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A Tribute To Good Old Forum Banter


Thank you GMS for your contributions to Singapore politics. :thumbsup:



from fuckwarezone:

October 30th, 2021

Ever since I revealed that I will be leaving my beloved birth place SG soon, quite a number of people, some are just FB friends whom I have not met before, private messaged me.

Some are curious where I will be going and whether it is for good? Some had tried to persuade me to stay or at least continue to do my Thrice weekly GMS Live Policy Chats. Some even ask how can they leave SG without being Vax….Some even ask me whether I will contest next GE.

I have been in opposition politics for 20 years, having another 8 additional years of policy study, analysis and commentary.

I have basically given all my prime years to policy and politics. It is about time to reset my priorities shifting away from public to more personal and family focus.

Whether we like it or not, the political landscape is extremely limited and only PAP LITE/Like opposition parties are acceptable to majority Singaporeans’ appetite. Singaporeans are after all, trained to focus on economic materialistic gains and stability rather than more ideological pursue of a vibrant diversity with vigorous checks and balances supported by effective institutional Separation of Powers.

Token opposition to make meek noises in Parliament is all they need. As Singaporeans are not trained in critical thinking from young, even less on politics other than PAP’s self glorification propaganda, group thinking is the main stream in Singapore.

Everything will work perfectly well in normal prosperous times but when a great crisis just befallen on us, even the supposed Ruling Elites wouldn’t know how to react and handle. This is because, this is something “out of the norm”, not something taught in text books or with any viable SOP.

PAP is extremely good in politicking and tweaking the laws by never ending tightening its grip on power. They are even better in propaganda and manipulating public opinions.

However, when the imminent enemy is not human but a microscopic virus, no amount of propaganda or gripping of power via manipulation of laws will help them.

The incompetency will just be exposed numerous times throughout this period. The more threat PAP faced from this tiny virus, the more anxious they are in tightening their grip on power by destroying all adversaries from individual dissidents, activists, alternative social media and eventually, the opposition politicians.

When PAP slowly lose their credibility and public trust by their incompetent mismanagement of Covid crisis, the more they will need to destroy their adversaries, so that whoever left to contest against their power, will be mediocre or mild players with no alternative media to help them in next elections.

Although I have made progress in upping my own political profile during this period of time but it will be just a matter of time they will turn their guns against me.

They have strengthen their legal ammunition with POFMA, FICA and if these are still insufficient, ISA will always be the last resort.

On the other hand, Singaporeans will forever that docile. I love my fellow Singaporeans but I will never put any hope on them to stand up against PAP’s tyranny.

Thus, I do not think there is any meaningful reasons for me to continue in opposition politics unless I am prepared to sacrifice my political principles and vision, just play along as a court jester by being just a meek voice in Parliament. In Chinese, that is called 政客混饭吃.

I can only see decline in Singapore as the system has failed to produce the vibrant environment necessary for real good leaders to nurture. Rent Seeking is just too rampant which will turn meritocracy into a mythical bluff of delusions. The current leaders’ mediocrity is just the beginning of the great decline.

I may continue to do Live Chats in future but will refocus to things from my other interests, beside policy and politics. I may even give Dharma or Spiritual talks if I have the time!

But the main priorities will be starting new businesses, earning more money, traveling more to see the world etc.

The World is my oyster. I shall no longer restrict myself to this tiny Red Dot anymore.

Hopefully before I reach 70, I can enjoy my last golden period fullest and retire with greater wisdom to achieve Nirvana. Living a life once is good enough, don’t want to live any more lives in this universe anymore.

Goh Meng Seng

GMS may be moving to China or HK. Or perhaps even Thailand. :wink:



Goh Meng Seng

18 November 2019 ·

After one week observing how incompetent PAP government was in dealing with the PMD banning saga, I decided to step up to make the two very important points.

Nobody can stop my Fiery Passion in defending the the socially vulnerable and disadvantaged.

Photo Credit: Today Newspaper



GMS visited URA Centre. :wink:

Goh Meng Seng

16 June at 23:47 ·

I visited URA Center to participate in the guided tour of the Space for Our Dreams exhibition today with my family.

At the end of the Exhibition, I asked the manager or person in charge of the exhibition what parameters such as population size were set for this 50 years Concept Plan. I was actually shocked and disappointed that she said no parameter was set as they wanted to be "flexible" and "nothing is concrete". They no longer do city concept planning using parameters....etc.

Seriously, this is the first time I am told city concept planning without parameters set. There is an exhibit of the winning plan of how PLAB (Paya Lebar Airport) will look like but I didn't find the key parameter of how many residents does the plan cater for.

The whole exhibition has grand sounding concepts but I seriously doubt how some of the different concepts could jell together without a proper set of parameters determined.

For example, it was said that 12% of land has been used as road while 14% used for residential. They are aiming at "car lite" city with majority of people using public transport.

However, without a projection of population size, how could we really plan for car lite and squeezing everyone into public transport?

Autonomous vehicles are actively promoted but such vehicles still use roads to travel and most importantly, for safety reasons, the speed might be curbed. We may end up with more slow moving traffic in the end.

The massive MRT lines we have and building, are impressive but expensive. Without a projection of population size, we won't know how packed these MRT trains would be if all forced to give up cars.

The problem with public transport is that we will have limitations on population size else, we will have frequent breakdowns apart from over packed sardine trains.

The key problem of public transport is always the last mile transportation after taking the train. The feeder bus service may not be efficient or even effective in some parts of Singapore.

PMD might have solved that problem but it was banned, without proper infrastructure installed. Even bicycle sharing system failed.

The only way to solve this transportation problem is to use technology or decentralize planning.

They have already been doing that building regional business centers like Tampines, Woodlands etc but how successful is that? It only shifted the jams to the regional centers

Work from home has taken a quick revolution for some industry but there are challenges. New HDB flats and condos are just too small to be conducive for WFH.

Unless we could revamp our road network to provide dedicated lanes for PMD like what they did for scooters, electric motorbikes and bicycles in Taiwan or China, while building enough infrastructure for parking them at main MRT stations, we will compromise efficiency and it will not be attractive for going car lite.

In 50 years time frame, I believe Drone Vehicles could become the norm and it will be total liberation from road congestions.

While URA talks about wind corridors and reducing urban heating, it didn't pay attention on how to minimize heat entrapment or building facing to minimize the use of air-conditioning.

Singapore basically faces 2 monsoon seasons, Northeast and Southwest monsoons. Building facing (windows) should avoid West. Highrise building should avoid blocking winds from these two directions when the cluster of buildings or flats are built too densely.

There are just too many things in my mind after going through this exhibition.

I just feel that a lot of the concepts are just paper talk. Some of them have been implemented while others are just doubtful of possibility of implementation.



I miss the good old days in the forum when members would banter about with one another, mock one another mercilessly, criticize the logic of one another and tease one another about their failings, including in real life if they knew each other. This was usually done with minimal vulgarities, crudeness or obscene pictures. More often than not, there were new and funny ways of poking fun at one another.

This was most evident among GMS and his F4 Forum Buddies. Actually there was another forum foursome labelled F4, but people who knew GMS and his F4 forum buddies knew that these were the real F4.

This thread is started in tribute of the real F4 and the hilarious banter that took place among them. Any memories or information about them would be most appreciated.
Bullshit and big liar u... this site has always been anti Chinese and China from day 1.... it's a Burmhist owner and he hated Chinese and balls lick angmoh kkj...

Tioboh... Sam....

Only cum GE Singapore start bashing PAP anti Lee family and PAP.... with no ends in sight... the old members are bastard SOB.... nothing to miss them... they are old fart boomers now just wait for death calling...


Bullshit and big liar u... this site has always been anti Chinese and China from day 1.... it's a Burmhist owner and he hated Chinese and balls lick angmoh kkj...

Tioboh... Sam....

Only cum GE Singapore start bashing PAP anti Lee family and PAP.... with no ends in sight... the old members are bastard SOB.... nothing to miss them... they are old fart boomers now just wait for death calling...

There is plenty of bullshit on the internet. :roflmao: