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Barisan socialis come back to challenge PAP


But the Barisan walked out. They said so themselves.

In Singapore, with the biggest British troop concentration east of Suez, the British lackey Lee Kuan Yew was given a free hand to do anything he wanted against his political opponents.

The Barisan did not boycott the parliament but was forced out of it by fascist Lee.

Yes, the Barisan boycotted the subsequent sham elections of 1968 conducted by a PAP govt dept taking orders from the Lee despotic regime.


In Singapore, with the biggest British troop concentration east of Suez, the British lackey Lee Kuan Yew was given a free hand to do anything he wanted against his political opponents.

The Barisan did not boycott the parliament but was forced out of it by fascist Lee.

Yes, the Barisan boycotted the subsequent sham elections of 1968 conducted by a PAP govt dept taking orders from the Lee despotic regime.

Check your history you crony of the reCHEEme of the MONGREL who bit his masters' hands LOUDHAILER chee soon juan.

They walked out prior to 1968.

The Barisan tried to pressure LKY by resigning. They had about 30% of the seats then.

LKY just laughed an filled the seat with PAP assemblymen (later MPs) since only the Barisan had a chance of winning seats then. By 1972, the Barisan was a spent force.

The Barisan destroyed themselves by walking out. But only the reCHEEme will try to convince people otherwise.

The Barisan by the way, are the Workers' Party now, in case you didn't know.


Check your history you crony of the reCHEEme of the MONGREL who bit his masters' hands LOUDHAILER chee soon juan.

They walked out prior to 1968.

The Barisan tried to pressure LKY by resigning. They had about 30% of the seats then.

LKY just laughed an filled the seat with PAP assemblymen (later MPs) since only the Barisan had a chance of winning seats then. By 1972, the Barisan was a spent force.

The Barisan destroyed themselves by walking out. But only the reCHEEme will try to convince people otherwise.

The Barisan by the way, are the Workers' Party now, in case you didn't know.

Wah lucky got political historian. To summarise:

Blah blah blah, Te thread wrong la cos WP already in Parliament so no need to make come back.


Check your history you crony of the reCHEEme of the MONGREL who bit his masters' hands LOUDHAILER chee soon juan.

You must be a low-level PAP dog sent here to attack a fellow forummer. Why do you get personal when all that I've done was to highlight what Singapore's biggest MONGREL Lee Kuan Yew had done to protect and safeguard his avaricious greed for more power and wealth?

It's fascist Lee who had engineered the removal of the Barisan from his rubber-stamp parliament. Now, Lee Kuan Yew's parliament is nothing but a fully air-conditioned chamber for PAP fat cats and approved charlatans to take their afternoon nap after a heavy meal.


You must be a low-level PAP dog sent here to attack a fellow forummer. Why do you get personal when all that I've done was to highlight what Singapore's biggest MONGREL Lee Kuan Yew had done to protect and safeguard his avaricious greed for more power and wealth?

It's fascist Lee who had engineered the removal of the Barisan from his rubber-stamp parliament. Now, Lee Kuan Yew's parliament is nothing but a fully air-conditioned chamber for PAP fat cats and approved charlatans to take their afternoon nap after a heavy meal.

You know and I know that the only mongrels are the MONGREL who bit his masters' hands LOUDHAILER chee soon juan and you followers of his SDP reCHEEme.

The MONGREL who bit his masters' hands LOUDHAILER Benedict Arnold Chee betrayed everyone in his midst, be they PAP or SDP. Vasoo, Chiam and now he's kicked out Ling after making him lose his seat in 1997.

If only all the other opposition parties had facists like MONGREL who bit his masters' hands LOUDHAILER chee soon juan and his SDP reCHEEme. Then PAP would have a clean sweep.

Porfirio Rubirosa

I suggest you go read the late Dr lee's interview with historian Mel Chew in her book on Leadership (a great book btw since she also conducted interviews with amongst others Lim Chin Siong and Devan Nair after he left the Istana). BS were partly to blame for being outfoxed by Lee Kuan Yew. No doubt Lee Kuan Yew had the backing of the British and Tunku (again by being cunning) but even so, BS could still have been a force to reckon with if they contested the 68' elections.

It's fascist Lee who had engineered the removal of the Barisan from his rubber-stamp parliament. Now, Lee Kuan Yew's parliament is nothing but a fully air-conditioned chamber for PAP fat cats and approved charlatans to take their afternoon nap after a heavy meal.


when something hits them hard like Lehman, they might stand a chance of waking up with bruises :biggrin::eek::biggrin::eek:

Things like Lehman may hit them silly once in a while. But that will just be broken pockets and insomnia, perhaps depression. It'll blow over and they'll sleep again, they hardly will realize there is political exploitation. :(

Look around, you'll see the political retardation and how serious it is. On one hand there're people still praising and licking those papsmears like prostitutes, they know darn well but will bend over nonetheless. :o

On another, there're people playing down CST, LTK, CSJ and maybe even JBJ if he had not passed on. These are the only politicians especially CSJ on the ground standing up and struggling against injustice and exploitation, yet no appreciation or support but critizism if not hoping that he goes down, how ungrateful. :(

JBJ had till the day he breathe his last still urging people to walk with him and fight for the very basic human right. And that's for people to live like human beings with dignity and not to just die with dignity. Until it happens or will it ever happen, it's a wonder and the retardation remains. This sad and very sad indeed.:(


Check your history you crony of the reCHEEme of the MONGREL who bit his masters' hands LOUDHAILER chee soon juan.

They walked out prior to 1968.

The Barisan tried to pressure LKY by resigning. They had about 30% of the seats then.

LKY just laughed an filled the seat with PAP assemblymen (later MPs) since only the Barisan had a chance of winning seats then. By 1972, the Barisan was a spent force.

The Barisan destroyed themselves by walking out. But only the reCHEEme will try to convince people otherwise.

The Barisan by the way, are the Workers' Party now, in case you didn't know.

Check your history too, you are painting with a broken brush or is it broken arm. With archives in London opening up, details unsaid before are slowly being revealed. It was operation *coldstore* that crippled Barisan Socialis with the arrest of many of its top leaders, it was never destroyed.

Nevertheless, it was a fatal mistake and the gravest by Barisan Socialis when its 13 elected MPs walkout. They tried to bring to the streets to protest against the PAP's way of government but failed, it didnt work. With further arrest going on and call for blank ballots went unheeded, Barisan Socialis doesnt have a chance. The by-election saw PAP taking all 14 opposition seats ( 1 from United People's Party ).

Barisan and United Front merged with the Workers Party and Dr Lee Siew Choh among others like Francis Seow became WP candidates in the 1988 election.


Super Moderator
It'll blow over and they'll sleep again, they hardly will realize there is political exploitation. :(

i read you... a large number of folks can't even tell the difference between a government and any given political party :(


I suggest you go read the late Dr lee's interview with historian Mel Chew in her book on Leadership (a great book btw since she also conducted interviews with amongst others Lim Chin Siong and Devan Nair after he left the Istana). BS were partly to blame for being outfoxed by Lee Kuan Yew. No doubt Lee Kuan Yew had the backing of the British and Tunku (again by being cunning) but even so, BS could still have been a force to reckon with if they contested the 68' elections.

Any political party worth its salt is prone to contestation of ideas and thoughts and BS, a mass-based party, is no exception.

The fact remains that Lee Kuan Yew, with the help of his British masters and the Malay aristocracy in the North, was given a free hand to indulge in undemocratic, underhand tactics to decimate the people-centred BS.

The two by-election defeats by the PAP in 1961 was a clear indictment that the Lee regime completely lost its support of the people on whose mandate it first came to power in 1959.

After separation in 1965, LKY refused to convene parliament despite repeated calls by the opposition BS whose MPs had even camped inside Parliament precinct under makeshift tents.

The repression of elected MPs by the British sponsored Lee Kuan Yew was unprecedented. All this was carried out with a single most objective of keeping the Barisan from raising issues of concern to the people in parliament.

BS was engaged in a constitutional struggle but British stooge Harry Lee resorted to extra-parliamentary, extra-constitutional, undemocratic and anti-people, dictatorial onslaughts to remain in power with the unrestrained use of force, fear and intimidation.

Porfirio Rubirosa

Yes, but at the end of the day BS made the mistakes of the walkout and the boycott, of their own accord. It cannot blame LKY, the British and Tungku for those mistakes. And Dr Lee in his interview with Mel Chew was honest enough to concede to these strategic mistakes in hindsight. Like it or not, LKY was the smarter, more cunning and foxy politician than his political enemies and that is why he eventually ended up being the political victor.

Any political party worth its salt is prone to contestation of ideas and thoughts and BS, a mass-based party, is no exception.

The fact remains that Lee Kuan Yew, with the help of his British masters and the Malay aristocracy in the North, was given a free hand to indulge in undemocratic, underhand tactics to decimate the people-centred BS.

The two by-election defeats by the PAP in 1961 was a clear indictment that the Lee regime completely lost its support of the people on whose mandate it first came to power in 1959.

After separation in 1965, LKY refused to convene parliament despite repeated calls by the opposition BS whose MPs had even camped inside Parliament precinct under makeshift tents.

The repression of elected MPs by the British sponsored Lee Kuan Yew was unprecedented. All this was carried out with a single most objective of keeping the Barisan from raising issues of concern to the people in parliament.

BS was engaged in a constitutional struggle but British stooge Harry Lee resorted to extra-parliamentary, extra-constitutional, undemocratic and anti-people, dictatorial onslaughts to remain in power with the unrestrained use of force, fear and intimidation.


Yes, but at the end of the day BS made the mistakes of the walkout and the boycott, of their own accord. It cannot blame LKY, the British and Tungku for those mistakes. And Dr Lee in his interview with Mel Chew was honest enough to concede to these strategic mistakes in hindsight. Like it or not, LKY was the smarter, more cunning and foxy politician than his political enemies and that is why he eventually ended up being the political victor.

But the truth is not scandolous for the reCHEEme of the MONGREL who bit his masters' hands LOUDHAILER chee soon juan. Better to blame LKY. Better to blame the Brits. Better to blame Tungku. Better to blame the Japanese! Better to blame Sir Stamford Raffles. But the MONGREL who bit his masters' hands LOUDHAILER chee soon juan will never see the true side of the story.


Yes, but at the end of the day BS made the mistakes of the walkout and the boycott, of their own accord. It cannot blame LKY, the British and Tungku for those mistakes. And Dr Lee in his interview with Mel Chew was honest enough to concede to these strategic mistakes in hindsight. Like it or not, LKY was the smarter, more cunning and foxy politician than his political enemies and that is why he eventually ended up being the political victor.

Lee Kuan Yew himself admitted to having excluded BS from parliament during an interview with young voters telecast before the 2006 sham elections.


Dear Porifirio

LKY might not have reconvened parliament in 1965 as stated by One but then again, that tactic had a limited lifespan. He would still have to pass legislation, he would still have to pass a budget , he could not have refused to convene parliament indefinitely and if he chose to then the BS could have whacked him on the issue during the next GE which alas they ultimately boycotted.


Porfirio Rubirosa

Well if One2Unite was alluding to LKY not reconvening parliament after Independence than he was right and this was indeed a bugbear of BS. But I don't think it actually amounts to BS being "excluded" from parliament altogether because as you rightly say, LKY had to eventually recovene parliament sometime down the road in accordance with the constitution. In any event LKY did not prevent BS from contesting the 68' GE, BS chose to of its own accord and lived to bitterly regret making such a disasterous strategic decision.

As an aside, I read a fascinating account of that period related by Toh Chin Chye in his interview with Mel Chew, where he seemed to suggest that LKY may have had stress fatigue straight after declaring Independence as he was breaking down crying in public on perhaps more than one occasion, so much so that LKY went to Changi government chalets for an almost 6 week break to rejuvenate himself.

Dear Porifirio

LKY might not have reconvened parliament in 1965 as stated by One but then again, that tactic had a limited lifespan. He would still have to pass legislation, he would still have to pass a budget , he could not have refused to convene parliament indefinitely and if he chose to then the BS could have whacked him on the issue during the next GE which alas they ultimately boycotted.



Lee Kuan Yew himself admitted to having excluded BS from parliament during an interview with young voters telecast before the 2006 sham elections.

It appears that you have resigned to the notion that the PAP cannot be defeated and your are throwing a mountain of excuses to support that notion. Now you are distorting facts. Suggest you leave it to the more competent to take the battle to the PAP.

It was a major tactical blunder by Barisan. Not matter how good one is, there is always the occasional error and miscalculation in any venture.

The communist had infiltrated and influenced Barisan to a large extent. The only person that was clean was Dr Lee as the communist knew that the British and Lee would use that excuse to ban the party. Unfortunately the Communist did not realise that Dr Lee was pretty much his own man and made that decision. They were upset by the walkout and boycott.

The british had in the past had delisted societies and organisations when it was fronted by a communist. Thats the reason why Plen and Eu used old man for their United Front approach.

Porfirio Rubirosa


After recently doing some further reading on these issues, I am now more convinced on balance that Lim Chin Siong was indeed a communist or at least under communist influence. I think there is even some credence that Zaid Zahari fell into this same group in particular after looking at the Plen's comments to Zaid on Zaid's criticisms of the Plen's decisions with regards PRS in the early 60s. Oh and I also came across an indirect reference to Wee Mon Cheng:smile:

Btw Chin Peng seems to confirm that the Puthucheary brothers were not communists afterall and neither was Tan Wah Piow, but he did say that Juliet Chin was a communist. Rajaratnam himself told Mel Chew in an interview that he was drawn to communism (you were right before) on an intellectual level while in London like many young bright intellectuals of that time but probably followed the expression "if you are not a communist at 20, you do not have a heart, but if you are still a communist at 40 than you do not have a brain" similar to actually card carrying communist and later anti communist Gerald De Cruz(saw some sweet old photos of his young daughter long before she rose to the bench:smile:


It appears that you have resigned to the notion that the PAP cannot be defeated and your are throwing a mountain of excuses to support that notion. Now you are distorting facts. Suggest you leave it to the more competent to take the battle to the PAP.

It was a major tactical blunder by Barisan. Not matter how good one is, there is always the occasional error and miscalculation in any venture.

The communist had infiltrated and influenced Barisan to a large extent. The only person that was clean was Dr Lee as the communist knew that the British and Lee would use that excuse to ban the party. Unfortunately the Communist did not realise that Dr Lee was pretty much his own man and made that decision. They were upset by the walkout and boycott.

The british had in the past had delisted societies and organisations when it was fronted by a communist. Thats the reason why Plen and Eu used old man for their United Front approach.



After recently doing some further reading on these issues, I am now more convinced on balance that Lim Chin Siong was indeed a communist or at least under communist influence. I think there is even some credence that Zaid Zahari fell into this same group in particular after looking at the Plen's comments to Zaid on Zaid's criticisms of the Plen's decisions with regards PRS in the early 60s. Oh and I also came across an indirect reference to Wee Mon Cheng:smile:

Btw Chin Peng seems to confirm that the Puthucheary brothers were not communists afterall and neither was Tan Wah Piow, but he did say that Juliet Chin was a communist. Rajaratnam himself told Mel Chew in an interview that he was drawn to communism (you were right before) on an intellectual level while in London like many young bright intellectuals of that time but probably followed the expression "if you are not a communist at 20, you do not have a heart, but if you are still a communist at 40 than you do not have a brain" similar to actually card carrying communist and later anti communist Gerald De Cruz(saw some sweet old photos of his young daughter long before she rose to the bench:smile:

Bro, good on you. Its is indeed an interesting field.

Zaid is definitely one as he went on to pay homage to the communist leader in china after his release and there are many other indications.

Chin Siong like the puthucheary's bro, woodhull, jasmit etc were leftist. British Special Branch had been monitoring the communist and had dossiers and everyone of them and would not have allowed Chin Siong for the London talks if he had been one. Chin Siong unlike Zaid did not tour the known communist contacts after his return. I doubt Eu or Plen would have agreed to let him lead if he was one. However he was leaning towards it because he was a leftist.

Juliet unexpectedly turned up at MCP broadcasting station in China after her deportation and they allowed her in. Chin Peng I believe felt that she was an idealist rather than a communist. she was pretty like castro, forced to be one.

My heart however goes out to Robert Kuok's mum. One of her son became a full fledged communist and took to the jungle and was shot dead by armed forces during the emergency. He was a close confidant and one time work colleague of gerald and family friend of James Puthucheary. Robert probably knows more about this than anyone out there.

In that era, if you had compassion, intelligent and wanted to remove your fellow countrymen from the yoke colonial and feudalism abuse, you would have probably be a communist.

There are however too many gaps and people like old man, chin peng are not talking. It will be interesting when the official oral archives are released. Eu's would be the best guide.

Here is a bit of trivia. By the way, Devan placed his legs on a box of explosives kept under a table where he wrote leftist propaganda. That box was meant for the MCP in the jungle. He was certainly one until Old Man got him across.