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Chitchat Abby Choi's Background Full of Loop Holes



Abby Choi might be gold digger with questionable background, only become huat after marrying the noodle store chain son.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Listen to this guy's analysis. BTW this guy is anti-CCPee and have self-exiled to Taiwan just like 萧生.



Thank you both PinkieS..T & BlackMonday for your posts, to show alternative critical thinking from others than the China controlled media's narratives over this case of a fellow Human as well as others, used & abused by the rich & powerful & then gruesomely slaughtered for their own personal gains. There are for sure are MANY unanswered questions & amazement if not incredible macabre amusement amongst those with keen minds Worldwide, even at this initial stage of investigation-the China installed HK police handling of the proceedings & no credible evidences Court charges.

Hong Kong no longer follows UK Common laws, but only China laws. Much of China laws aim to protect the CCP rule & often politically driven, but when in grey areas of non-political issues, still, it favors those whom are politically connected, rich & powerful. Karl Marx would had wept had he been alive today, as his vision was to enlighten & elevate Humanity and NOT mere musical chair game to replace ex rulers with new ones to rule over citizens as before.

There is an ancient China saying - the Emperor is far, but local authorities are near - implying Central Rule will never be effective as those that are far away from the Central govt, will play monkey over laws, for their own advantages & not aims of the central rulers. PrezXi had long realize corruption will destroy the CCP, & had work hard to stamp it out. It is no easy task, but may PrezXi takes more interest in this rare & horrific case in HK, ruled by his administrators.

It will be in his personal interest as well as China, as he seeks to elevate China's standing not just in the World, but to its very own citizens, as all Humanity can only accept TRUE Rule of Law, as such is equally applied to ALL, & ensures true justice, stability & growth of nations/civilizations.
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Her father dunno who. Maybe some officials in ccp. Money from where also dunno. Only knows got 2 fat like pig younger sisters and a dinobu mom.
From young studied in international school but why sisters stay in mainland? Many tiongbus went hk to give birth so she could be native hongki.
Whole life no need to fight and struggle but whole life only 28 years.


Latest theory from HK and China Media:-

1. Abby Choi is a nobody, not an heiress. No one really sure what her and her mum background, likely to be a mistress of PRC business man or official.
2. Marry the low ses young husband Alex, had 2 kids.
3. Alex is actually gay, went to gay mobile apps to date and swindle 4 gay men.
4. Alex met Chris (high ses noddle chain son), become lovers always hang out.
5. Hatched the plot, to have Abby Choi pretend to marry Chris (they never register marriage) to have 2 kids to help him meet the family responsbility.
6. Chris is taken care of Alex and his family financially, NOT Abby Choi. Abby Choi is acting as a front.
7. Alex and Chris often hang out together, wear same tshirts, with both families (not Abby Choi) hanging out together, even have festive dinners and walk the hills.
8. Chris even folk out money for Alex to open two failed business (one is a foodstore).
9. No one in the high SES fashion scene knows about Abby Choi until she got married to Chris, and was able to go on shopping spree for branded goods, hence initiating her career as an online influencer.
11. Chris paid for the Kadoorie apartment, but used Abby Choi as a front.
12. Alex's family members all had financial issues, then only the father can act as the owner.
13. The theory is Abby Choi must have ask for pay back from Alex's family (by selling the apartment) as she has been acting as a front to handle the financial transactions.



Latest theory from HK and China Media:-

1. Abby Choi is a nobody, not an heiress. No one really sure what her and her mum background, likely to be a mistress of PRC business man or official.
2. Marry the low ses young husband Alex, had 2 kids.
3. Alex is actually gay, went to gay mobile apps to date and swindle 4 gay men.
4. Alex met Chris (high ses noddle chain son), become lovers always hang out.
5. Hatched the plot, to have Abby Choi pretend to marry Chris (they never register marriage) to have 2 kids to help him meet the family responsbility.
6. Chris is taken care of Alex and his family financially, NOT Abby Choi. Abby Choi is acting as a front.
7. Alex and Chris often hang out together, wear same tshirts, with both families (not Abby Choi) hanging out together, even have festive dinners and walk the hills.
8. Chris even folk out money for Alex to open two failed business (one is a foodstore).
9. No one in the high SES fashion scene knows about Abby Choi until she got married to Chris, and was able to go on shopping spree for branded goods, hence initiating her career as an online influencer.
11. Chris paid for the Kadoorie apartment, but used Abby Choi as a front.
12. Alex's family members all had financial issues, then only the father can act as the owner.
13. The theory is Abby Choi must have ask for pay back from Alex's family (by selling the apartment) as she has been acting as a front to handle the financial transactions.

This case just gets weirder & weirder as days go by.

The problem with being dishonest & using lies to cover up the truth will only result in MORE lies, thus revealing more LOOP HOLES that makes even an uneducated road sweeper scratching his head. Not only citizens will make use of social media to spread information, so too everyone, including those whom attempts to hide the truths.

Anyone can say or comment as they wish, they presumed, or their falsehoods, but ULTIMATELY, it is EVIDENCES that will convince Humanity.

May PrezXi send a Special Investigator to HK that he had just acquired & find out what the heck is REALLY going on. That investigator will have to have no family ties, alone in this world so that he need not fear being threatened or blackmailed, not be tempted by riches but be comfortable that his 3 hot meals a day & shelter are provided for, with an intelligent & keen mind, & be loyal to PrezXi & to the State.

He will have FULL authority of the State & only report DIRECTLY to PrezXi on his findings for PrezXi to act on. With 1.3 Billion citizens, such Humans may be rare, but do exists. PrezXi needs such in order to continue his rule & legacy.

It is his reputation, as well as the reputation of the State & the CCP, for stability & trust, especially over this beyond imagination savage case. Are the well connected, rich & powerful guilty of it, & is sending a message to serfs serving as proxies that this butchery & character smearing will happen to them too if they do not kneel to their demands? None is seeking for vengence, but only JUSTICE. Does TRUE Justice which is equal for all, not exist under China laws?



If this tamjai samgor Chris is a fucking gay and buddy is Alex might as well put Alex chow ah beng name on property. If abby choi is just a conduit then no need to kill her lah.


If this tamjai samgor Chris is a fucking gay and buddy is Alex might as well put Alex chow ah beng name on property. If abby choi is just a conduit then no need to kill her lah.
If this tamjai samgor Chris is a fucking gay and buddy is Alex might as well put Alex chow ah beng name on property. If abby choi is just a conduit then no need to kill her lah.

Already explained in the beedios that every single family member are either bankrupt or have financial case (like Alex who owes American Express $$$ and also scam 4 gay men). Only the ex police father is clean (other than him being discharged dishonourably from police force).


Alfrescian (Inf)
She and her mother are 白手套, aka helping CCPee elites move money out of China.
that’s kuching kurak chump change compared to billions laundered out of prc by currency sexchange companies, front for institutional syndicates and ccp approved organized crime to transfer cny to hkd then to usd using hk as foreign and monetary sexchange conduit. if ccp relinquishes currency control and wants cny to be used as world currency in free float on international markets, it will collapse within 6.9 days (a week) as not just wealthy but also ordinary tiongs rush to convert cny or rmb to usd and the euro. and some to sgd. sg huat ah!


Already explained in the beedios that every single family member are either bankrupt or have financial case (like Alex who owes American Express $$$ and also scam 4 gay men). Only the ex police father is clean (other than him being discharged dishonourably from police force).
It is Alex elder brother who was a bankrupt. Alex is only a scammer suspected gay and thief. If he got fucked by Tamjai Chris or the other way around he should be well taken care of.


Thanks again PinkieS..t for your latest video over this case. The videographer do make many pertinent points for others to critically think, such as why the elderly Kwong could own a HK$70million luxury apartment & YET won a Public Housing apartment BIDDING exercise amongst thousands. This is China, of 5000 yrs recorded history, & SCRUTINY is its middle name. Did someone in the higher echelons of PUBLIC SERVICE under the China govt that rules HK today, MANIPULATED the supposed FREE & FAIR public housing bids in his favor for cash or in kind returns?

ONE question that MOST missed out was the CCTV captured image of a man bundling bags to the waste center & the image of him loading a box into a 7 seater SUV, a vehicle claimed by them that it belonged to the elderly Kwong, when anyone whom had a motive can get a similar colored & type vehicle, with license plates copied temporary to serve a purpose - images supplied by the China HK Police. WHO was he?

Was he one of the 3 male suspects arrested? Make no mistakes, the image supplied is blurred on purpose, to protect the identity of the person in the event that a mistake may had been made in China HK police presumption based upon a CCTV image. However, the REAL image is far far more clearer, even to 4k standards where even one's facial hair can be counted from the image, with today's advanced pixel tech.

Was it the elderly Kwong? Not possible as the elderly Kwong was bald headed.
Was it Alex Kwong? Not possible as Alex had a skinny body frame.
Was it Alex's elder brother? Not possible as his body frame does not match.

So who was he? It is claimed he wore black. Black attire is a trademark of the Triads in Asia. The one in the image looks muscular, & for sure, akin to most market butchers. Why no news from the China HK Police about him, whom may be the REAL savage butcher & murderer? Is he still in HK or fled?


Furthermore, there are questions about the 5th suspect in the case, known as mdm Ng, whom was granted bail, due to her co-operation & info that led to the quick capture of decade long fugitive Alex Kwong within a day. Of all the suspects arrested, she was the only one who co-operated with the China HK Police.

She was a massage palour lady, & most will know, to put it crudely - a public toilet - where any man can have access to her for all kinds of services, including the HK or China Triads, at service for a huge fee to the rich & powerful. It was claimed she was a conduit to the elderly Kwong, a 65 yrs old man & at his age probably would have erectile dysfunction, claimed by the China HK Police that she was his lover and helped him in property rentals for his fugitive son & the kill room apartment.

This case & the narratives from the govt controlled HK press & the China HK Police force just baffles the mind...
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