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All My Rich, Highly Talented Foreign Friends Want To Migrate To Singapore


the personal taxes here is better than their own countries and a lot of things are cheap to them.
and it is very safe here.


This goes to show that the Familee has sold out Peesai to foreigners. They and their running dogs are traitors who deserve to be hanged. Sporns have every right to overthrow the Leegime.

Simply said, there are some Singaporeans who dun deserve to live here and be citizens - thanks to some lucky stars that they are born here under the PAP gahment. Anyone who appreciates Singapore and the system here are the deserving ones.

Hypocrites who on the one hand mouth bad things about the country and the gahment and on the other hand enjoy the peace and prosperity of this island ought to be shipped to some countries in Asia or Africa. It's good that they could go on their own and let more deserving people live here. It will make this place even better.


Jet Li: among US, Europe, China, Australia & Singapore..I choose Singapore


(综合讯)羊城晚报消息,李连杰主演的新片《海洋天堂》昨日在上海电影节举行全球首映礼,不少记者和电影人 都为片中的父子情而感动落泪。李连杰在首映礼前接受小范围采访时,也流露出一个父亲的真实情感———他一直 备受争议的“移民新加坡”事件,背后的原因只是“为了孩子”。

  李连杰坦承,因为自己就是个父亲,因此他演《海洋天堂》中的父亲角色格外有感觉。他也顺便婉转地解释了 自己加入新加坡国籍的苦衷:“我在美国住了很多年,后来在国内也住了几年,之前还去过澳大利亚和瑞士,但最 后落户新加坡,只是想给孩子找一个学习的地方,一个他们能接受中英文文化教育的地方,一个我可以去做事又不用担心他们的地方。找来找去,找到了新加坡。”


There's more that Singapore has to offer to your rich, highly talented foreign friends:

Cheap Maids
They can hire maids from neighboring poor countries for a few hundred dollars a month to do all the housework so their spouses can live the good life.

Cheap Chauffeurs
They can hire chauffeurs for only about S$3K a month (S$36K a year) which is peanuts to chauffeur them around in their continental cars. Compared that to New York City which cost about US$75K to US$100K a year to hire depending on the skills and experiences of the chauffeur.

The Govt Favors The Rich And Despise The Poor
The gov't gives preferential treatment to rich people and don't provide western style welfare payments to the poor which is bankrupting many western countries now with their sovereign debt crisis.
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These 2 side by side sounds like oxymoron leh.

Strong Law Enforcements -
You never get to see protests, strikes and riots in the streets of Singapore. This is the result of the strict law enforcement by the police. Anybody caught involved in any of the above events, will be jailed and fined.

Currently, death penalty still exists in Singapore. Anybody caught drug trafficking, or committed murder or kidnap would be sentenced to death.

Another benefit of living in Singapore is it is quite safe to walk alone in the streets. Though crimes do occur, the rates are relative lower than that in other countries.

The locals joke that anybody who committed a crime has nowhere to run but jump into the sea (this is because Singapore is surrounded by sea). Another joke is that before the robber can escape, the police have arrived (Singapore is so small).

Lenient Immigration Rules -
Do you know that Singapore is one of the countries that have the least strict immigration rules?

Anybody can come to Singapore as long as he/she obtains the necessary passes or documents.
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Singapore is a very stable, racially and religiously cohesive and a well-rated place by financial and credit agencies where even Japan and Hong Kong cannot even compare. It also has a public housing standard that is unmatched throughout the world and with these key positive traits it is truly a paradise for all foreigners who are tired of the social and political sophistication beyond this side of the Malay Archipelago.


All PAP dogs here sucking up to their masters.

Singapore is about the only country in the whole world that treats its step-children (PRs and new migrants) better than their own legitimate children.
This attitude and stance of the PAP govt will back-fire when they need the reservists to defend the country in times of war.

If my job is taken away from me and given to foreigners, you think I want to defend this country ? Screw you ! :oIo:


to all you jobless unemployed young restless faggart punks, we depend on you to be the creative entrepreneurs !!!

be a freshie franchiser, there's a list of promising franchises with untapped potential. start a career in franchising!!! low start up capital.
here are Some successfuly stories Auntie Aunts petzels,popeyes,texas chiken.....etc...these are winners already


don't work for people like what clinton do and drawing regular salary n spewing shit on friday nights, get a life.

wouldn't you want to be owner of a cool franchise ...like Energy Kitchen?


Access To Cheap Labour
This is good news for your rich foreign friends who want to start their businesses when they migrate to Singapore. If local Sinkees refuse to take up low paying jobs, they can always hire cheap foreign workers as substitutes in order to stay competitive in a globalized economy.

Kudos to the PAP!

greedy and cunning

Access To Cheap Labour
This is good news for your rich foreign friends who want to start their businesses when they migrate to Singapore. If local Sinkees refuse to take up low paying jobs, they can always hire cheap foreign workers as substitutes in order to stay competitive in a globalized economy.

Kudos to the PAP!

true , true.

kudos is not enough , we should knee and worship with incense. :wink:


You stupid idiot, a first class government is one that fulfils my requirements. Who gives a damn about what rich and famous person coming here, unless I get to receive US$10 million for each and everyone of them coming here.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Singapore is a very stable, racially and religiously cohesive and a well-rated place by financial and credit agencies where even Japan and Hong Kong cannot even compare. It also has a public housing standard that is unmatched throughout the world and with these key positive traits it is truly a paradise for all foreigners who are tired of the social and political sophistication beyond this side of the Malay Archipelago.

IF TECH giant Apple had been a start-up in Sinkapore, it would never have flourished because the country is too straight-laced.

That is what Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak told BBC news in an interview on Thursday morning.

He said that operating in an environment where counterculture was allowed to flourish was essential to the company's success.

And that, in his opinion, is something Sinkapore does not provide.

Mr Wozniak said creativity means being able to figure out different ways of doing things on your own.
When everyone is dressed with such uniformity, everyone thinks and does the same and no one will try anything new.


When everyone is dressed with such uniformity, everyone thinks and does the same and no one will try anything new.

Is he referring to white shirt white pants and pink panties? :o