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Amy Khor Is A Disgrace


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Not sure what will happen if a handsome monk and a pretty nun are alone in the same room with porn video playing....

bro, let nature take its course
monk or nun, abbot or priest
sex is the all powerful consuming force
we are all in it
those who can withstand and have conquered sex
have left and resided in different world liao....


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
i will pray for the peaceful resolutions of all conflicts in our little island
i will pray for the happiness and well being of those who have been hurt
i will pray for forgiveness, magnanimosity and compassion
i hope all parties will settle the conflicts with love and forgiveness
we are too small a country to be plagued by all these sagas, one after another,
time to stay united,pray together and hope for peaceful settlements...amen


Alfrescian (Inf)
One Eye Dragon killed the owner of a KTV joint in Singapore.
He surrendered, admitted and help the police in enacting the whole event.
He had a good reason for the killing.
He did not run or hide and paid with his life.
Would Amy proclaim this man honourable?


Alfrescian (Inf)
One Eye Dragon killed the owner of a KTV joint in Singapore.
He surrendered, admitted and help the police in enacting the whole event.
He had a good reason for the killing.
He did not run or hide and paid with his life.
Would Amy proclaim this man honourable?

Bro, some corrections needed. One Eye Dragon did not surrender. He was captured up north and brought back home.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Very disturbing to hear a MP condoned Palmer's behaviour just because he admited the affair. Did she forget that Palmer is MP and Speaker of Parliament? The admission doesnt make the extra marital affair more right, correct?

That stupid woman MP failed to realise that Michael Palmer only decided to come clean when there was no way out.
If Palmer steal eat the first time and realised his mistake immediately, went to DPM and PM and decided to resign immediately, which isn't the case, then I say maybe the woman was right in her assessment. The quality of some of our MPs must be shocking to foreigners. How the hell she got her PhD? Bought?


Alfrescian (Inf)
That stupid woman MP failed to realise that Michael Palmer only decided to come clean when there was no way out.
If Palmer steal eat the first time and realised his mistake immediately, went to DPM and PM and decided to resign immediately, which isn't the case, then I say maybe the woman was right in her assessment. The quality of some of our MPs must be shocking to foreigners. How the hell she got her PhD? Bought?

Now no need to buy. Can copy and photoshop to look better than original PhD


Alfrescian (Inf)
Amy Khor,

You are a disgrace to SG gals. What's right and honorable abt Michael Palmer?


1. committed adultery and cheated on his wife
2. was covetous and had sex with another man's wife
3. had no sense of guilt, continued with his affairs even when he presided over YSL's sacking
4. was compelled and only resigned when he was about to be totally exposed

So Amy, be clear on what you are saying and dont butcher and twist the meaning of "right" and "honourable"

Michael palmer is a Christian. I assume when he married Diane, he made the following vow in the presence of God, family and friends:

"I, Michael Palmer, take you, Diane , to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part. So help me God."

He followed up by cheating against Diane, wronged Laura's husband by making love to his wife.

Can I ask Amy Khor, "Is what Michael did righteous and honourable?"

As a Minister of State and a PAP member, you have lost credibility and is a shame when you applauded what Michael did
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Alfrescian (Inf)
For the wives concerned in the affairs, the top priority for them is to defeat the other woman and wrestle back their husbands at all cost rather than let the other woman win and get to have their husband. It is a matter of face and pride. Like you said, they will settle the score with the husband by divorce. Women these days are power.

Some wives are more forgiving


Alfrescian (Inf)
Sex is a very powerful force.Sometimes it's irresistible given the circumstances and the intimacy of bonding at the working environment. We all have flaws. We are mortals. We are vulnerable.

So we should not judge MP or LO too harshly. Let them settle down ....and everything will return to normal very soon.No need to kick the dust or dissect the skeletons anymore. Cheers!

Yes, good not to judge ...

but it's worse for Amy to praise Michael as right and honourable


Alfrescian (Inf)
Agree. Easy said than done. Philandering is an art.Plundering and lechering are natural instinct. We are " animals" and sometimes we cannot control our raging hormones. Those who can control their raging hormones I salute them. Frankly I can't. I'm not shy to admit that I can't....

Do be careful ..dont bring back any STD


Alfrescian (Inf)
Very, very recently, a minister and MP joined this exclusive club. Their spouses reported to Pinky but latter was kind enough to ensure a smooth exit for both. Don't recall it was reported. Why? Because the 'crises' could be contained unlike MP's.

If Pinky dares to come out and openly state the identities of these 2 and the many others involved in ECAs or probed by CPIB, limpeh stand up and salute Pinky.

So not all PAP MPs are white and pure as what the pap portrays them to be?


Alfrescian (Inf)
I'd rather think control of raging hormones is more applicable to teen puberty. Spiritually and morally evolved individuals have no need to wrestle with such bodily urges. Herein lies the difference between men of strength and lecherous weaklings. But no offence though.

raging hormones occur when you meet a sexy gal


Alfrescian (Inf)
That stupid woman MP failed to realise that Michael Palmer only decided to come clean when there was no way out.
If Palmer steal eat the first time and realised his mistake immediately, went to DPM and PM and decided to resign immediately, which isn't the case, then I say maybe the woman was right in her assessment. The quality of some of our MPs must be shocking to foreigners. How the hell she got her PhD? Bought?

exactly...if he was not exposed, Michael wld have continued cheating Diane and wronged Zhi Kuang by having sex with Laura like what he has been doing for the past few years. Life wld have continued to be bliss for him.

Is that a righteous and honourable man?