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AWAS.....all Jiuhu Cina Bros n Part Timer Sinki Compatriot..Johor has NO Terror Attack..Only Lonewolf Attack, kym????

syed putra


No. 1

  • Extremist groups may be dormant, but never underestimate.
  • ticking time bombs that may explode at any time, say experts.
  • threat of violence from extremist groups cannot be understated
  • They must be constantly kept under scrutiny and surveillance
  • attacker in Ulu Tiram came with parang and not firearms or explosives
  • indicates that this may be a random act from a JI member
(OSTB : I really dont think so. If he had a machine gun I am sure he would have brought his machine gun. If he had an M1 Abrams tank I am sure he would have brought his Abrams tank. But maybe on that day the Abrams tank was at the mechanic's shop for servicing. What weapons he came with or did not come with is not relevant. What is scary is he came with the intention to murder people. Which he did, he murdered two innocent people.)

government must address extremism, radicalism to ensure safety and security
attack could have been “copycat” of similar attacks in Indonesia few years ago
“It might have inspired this particular attack”

syed putra

OSTB : Copycat? All this psycho mad behaviour is imported. WHY? The answer is very simple. Because the local people have no brains.

Jemaah Islamiyah terrorism is imported from Indonesia. WHY? Because the local people are bodoh. They like 'barang impot'.

The Wahabi / Salafi extremism is imported from Saudi Arabia. WHY? Because the local people are bodoh. They like 'barang impot'.

That Indian terrorist mentor is imported from India. Still living here. At one time he was given police outriders. WHY? Because the local people are bodoh. They like 'barang impot'.

That Arab fellow cakap Terengganu is imported from Tanah Unta. Then he started creating controversy. WHY? Because the local people are bodoh. They like 'barang impot'.

So the problem is the local people are bodoh. They are easily influenced by all these stupid and satanic 'barang impot'. And the gomen closes one eye. You allow all these stupid and satanic extremists into the country. They can come and go anytime. Ikut suka hati depa. And then when they start killing and murdering our people you buat bodoh pula. Disbelief lah, ticking time bomb lah. How stupid can you get?)

  • authorities should step up surveillance on suspected radical groups
  • “While some could be seen as dormant, they should never be underestimated
  • Authorities have to stop people from being influenced by extremist ideologies”

  • suspect’s father was a JI member
  • takfiri ideology (excommunicating other Muslims) runs in the family
  • time bomb which exploded
  • important to remain vigilant because ideology is not dead
(OSTB : Oops its too late. Two policemen have now been killed. Two families have been deprived of their loved ones. Please step up the surveillance. Better late than never.)

syed putra

No. 2 Villagers in disbelief over attack

(OSTB : I dont believe this).

  • man who killed two policeman reclusive
  • family living away from others
  • family house in Jln Rabani, Kg Sungai Tiram fenced off in private area
  • 10 other houses in the settlement also display no-entry signs
  • located not far from Madrasah Luqmanul Hakim, once the haunt of Jemaah Islamiah
  • settlement had been around for more than 20 years
  • all the families there living in seclusion
  • not mingling with other villagers
  • shocked killer was in our midst
(OSTB : TEN other houses in the settlement for over 20 years? Hello Johor Police? What have you been doing? How can there be TEN other houses belonging to these pro-JI people for the past 20 years? I thought that Madrasatul Luqmanul Hakim was shut down long ago. How can the madrasah still be operating? If what The Star has reported here is true, then what have the Johor Police been doing?)

  • assailant had four siblings
  • did not go to school
  • educated by his father
  • who is also a member of Jemaah Islamiah (JI)
  • whole family did not receive formal education
  • but are schooled by their father
  • possibly (indoctrinated) with extremist teachings

(OSTB : Wow !! Let me make a kuda liar guess. The father had advanced training in Jemaah Islamiyah ideology? Let me make another kuda liar guess - the same father must have taught the four other siblings the same stuff. So now we still have FOUR other siblings walking around breathing this toxic stuff all over Ulu Tiram.
Ulu Tiram village chief said the incident had residents worried

(OSTB : But for 20 years the villagers did not seem to worry. Did anyone make any Police reports over the past 20 years? I dont think so.)

syed putra


  • Ulu Tiram familiar place for Jemaah Islamiah (JI) leaders and fighters
  • Indons Abu Bakar Bashir, Abdullah Sungkar established Luqmanul Hakim
  • in 2015 Abu Bakar jailed 15 years, released in January, 2021.
  • JI's Noordin Mohd Top, Asia’s most wanted terrorist, attended madrasah
  • with Mukhlas who was also part of 2002 Bali bombings.
  • Noordin 41, was killed by Indonesian security forces on Sept 17, 2009
  • Mukhlas executed in 2008, for Bali bombings
  • He too brought religious teachers from Indonesia to Ulu Tiram.
  • The Ulu Tiram madrasah was shut down in the early 2000s
  • Indon terrorist Hambali met his wife Lee Yin Len at same madrasah
  • Hambali, 2 M'sian partners Mohamed Farik Amin, Mohamed Nazir Lep
  • 2 M'sians personally recruited by him for suicide attack in US later aborted
  • Hambali key Al-Qaeda leader in South-East Asia
  • charges against trio for two terrorist attacks in Indonesia, US citizens killed
  • all three still being held in US naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
  • classified “high value detainees” and “high-risk threat to US and allies"
  • Hambali aka Encep Nurjaman and Riduan Isamuddin, was PR in Malaysia
(OSTB : WhO gave Hambali the PR? WhO gave Abu Bakar Basyir his PR? Siapa suruh sign?


In the forums, jiuhu Chinese tell their own type c to keep silent and don’t comment.
type c said this this is Malay and Muslim issue and they Muslim settle the issues among themselves and type c shall not get involed

Do u agree ?

syed putra

My Comments :

I have a simple solution for all this religious violence. What we do not want is the violence. Extremism is debateable. There are extremely hardcore Tibetan monks (Buddhist monks) who isolate themselves inside the Buddhist monastery on the mountain tops in Tibet. They isolate themselves for decades and spend all their time in prayer and meditation. Those are hardcore, extremist Buddhist monks. But they do not resort to violence.

You still have those hardcore Jesuit Christian priests who go and live in the jungles in the Amazon, in Papua New Guinea helping the native peoples who live in the jungles. They are extreme hardcore too. But they are not violent.

Indigenous people in the Amazon

The problem is the violence. K E G A N A S A N. I want to ask the Muslims - all the Muslims. Why do you have to be so damned violent?

Or why do you tolerate all this VIOLENCE?

For 20 years those Jemaah Islamiyah fellows have been living in their secluded 'settlement' in Ulu Tiram. The village people did not complain.

The other day that moron fellow created so much hatred against that kedai runcit. There were firebombing attacks against that kedai runcit outlets around the country. How many Muslims complained? The non-Muslims were worried and upset. But what did the Muslims do?

That Malay girl was caring for stray dogs or something. There were many Muslims who wanted to take action against her - for taking care of stray dogs?? They wanted her to be arrested and locked up. That is violence. Why are you all so full of hatred and violence?

That Malay girl was just working in a Chinese owned book shop which happened to sell a book (which had NOT YET been banned at that time). They arrested the Malay girl worker and charged her in court. If guilty she would be jailed. Again VIOLENCE. Use of FORCE or mengguna KEKERASAN. Its the same thing. FORCE = KEKERASAN = VIOLENCE = KEGANASAN.


Whether it is Jemaah Islamiyah or the gomen (pemerintah) VIOLENCE IS VIOLENCE. FORCE IS FORCE. AND FORCE IS VIOLENCE.

State sanctioned violence is 'according to the law".
Jemaah islamiyah violence is NOT according to the law.

This is what that Jemaah Islamiyah father would have taught his FIVE children.
That it is not wrong to use violence to enforce our religious beliefs.
The government also uses violence to enforce their religious beliefs.
(3 years jail, RM5000 fine, SIX strokes of the rotan for religious 'crimes')

So using FORCE AND VIOLENCE to enforce religious beliefs is NOT WRONG.
It is a CRIME because the JI is not sanctioned by law to use violence to enforce religion.
The gomen or pemerintah is legally sanctioned to use violence to enforce religion.
Using violence to enforce religion is NOT WRONG.
It is a CRIME only when you are not sanctioned by the law.
Itu saja.

syed putra



Because religion has little or no scientific evidence to prove itself. All religions. That is why we have the word "faith". Religion is simply "faith". Scientific evidence, scientific proofs, logic, common sense are not needed. All that is needed is faith.

Hence the religious people have said things like the following:

One religion says their hero flew over the mountains.
Another says their hero walked on water.
One says their hero was born miraculously from a bear.
Yet another says their hero embarked on miraculous journeys.
One religion says their god is like this.
Another religion says their god is like that.

This is religion.
All this runs on faith.
Either you accept it or you dont accept it.

Unfortunately the problem starts with the "dont accept it" part.
That is when the USE OF FORCE and VIOLENCE starts.

The gomen will say "You dont believe as we believe? We will physically throw you in jail".
The Jemaah Islamiyah will say "You dont believe as we believe? We will BLOW YOU UP".

And why will this problem not go away? Because in each and every religion there will always be at least 10 dozen "extremists" who will tell the gomen 'I disagree with your understanding of religion. Your understanding is wrong.'

And then the 10 dozen extremists will also start disagreeing with each other. "You are wrong". The other fellow will reply "I am right. You are wrong". And then the violence will start.

AGAIN WHY? Because no one has 100%, rock solid, scientific proof for their belief. It is just their faith. The other fellow will say 'That is your understanding. My understanding is different from you". And then the fighting will start.


The solution is really simple and it has already been successfully implemented in hundreds of countries around the world.

This is the most important step.

Any law that seeks to criminalise religious belief must be abolished.
You cannot throw a person in jail or punish him for his religious beliefs.


Because you have no scientific proof for your own religious beliefs.
It is just your belief versus someone else's belief. There are no scientific proofs.

Instead of criminalising religious belief Malaysia should allow any Muslim to believe as he deems fit.

This is what Muslims discover when they migrate to Australia, Singapore, USA, Canada or to Europe. That their neighbour can be a Shia, a Sunni, a Sufi, a Salafi / Wahabi. No one cares. It is not a crime to belong to any Muslim sect or not belong to any sect in these countries.

That is why Muslims who migrate to Europe and the West find their lives so peaceful. No one will arrest them for their religious beliefs. Or throw stones at them. There is no or much less religious violence.

And the law in those Western countries protects the Muslims from violence or use of force against them by other Muslims on account of their religious beliefs.

This is what we must teach our Muslim people here in Malaysia. Leave your neighbours alone. Especially your Muslim neighbours. It is legally not your business to worry about your Muslim neighbours faith. You just take care of yourself and your own faith. No violence, no force.

But it must begin with the government. When the government stops criminalising religious belief, when the government tells the people the law will not be used against you for your religious belief then it will make it more difficult for outfits like the JI to sell their 'I am holier than thou' ideology in Ulu Tiram.

People will say 'You have your ideas we have ours. You go your way and we will go our way. There is no need for violence or force'.

Muslims in Malaysia will get used to the reality that different groups of Muslims do have different ways of understanding religion.


Ulu Tiram is quite near to Desaru.

If sinkie drive from second link to Desaru, most likely they will bypass Ulu Tiram.

If Ulu Tiram is a Muslim fanatic cowboy town, most likely this will affect Desaru.

Johore sultan has big investment in Desaru.

Time to tell if Johore Sultan will trigger its own Johore Military Force to comb Ulu Tiram.

syed putra

In the forums, jiuhu Chinese tell their own type c to keep silent and don’t comment.
type c said this this is Malay and Muslim issue and they Muslim settle the issues among themselves and type c shall not get involed

Do u agree ?
Chinese meddle in malay religion is like suicide.

syed putra


I will not play his video here because Imraz says plenty of things, not all of which I dare to repeat in this blog.

Not because what he says is wrong but the oppressive laws and system that we have in this country which curb freedom of speech can suddenly fall upon your head from out of nowhere.

The point that Imraz Ikhbal raises in this video is that Islam does not force its beliefs on people. Indeed the Quran says 'there is no compulsion in religion'.

This is the very famous phrase in the Quran لَآ إِكْرَاهَ فِى ٱلدِّينِ ۖ or 'laa iqraaha fid deen' which means "let there be no compulsion in religion".

But as I keep repeating again and again the Muslims do not read and understand what their Quran says.

Dear Muslim reader, even if you have a PhD in Islamic studies do you know how many chapters or surah there are in the Quran? Yes I know you say that there are 30 juzu in the Quran. But how many chapters (surah) are there in the Quran? Many, many Muslims do not even know the answer to this simplest of questions. They do not even know how many chapters there are in their own Quran. (I am not going to give you the answer).

If you do not know the answer maybe you should stop passing judgement on other peoples' Islamic faith?

Dear Muslim reader, even if you have a PhD in Islamic studies, can you pick up an Arabic Quran (with no translations or tulisan Rumi) and turn the pages to find say Surah no 36? I will give you one week to find this Surah no. 36. If you do not know how to find it, maybe you should stop passing judgement on other peoples' Islamic faith?

To make your life easier Surah 36 is the famous Surah Yaseen which many people read at funerals and at the graves over the dead bodies of their loved ones.

Here are FOUR verses (verses 60 to 64) from Surah Yaseen for your note :

36:60 Did I not command you, O Children of Adam, not to follow Satan, for he is truly your sworn enemy,
36:61 but to worship Me ˹alone˺? This is the Straight Path
36:62 Yet he already misled great multitudes of you. Did you not have any sense?
36:63 This is the Hell you were warned of.
36:64 Burn in it Today for your disbelief.
So do remember these verses the next time you recite them over the dead bodies of your loved ones.

Back to Imraz Ikhbal I just want to share a few other verses from the Quran which may be useful in understanding this concept of :

لَآ إِكْرَاهَ فِى ٱلدِّينِ ۖ or 'laa iqraaha fid deen' which means "let there be no compulsion in religion".

Here is Surah 28:56 You surely cannot guide those whom you love ( إِنَّكَ لَا تَهْدِى مَنْ أَحْبَبْتَ˹) but it is Allah Who guides whoever He wills, and He knows best who are ˹fit to be˺ guided'.

The Messenger or Rasul cannot guide even those whom he loves (ahbabta).
Only Allah swt can guide whomever He wills.
Again this means there is no compulsion.
You cannot force people to do this or that.

Surah 6:107 Had Allah willed, they would not have associated partners with Him. We have not appointed you as their keeper (HAFEEZ), nor are you their representative (WAKEEL)
Again the Messenger is not a keeper or a guardian (HAFEEZ) over anyone.
Neither is the Messenger a representative or advocate (WAKEEL) on behalf of anyone.
( وَمَا جَعَلْنَـٰكَ عَلَيْهِمْ حَفِيظًۭا ۖ وَمَآ أَنتَ عَلَيْهِم بِوَكِيلٍۢ )

Again meaning there is no compulsion in religion.
Whoever wants to be guided has to decide for himself.
You cannot force or compel anyone into believing as you do.
And here is another favorite of mine :

Surah 50:45 نَّحْنُ أَعْلَمُ بِمَا يَقُولُونَ ۖ وَمَآ أَنتَ عَلَيْهِم بِجَبَّارٍۢ ۖ فَذَكِّرْ بِٱلْقُرْءَانِ مَن يَخَافُ وَعِيدِ
'We know best what they say. And you are not ˹there˺ to compel them (to believe)˺. So remind with the Quran, those who fear My warning'.

وَمَآ أَنتَ عَلَيْهِم بِجَبَّارٍۢ or 'wa maa anta alayhim bi JABBARIN' which means 'And you are not ˹there˺ to compel them'.
JABBAR means the boss man, the big guy, the guy with the big stick.
JABBARIN refers to forcing people, to compel people, to make people do this or that.
It also means arrogant or sombong.
So the Rasul or Messenger was not sent to the human race to force them to do this or that. The Rasul or Messenger never forced anyone into doing anything. He was not a JABBARIN.
And to close, here is another favorite :
Surah 13:40 فَإِنَّمَا عَلَيْكَ ٱلْبَلَـٰغُ وَعَلَيْنَا ٱلْحِسَابُ "...your duty is only to deliver ˹the message˺. The Judgment is for Us".
I love the Arabic phrase above (in green) : "alayka balaghun wa alayna hisabun".
Which means :
alayka - upon you
balaghun - to deliver / to convey
wa alayna - and upon us
hisabun - the reckoning / the judgement.
So the hisabun (its the same word as hisab or "count" in Malay) or taking account of people, or the reckoning over people or the judgement over people is not the job of the Messenger. That is the job of Allah swt.
The job of the Messenger is 'BALAGHUN' or the delivery of the message.
BALAGHUN comes from BALIGHA which means to convey, to deliver.
So Allah swt is clearly telling the Messenger - your job is to convey, my job is the judgement.

And please, please bear in mind that I am referring the verses in the Quran.
There are no verses in the Quran where these roles are reversed.
Nowhere does the Quran say to the Messenger 'alayka hisabun'.
That just does not happen.
There is no compulsion.
The problem begins when mere mortals feel that they can compel people to believe this and that, to do this and that. That is the problem.



Malaysia probes possible JI terror group’s link to Johor attack that killed 2 police officers​

  • Seven people have been detained over the attack at a police station including the suspect’s father and a couple who were at the station
  • The police say the suspect’s father is a Jemaah Islamiah member and a raid at the suspect’s house reveals ‘lines from the Koran’ on its walls


Extremism expert Munira Mustaffa from Chasseur Group, a security consultancy, said that there was a resurgence of JI activities in Indonesia that led to a series of arrests across the country, particularly in the island of Sulawesi, east of Malaysia’s region of Sabah in Borneo.

“There is a likelihood the suspect was inspired to copy the modus operandi usually seen in police station attacks in Indonesia,” Munira told This Week in Asia.

She, however, cautioned that this attack in Johor was an isolated case, saying the Indonesian group was struggling to revive its militant activities under its new leadership, “which placed a moratorium on attacks for years now”.


While JI membership in Indonesia remains quite large, the majority are not particularly focused on carrying out attacks due to an ideological shift,” Munira said.

Formed in post-World War II Indonesia, JI has expanded over the decades to include cells in Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore. It has sent members to fight alongside the mujahideen in the war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan and built ties with kidnap-for-ransom group Abu Sayyaf and Al-Qaeda.

The last time Malaysian police faced deadly force was in the early years of the communist insurgency, including the infamous Bukit Kepong incident when an attack by communist militants killed 25 officers in 1950.


You look at the traffic at causeway and Tuas ?
People are escaping the high cost in Singapore. No one is ever afraid of terrorist. People are more afraid of being poor.

If you put a paranormal activity late at night, You asked the sinkies if they are afraid of being poor or being scared of paranormal activity... The paranormal activity was suddenly cease and go with it and go away.

Where is the terrorist??
I repear.....No Terrorist....only Lonewolf only


In the forums, jiuhu Chinese tell their own type c to keep silent and don’t comment.
type c said this this is Malay and Muslim issue and they Muslim settle the issues among themselves and type c shall not get involed

Do u agree ?
Maybe they agreed to disagree...then how?


Like that SG Population ca break 10m very very soon de woh

Boss John, more money making opportunity for your food business liao