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Bikini-clad barista smashes angry customer’s windshield with a hammer after he threw $22 coffee in her face



Bikini-clad barista smashes angry customer’s windshield with a hammer after he threw $22 coffee in her face​

Social Links for Andrew Court
Published June 15, 2024, 3:27 p.m. ET

It was a real brew ha ha.

A bikini-clad barista smashed in a man’s car windshield amid a fight over the cost of a $22 coffee — and online admirers are cheering her on.

Emma Lee, 23, was captured on surveillance video pulling out a hammer during the dispute, which took place at her drive-thru coffee shop, A Taste of Heaven Espresso, in South Seattle.

Lee told a local news outlet that she only did damage to the customer’s car after he exited the vehicle, approached the drive-thru window and threw the iced coffee at her.

She also alleged that the man threatened her by saying: “Nobody is going to miss you.”

“It was a threat after screaming, spitting, and trying to pry open the window,” the young business owner told FOX 13. “I felt in danger.”

ld a local news outlet that she only did damage to the customer's car after he exited the vehicle, approached the drive-thru window and threw the iced coffee at her.
Lee told a local news outlet that she only did damage to the customer’s car after he exited the vehicle, approached the drive-thru window and threw the iced coffee at her.instagram/emmxxss

“No one is forcing you to come here,” she allegedly told him.

“The argument that he didn’t know or was scammed doesn’t hold up,” the barista maintained. “The prices are listed.”

Lee called cops and has filed misdemeanor assault charges against the customer.

FOX 13 reports, however, that the man could take her to small claims court for the cost of his windshield.
Lee smashed the man's windshield with the hammer as he attempted to drive off. 3
Lee smashed the man’s windshield with the hammer as he attempted to drive off.



Lee says she isn’t worried about being brought before a judge — and says she doesn’t believe she should be treated differently to any other barista simply because she serves up coffee while wearing skimpy swimwear.

“Why should this kind of interaction be expected because of the environment? It’s disgusting,” Lee said. “It’s okay for him to be outraged, but it’s not appropriate for me to respond?”

On Instagram, Lee shared some of the surveillance footage showing the dispute.

The young barista owns A Taste of Heaven Espresso in South Seattle.instagram/emmxxss

Several viewers chimed in saying she was justified in going after the customer’s car with a hammer.
“I showed this to my kids! If we react like this, less men would think it was ok to talk to us like this,” one admirer wrote. “He would never have done it to a man. What did you do to deserve that? What did any of us do ? YOU EXISTED. You’re a god damn national treasure.”

“The hammer to the windshield was extremely satisfying!!” a second cheered. “I’m so glad you stood up for not only yourself but all of us girlies in the industry!! We deal with this on a daily basis! Hopefully others will learn from this interaction.”

However, others were less impressed by Lee’s response.

“So you then commit a felony and aggravated assault him … not a good look sweet pea,” one sniped. “I hope you mend your relationship with your father.”


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Wouldn't buy a thing from that monstrosity no matter what the price.


She is beautiful ! Look beyond the piercings and tattoo, she feisty in bed , beautiful body!

Is she supposed to do more than just serve coffee?? I mean $22