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Bea Johnson Chao Ang Mo Makes fun of Singlish


I'm a lot more grateful to the Mesopotamian who invented the wheel. I use plenty of those round things. :p

Never worn silk in my life, prefer coffee to tea and think Solomon had a better brain than those Chinese philosophers who only said things to please their emperors. [another unsavory Chinese trait] :rolleyes:

You asked about contributions to mankind, not contributions to samleong. Another self conceited fool.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
You asked about contributions to mankind, not contributions to samleong. Another self conceited fool.

Yeah I'm sure that apart from me, the rest of the world loves walking around wearing silk and quoting Confucius on a daily basis.:rolleyes:

China's glory days were over centuries ago. Just accept it an move on. Harping over the good old days won't get you anywhere.


Now you got a second person yanking your chain and it is no longer proverbial. I suppose you will throwing scraps as well.

This is fun. Never come out with a swing dick that you can't control. I will let you go and I suppose its good lesson whether you like it or not. You would need time to take the foot out of you know where so that the cat doesn't get it. If you can't follow, learn to listen first.

One liner? Is there something wrong with your eyes or your counting? Maybe you are much thicker than I thought. You can't tell a one liner to save your life.

And what's all this 'most people here' and 'we'? Are you now representing the entire forum when you speak? Like I said get off your high horse Pleeeaase!


Can you for god's sake take it easy on the newbies. I have no issues if it is the likes of the Rastafarian wannabe who can't see an insult if it hit him on the face. But cut some slack to the new guys who are keen to contribute. Raising their hackles for the sleigh ride never goes down well.

At least switch more frequently between the other races including the angmos so that the ones with borderline IQs with half chance can figure it out.

I know you will come back with a remark that you are genuine with your comments. This then creates a second train wreck. The Freud quoting guy is already foaming at the mouth. Please let this forum develop sensibly.

Yeah I'm sure that apart from me, the rest of the world loves walking around wearing silk and quoting Confucius on a daily basis.:rolleyes:

China's glory days were over centuries ago. Just accept it an move on. Harping over the good old days won't get you anywhere.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Can you for god's sake take it easy on the newbies. I have no issues if it is the likes of the Rastafarian wannabe who can't see an insult if it hit him on the face. But cut some slack to the new guys who are keen to contribute. Raising their hackles for the sleigh ride never goes down well.

At least switch more frequently between the other races including the angmos so that the ones with borderline IQs with half chance can figure it out.

I know you will come back with a remark that you are genuine with your comments. This then creates a second train wreck. The Freud quoting guy is already foaming at the mouth. Please let this forum develop sensibly.

Oh screwball your "intellectual prowness" is simply a myth. Oh yeah like you can throw insults with finness. :rolleyes:

Yes yes okay you're the enlightened one the rest of us here are bunch of retarded borderline IQ insipid dullards.

Btw how are you m&d frens coming along? I'm sure they enjoy your company telling them of the glory days when sg was free from the evil chains of chinese colonialism. Btw how's your sister and other family members? Happily dating malays and other assorted races?


Now you got a second person yanking your chain and it is no longer proverbial. I suppose you will throwing scraps as well.

Maybe your ego got bruised when i called you thick and turn a deaf ear to your advice regarding sam taking mickey out of somebody esp from a 'newbie', but you don't have to start groveling at sam's every word to get back at me. Doesn't look good for a 'senior' like you. but on the bright sight at least you are showing some humility. Hope my telling you to get off your high horse has something to do with it.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
If you had read what I first wrote, I said the way Brits regard social background has nothing to do with money. It has to do with WHERE you've come from. That's why even if someone has risen from the lower classes, either via business or as a professional (became accountant, lawyer, doctor, engineer, but parents were working class), they may not quite be accepted. Tolerate yes, may not fully be accepted. And of course alot of such people try to lose their previous accents, associations etc.

Look at how some Brits laugh at the likes of footballers and their WAGs, especially people like Rooney and his silly wife, Colleen. Yes, those who laugh at these ah beng footballers may never see that kind of $$ in their lifetime but it is not about money.

That's why as you've pointed out, rich Indians in the UK marry whites. You should also look at each of those people's backgrounds. Were they merchant Indians or educated upper-middle class types? Did they get their wealth from trade or through certain middle/upper-middle professions? I should have qualified myself earlier by saying that surprisingly it is also NOT about race. Do you know that for some people, it is better to marry ACROSS a DIFFERENT race, but SAME social class, rather than marry the same race, but an ah beng --- ie, some your upper-middle class ang mo son/daughter marrying an ah beng trailer park white trash (in this case, the chavs) is worse than if they marry the same social class Indian or Brit Chinese, for that matter?

I know in Sg this is a very sensitive topic -- social class. But it is a reality in Britian, and I'm just trying to point it out to you.

Then you get your knickers in such a twist (a British term, lah) that it makes me think you get uncomfortable with it. In Sg, we are not uncomfortable with it, are we????? Why, in just one generation, some peasant is living in a condo and strutting about like some rich guy (and yes, he is rich) but just one generation before, he was some beng. It's ok, what. Why should you be ashamed of your own social background, such that when I mention this case, you get all hot and bothered. Aiyah, don't lah. You have made it.

U must like the sound of your own typing. I didn't bother to read your long winded reply. How about a 2 sentence succint summary, if you can.


U must like the sound of your own typing. I didn't bother to read your long winded reply. How about a 2 sentence succint summary, if you can.

The truth hurts, doesn't it? Funny how the NOUVEAU RICHE Sinkee who has upgraded to a condo (or even, horrors, to a 'landed' property) and now strutting around like some tua kee, but deep down is very ashamed of his working class, ah beng parents and SOCIAL BACKGROUND.

Sama sama. Same with our horse-faced Bea, who is no doubt fooling around with some heartland (sorry, but not the ah bengs) natives and then getting cheated and used by them. Say, how about forwarding this whole thread of our Bea. In Leonie Hill.


No, it hasn't been butchered. It's part of what's called varieties of English. You can actually use Singlish with near-perfect grammar, but add in our own unique take, with its Malay and Hokkien words.

It's only butchered if some half-wit moron uses bad grammar throughout. That's when it becomes irritating.

Obviously, I'm not referring to the minority who are already sufficiently proficient in the language but would throw in the ocassional lahs or malay/chinese words for spice. If this is Singlish, it's perfectly fine. I'm referring to the majority who uses bad grammar, bad/wrong pronunciation/intonation and wrong usage of words/phrases. It's annoying because these same people would insist that that's because it's Singlish. So, what exactly is Singlish?


Old Fart
A good Singlish speaker is one who has mastered the English language. From there on, one can bastardise English any way one wants and still be understood. :p


Your comparison of the contribution of west and the far east is extremely flawed. By doing so, u r holding constant the instability factor that struck the far east ever since ur barbaric white trash ancestors decide to reverse their massive trade deficit with China by using weapons and violence. A more accurate analysis would require u to add in assumptions such as, would China be the superpower if it were left alone by the imperialist west, etc... Afterall a stable environment is one of the pre-requisites for innovation.

I certainly love the Chinese language and culture but I know I would very much prefer to live under the Western form of government than that practised in most Asian societies (superpower or not) where the value of your life is ENTIRELY dependent on your status in society.

Note that when the West invaded China, it was being ruled by the Manchus, a minority ethnic group and not the Han Chinese. So, it is inaccurate to say that China belonged to the Han Chinese then. I am not sure how stable the environment is when the majority ethnic group is ruled by a minority ethnic group but I highly suspect that the ruling minority group will be very obsessed with keeping the population under strict control. In fact, if not for the invasion, the Han Chinese might probably not be motivated enough to overthrow their Manchu overlords.

In conclusion, for a lowly peasant, it is indisputable that the Western form of government is vastly superior although it doesn't mean that life will be easier. Hope this statement is clear enough.
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I certainly love the Chinese language and culture but I know I would very much prefer to live under the Western form of government than that practised in most Asian societies (superpower or not) where the value of your life is ENTIRELY dependent on your status in society.

Note that when the West invaded China, it was being ruled by the Manchus, a minority ethnic group and not the Han Chinese. So, it is inaccurate to say that China belonged to the Han Chinese then. I am not sure how stable the environment is when the majority ethnic group is ruled by a minority ethnic group but I highly suspect that the ruling minority group will be very obsessed with keeping the population under strict control. In fact, if not for the invasion, the Han Chinese might probably not be motivated enough to overthrow their Manchu overlords.

In conclusion, for a lowly peasant, it is indisputable that the Western form of government is vastly superior although it doesn't mean that life will be easier. Hope this statement is clear enough.
Excellent point,thank you.


The prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace were first awarded in 1901.
1901 was the time of the decline of China,China was top of the world before.

China woul get back its rightful share pretty soon!

Erm, I think for the few centuries before 1901, the majority Han were being ruled by the minority Manchus. Not sure if this should be considered as a source of pride, whether or not China is at the top of the world.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
I certainly love the Chinese language and culture but I know I would very much prefer to live under the Western form of government than that practised in most Asian societies (superpower or not) where the value of your life is ENTIRELY dependent on your status in society.

You contradict yourself. The term "culture" involves more than just song, dance, food and art.

"Culture" describes a whole way of life and the Chinese attitude of judging a person based on his wealth and status is very much part of Chinese psyche. In fact, it could be considered to be the defining characteristic of Chinese society.

If you prefer living in a Western democracy and admire it's definitive traits ie egalitarian outlook, separation of church and state, independence of the judiciary, respect for human rights, everyone considered equal in the eyes of the law, and so on, I'd venture to say that you probably prefer Western culture more than you realise.:wink:


You contradict yourself. The term "culture" involves more than just song, dance, food and art.

"Culture" describes a whole way of life and the Chinese attitude of judging a person based on his wealth and status is very much part of Chinese psyche. In fact, it could be considered to be the defining characteristic of Chinese society.

If you prefer living in a Western democracy and admire it's definitive traits ie egalitarian outlook, separation of church and state, independence of the judiciary, respect for human rights, everyone considered equal in the eyes of the law, and so on, I'd venture to say that you probably prefer Western culture more than you realise.:wink:

No contradiction, there are certainly parts of the culture that I love and parts that I abhor. But it wouldn't make sense to just discard everything simply for the parts that you hate. I prefer to think for myself and just use the good parts from any culture. :smile:

For example, you say that Chinese habit of loving money above all else is deplorable but if you think a little deeper, you will realise that it is this pragmatism that enabled the Chinese to survive for thousands of years through disasters, invasions, colonisations, etc. There are two sides to every coin and it is best not to be too hasty in dismissing these traits. But I would readily admit that the Western form of government is superior for individuals not considered part of the elite.


You contradict yourself. The term "culture" involves more than just song, dance, food and art.

"Culture" describes a whole way of life and the Chinese attitude of judging a person based on his wealth and status is very much part of Chinese psyche. In fact, it could be considered to be the defining characteristic of Chinese society.

If you prefer living in a Western democracy and admire it's definitive traits ie egalitarian outlook, separation of church and state, independence of the judiciary, respect for human rights, everyone considered equal in the eyes of the law, and so on, I'd venture to say that you probably prefer Western culture more than you realise.:wink:
Western democracy is no prefection.

I agree with the view that it is the worst form of government except it is the ONLY one which works.

In addition,a more moderated approach would probably be the best,as avocated by MM LYY some times,especially just after he prays MARANATHA.

So who is goiing to do it?

That would be the savior we Christians have been waiting for nearly 2000 years.
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High Order Twit / Low SES subject
you will realise that it is this pragmatism that enabled the Chinese to survive for thousands of years through disasters, invasions, colonisations, etc.

Most of mankind has survived the same turmoil that the Chinese have gone through.

Survival instincts aren't unique to the the Chinese and I see no reason why it should be linked in any way to a materialistic outlook towards life.

Your opening statement was that you loved Chinese language and culture. You have now clarified that you like certain aspects of Chinese culture but abhor other aspects. What is it you like about the Chinese way of life apart from the language?