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Another envoy in trouble: Man accuses Saudi official of assault over carpark tiff


Alfrescian (Inf)
Posted on 03 Mar 2010
Another envoy in trouble: Man accuses Saudi official of assault over carpark tiff


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So sad

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Sure or not?

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Yet another diplomat makes the headlines for the wrong reasons, says STOMPer Nightmare. He observes that this is the third diplomat he has read about in the news.

A Saudi diplomat, Mr Bader I.F. Al-Balawi, was alleged to have assaulted Mr A. Jaafar, 37, when the latter told him not to park at a space reserved for the handicapped at Glendale Park condominium in Hillview Avenue.

Mr Bader I.F. Al-Balawi is the Third Secretary of the Saudi Arabian Embassy here.

The STOMPer wonders why there has been so many cases involving diplomats.

This spate of incidents started with the Romanian diplomat, Dr Silvio Ionescu, who was involved in the double hit-and-run accident at Bukit Panjang on Dec 15. One of the victims, Mr Tong Kok Wai, died 10 days later. Extensive police investigations have confirmed that Dr Ionescu was behind the wheel at the time of the two accidents.

With this fresh on people's minds, are diplomats under public scrutiny now?

STOMPer John spotted an embassy car parked in a bus lane near Funan Centre and questions if diplomatic immunity really covers everything, even these illegal acts.

On the other hand, STOMPer Nightmare also feels it is perhaps unsafe to confront people's wrongdoings. He comments:

"There are so many stories on STOMP about drivers hogging handicap lots, and netizens would always question why the STOMPer doesn't confront them.

"Well, in this case, I guess this is one good reason!

"If you confront the person, you get beaten up. Is it worth it?"