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Adeline GanSiokBin



When asked about her ideal man, she definitely has her set of preferences.

In the Facebook live video, in which the duo joined a businessman in an online sale, Adeline said just like any other woman, she is looking for an honest man.

However, here comes the part that not all men can fulfill.

Gentlemen, if you have a Porsche and Lamborghini in your garage, Adeline has her eyes on you.

“It’s best if you have a car without roof, so you can take me around town with the car.”

When it comes to your monthly income, you might have to work (extra) hard for that if you want to win her heart. Adeline is looking for a man who makes RM100,000 a month!

And you have to treat her like a princess.

“If you treat me like a princess, of course, I’ll treat you like a King, too!”

And no. Adeline’s request did not stop there. Let’s just say, you have to be super rich, maybe Bruce Wayne-kind of rich to date Adeline.

“You need to have 10 villas and please wear a good cologne. If not, please stay away.”

Not only that but Adeline also confidently said she is more popular and younger than Malaysian model, Amber Chia.

Recently, Adeline received an invitation from Bai En for a live video session, where she clarified that she has always paid for her e-hailing fares, and will take legal action against those who defame her.



When asked about her ideal man, she definitely has her set of preferences.

In the Facebook live video, in which the duo joined a businessman in an online sale, Adeline said just like any other woman, she is looking for an honest man.

However, here comes the part that not all men can fulfill.

Gentlemen, if you have a Porsche and Lamborghini in your garage, Adeline has her eyes on you.

“It’s best if you have a car without roof, so you can take me around town with the car.”

When it comes to your monthly income, you might have to work (extra) hard for that if you want to win her heart. Adeline is looking for a man who makes RM100,000 a month!

And you have to treat her like a princess.

“If you treat me like a princess, of course, I’ll treat you like a King, too!”

And no. Adeline’s request did not stop there. Let’s just say, you have to be super rich, maybe Bruce Wayne-kind of rich to date Adeline.

“You need to have 10 villas and please wear a good cologne. If not, please stay away.”

Not only that but Adeline also confidently said she is more popular and younger than Malaysian model, Amber Chia.

Recently, Adeline received an invitation from Bai En for a live video session, where she clarified that she has always paid for her e-hailing fares, and will take legal action against those who defame her.

Standing beside her is a dick that didn't get potong-ed after all. She can consider.