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alan walker coming to perform



Alan Walker Shares MY & SG WhatsApp Numbers; Flooded With 15K Messages In 2 Hours

Alan Walker is back on tour, and this time, he’s heading to Singapore! Last year (September 2023), he electrified audiences in Malaysia with his “Walkerverse” World Tour. Will this year’s tour be even more thrilling? We personally believe that it will definitely be!
Known for hits like “Faded” (2016), “Alone” (2017), and “On My Way”(2021), the acclaimed Norwegian DJ is preparing for his performance in Singapore which will take place on 14th June as part of his “Walkerworld Asia Tour Pt. 1”. To make the upcoming event in the neighbouring country even more exciting, he has given fans a special way to connect with him before his show. Want to know what it was? Here are the deets:

Yesterday (Tuesday, 14th May), Alan Walker shared his phone numbers for Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia on social media with the caption, “Walkers! I’ve set up local numbers so you can WhatsApp me – let me know if you are coming to my shows in June! +62 812 9367 9429 (Indonesia) / +60 19 464 8862 (Malaysia) / +65 80415585 (Singapore).” The response was obviously overwhelming with over 15,000 messages received within two hours, highlighting the strong support from his fans.
The Singaporean number will remain active until the “Walkerworld” show on 14th June, allowing fans to message the musician and possibly receive a response. Tickets for the show at Singapore Expo Hall 3 & 4A are still available and can be purchased through SISTIC. However, only the final phase tickets priced at SGD 178 (RM620), are left, so fans should act quickly.
Source: Twitter /@IAmAlanWalker
Get ready for an extraordinary musical journey with Alan Walker’s “Walkerword” show! Also, would you reach out to your favourite celebrities if they shared their phone numbers online? Share your thoughts with us.