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Anus Yee want to apply restraining order against his father




His Lao pei just paid $10k bailing him out, what a grateful son. SDP for the win!


Alfrescian (Inf)
This is the prove that Grace Fu is correct... He bring stress for his parent... PAP minister is correct again...:rolleyes:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
His dad beat him... he has the right to do that.

All the way Amos.. i support you on that.. Your dad should be chained.


Alfrescian (Inf)
His dad beat him... he has the right to do that.

All the way Amos.. i support you on that.. Your dad should be chained.

If his dad beat him... His dad should be jail 3 weeks just like Neo... Why his dad is still scot free???:rolleyes:


Alfrescian (Inf)
His dad beat him... he has the right to do that.

All the way Amos.. i support you on that.. Your dad should be chained.

His dad is probably a loser who has to kiss LKY's ass (or appear to be doing so) to earn a living.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
If his dad beat him... His dad should be jail 3 weeks just like Neo... Why his dad is still scot free???:rolleyes:

because Amos didn't report about him on that..now the start is restraining order, one more wack and his dad will be in jail.

i look down on parents who uses beating to "teach" their children.. i suggest these parents to castrate or sterilised themselves so they will not torture those new child being born into this world.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I am very surprise why MCYS refused to step in to investigate on Arphonsus Yee since Amos Yee said that he was abused by Mr Yee


"During my childhood, my father would viciously berate me whenever he was upset with me (For cases such as when I had rubbed my eyes too much), and though I never saw it, I heard that my mother was slapped by him several times. And he did violently pin me down onto a bed when he admonished me for my Chinese New Year video a few years ago (The implications of that image is stunning)."

"A couple of hours before the hearing, my mother and I picked that black shirt and beige pants, the clothes you’ve seen me wore during the court hearing, that were to my great satisfaction.

However, contrary to the views of mother and I, my father wasn’t satisfied with those outdoor clothing, in fact he thought that they looked too casual for court.. He wanted me to wear more ‘formal’ clothing, with buttons, collars and possibly a tie or bow, otherwise the judge wouldn’t accept it.

Such arrogance for my father to put his own personal perspective, and claim that it is that of others. If the judge were to truly dictate his decisions on me based upon the quality of my ware, he would be unjust. Though maybe that was what my father was going for."

"Naturally, I expressed refusal to do so, and thus commenced my father’s violent behaviour. He pulled my shirt towards him, and made the gangsterish gesture, of clenching one’s fist and pulling it back, threatening a punch on my face, if I did not comply.

My mother screamed, pleaded, and desperately attempted to pull me away from my father’s supposed oncoming attack."

Quote from Amos Yee Blog.


If it is base solely on his blog, I rather the dad have beaten up Amos, at he would really deserve it. But I only see almost acts of violence, which mainly show acts of concern by the dad. So I would say have an egg is better then have Amos.


Alfrescian (Inf)
If the dad has been guilty of a recurring pattern of child abuse – verbal, emotional & physical – then the child has every right to seek protection via a restraining order.

It seems that the Amos's dad has also been physically abusive to his mother in the past. For an abused kid, Amos is remarkably level-headed.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Opposition figures have a habit of disappointing and erratic behaviour, while their-hard supporters find ways and means to explain away such bizarre behaviour as 'justifiable'. Little wonder why the majority of us think opposition supporters are unreliable.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Are you refering to Lee Kuan Yew?
He is the most erratic leader.
joined malaysia but failed to live in harmony with malaysian leaders and because of him we got kicked out from Malaysia

Opposition figures have a habit of disappointing and erratic behaviour, while their-hard supporters find ways and means to explain away such bizarre behaviour as 'justifiable'. Little wonder why the majority of us think opposition supporters are unreliable.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Opposition figures have a habit of disappointing and erratic behaviour, while their-hard supporters find ways and means to explain away such bizarre behaviour as 'justifiable'. Little wonder why the majority of us think opposition supporters are unreliable.

Please,please, look yourself in the mirror. That's unreliabilty.



16岁余澎杉(洋名Amos Yee)因为在今年3月27日和28日通过电子媒介散布猥亵图样,以及蓄意伤害基督教徒感受的两项罪名成立。












Opposition figures have a habit of disappointing and erratic behaviour, while their-hard supporters find ways and means to explain away such bizarre behaviour as 'justifiable'. Little wonder why the majority of us think opposition supporters are unreliable.

Fuck you lah, this has nothing to do with what fuck oppo or politics. It is just a plain character flaw of Amos's father. A person who could not resolve issues without the use of physical force.

Like like your LKY. Plain vile character flaw with a touch of sadistic flavor to see those that oppose him suffer. It's no wonder his son is so 'directionless' in his life as the over whelming strong vile character of his father ( like your father now) simply blanks out his Ah Loong will to take the lead in everything he does! LoL.


For an abused kid, Amos is remarkably level-headed.

He is level-headed???????

You may need to get your head checked if you can't see or refuse to see the obvious, that this kid is suffering from an untreated psychological disorder.

Just because he is "useful" to the cause you advocate does not mean that everything he does is all sugar and spice and all things nice.


We are judging based on what young Amos wrote. Assuming we take his words on what he wrote are true, shouldn't this be a matter for him & his family to sort them out? How his mother & father are as parents, regardless of the latter being so called abusive has no basis for us here to interfere.

Given your question, why do you think you have the right to judge, even if you aren't fathers?
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