Trump and until a few days ago the Kraken looney Sidney Powell who can't even use spellcheck...

Enough said on this front...

But...not unexpectedly...Trump just came out a few hours ago to once again cry fake fraud and rigged election without any legal justified basis whatsoever...he will go down in history as the pathological liar president...


Yeah... really hopeless...compare the standard of lawyering Bush had in Bush v Gore in 2000 to what Trump has now in Trump v Biden 2020...

Bush had amongst his lawyers then, currently 3 members now on SCOTUS...John Roberts the CJ, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett...

Trump's self proclaimed 'elite force' of lawyers are led by Rudy Giuliani of Borat, hair dye meltdown fame, Jenna Ellis who once attacked Trump and until a few days ago the Kraken looney Sidney Powell who can't even use spellcheck...

Enough said on this front...

But...not unexpectedly...Trump just came out a few hours ago to once again cry fake fraud and rigged election without any legal justified basis whatsoever...he will go down in history as the pathological liar president...

Yes, back in 2000 when it really came down to 1 state, Florida, there was an actual case. And the quality of the representation was of high caliber. Ben Ginsburg is highly respected and now is on record denouncing the whole Trump "rigged" election. The real conservatives are appalled at "Trumpism" the GOP is in crisis.

How there can be a "rigged" election is nonsensical. In Singapore we have ICs. In the United States the ID system is the Driver License/State Issued ID. There is a database and for elections Poll books with said Driver license numbers. If you do not have a valid number or IC# the system will reject your vote. You cannot vote 2X. How anyone can even contemplate these accusations....is just nuts.

Although I think the Trump base will dwindle, I don't see an end to the misinformation crisis, be it in the United States or Worldwide. If the United States has problems with the 2nd Amendment, the 1st is destroying reality, free speech is protected. Lies are as protected as the truth. :eek:

Porfirio Rubirosa

Yes, back in 2000 when it really came down to 1 state, Florida, there was an actual case. And the quality of the representation was of high caliber. Ben Ginsburg is highly respected and now is on record denouncing the whole Trump "rigged" election. The real conservatives are appalled at "Trumpism" the GOP is in crisis.

How there can be a "rigged" election is nonsensical. In Singapore we have ICs. In the United States the ID system is the Driver License/State Issued ID. There is a database and for elections Poll books with said Driver license numbers. If you do not have a valid number or IC# the system will reject your vote. You cannot vote 2X. How anyone can even contemplate these accusations....is just nuts.

Although I think the Trump base will dwindle, I don't see an end to the misinformation crisis, be it in the United States or Worldwide. If the United States has problems with the 2nd Amendment, the 1st is destroying reality, free speech is protected. Lies are as protected as the truth. :eek:
Good useful elaboration on the voting system process.

On Trump's core base dwindling...not so sure about this...at least in the immediate to mid term..

There are clear systemic structural ideological problems which lead to the rise of Trumpism and these issues shall not just disappear after 20/1...

In a nutshell a large group of Americans feel rightly or wrongly that their 'American' way of life has and still is being threatened...this encompasses all three main factors in a society's makeup...social, economic and political factors...

Somehow Biden's administration needs to try and address this big divide to some extent at least... really try...not just play lip service...

I guess the first step would be to show treat this disaffected unhappy group with genuine dignity...

Don't envy Biden because at the same time he needs to reward the progressives for helping him win this election...

The way I see it... perhaps Biden has a better chance of uniting America to a certain basic level at least if he sees his administration as a one term one... especially taking in mind his old age...

A one term president would be more willing to take more risks since he does not have to worry about re-election in four years.


Good useful elaboration on the voting system process.

On Trump's core base dwindling...not so sure about this...at least in the immediate to mid term..

There are clear systemic structural ideological problems which lead to the rise of Trumpism and these issues shall not just disappear after 20/1...

In a nutshell a large group of Americans feel rightly or wrongly that their 'American' way of life has and still is being threatened...this encompasses all three main factors in a society's makeup...social, economic and political factors...

Somehow Biden's administration needs to try and address this big divide to some extent at least... really try...not just play lip service...

I guess the first step would be to show treat this disaffected unhappy group with genuine dignity...

Don't envy Biden because at the same time he needs to reward the progressives for helping him win this election...

The way I see it... perhaps Biden has a better chance of uniting America to a certain basic level at least if he sees his administration as a one term one... especially taking in mind his old age...

A one term president would be more willing to take more risks since he does not have to worry about re-election in four years.

Perhaps I am being too optimistic about the base. I still am amazed at the sheer numbers of people who believe in "the kracken" QAnon, the conspiracy theories. I look online and I see growing numbers of such people "waking up" questioning the whole "trumpism" narrative, but then there is no way to quantify these people until 2022/2024.

I think these people cannot be so insane, that after maybe 40 court losses especially by Donald J Trump appointed judges, they see "someone" has been lying to them.

I think that maybe these people get tired of the endless cycle of misinformation and endless conspiracy theories. Every day there is a new one, a new software, country, or person that is at fault. I wonder when enough is enough? But no, they just want more chaos.

2015/2016 "Trumpism" to me was the "Steve Bannon playbook". His strategy "throw enough dirt so no one knows what is going on" The person throwing the dirt, wins.

So to me, "Trumpism" is a cult. All cults die off sooner or later, the lies eventually drown the base.

Question is when?

Porfirio Rubirosa

Perhaps I am being too optimistic about the base. I still am amazed at the sheer numbers of people who believe in "the kracken" QAnon, the conspiracy theories. I look online and I see growing numbers of such people "waking up" questioning the whole "trumpism" narrative, but then there is no way to quantify these people until 2022/2024.

I think these people cannot be so insane, that after maybe 40 court losses especially by Donald J Trump appointed judges, they see "someone" has been lying to them.

I think that maybe these people get tired of the endless cycle of misinformation and endless conspiracy theories. Every day there is a new one, a new software, country, or person that is at fault. I wonder when enough is enough? But no, they just want more chaos.

2015/2016 "Trumpism" to me was the "Steve Bannon playbook". His strategy "throw enough dirt so no one knows what is going on" The person throwing the dirt, wins.

So to me, "Trumpism" is a cult. All cults die off sooner or later, the lies eventually drown the base.

Question is when?
Billionaire backers like Charles Koch and Robert Mercer ditching Trump might at least be a start.


FoxNews appears to be coming to reality and the truth albeit most reluctantly...but unfortunately for FoxNews, it is now losing Trump's core base viewers who cannot accept the truth and facts and continue to get scammed by Don the Con surrogate extreme right so called newsmedia outlets like Newsmaxx and OAN who just peddle lies, baseless conspiracy theories, misinform, disinform...to get eyeballs and make money...sad, pathetic, joke...

All this is going on while Trump continues to let the pandemic rip and couldn't give a toss about the millions having to deal with the harsh economic consequences...

Just when we thought FOX news might want to change their tune they sink to a new low. As expected :biggrin:

So now the FBI and the DOJ are against Donald J Trump. At this point I think everyone is either against or should be :roflmao:


Porfirio Rubirosa

Just when we thought FOX news might want to change their tune they sink to a new low. As expected :biggrin:

So now the FBI and the DOJ are against Donald J Trump. At this point I think everyone is either against or should be :roflmao:

Don't forget to include the CIA as well...lol...

Maria Bartiromo is a sad pathetic disgrace...use to think highly of her when she was on the floor of NYSE reporting live for CNN...she and Lou Dobbs are pure Trump arse lickers....

Tbf to FoxNews...think the news side did a fact check on Trump’s lies, misinformation and disinformation


Don't forget to include the CIA as well...lol...

Maria Bartiromo is a sad pathetic disgrace...use to think highly of her when she was on the floor of NYSE reporting live for CNN...she and Lou Dobbs are pure Trump arse lickers....

Tbf to FoxNews...think the news side did a fact check on Trump’s lies, misinformation and disinformation

Wisconsin finished the final recount of both Counties, will certify Today. Arizona too. Nails in the the coffin. Fox News kissing up Donald J Trump is expected, with Rupert Murdoch the financial aspect is the most important, so I am not surprised he continues to get airtime.


PRCs may be involved in the downfall of Trump, but no one can answer 1 simple question. Why is he Orange? Orangeman!
