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A Life of A Taxi Driver - What Do You Know???


I can't speak for the bike commuters but for all of us who race regularly, we ride because we love our sport but we certainly don't have a death wish. All that cyclists ask for is a bit of consideration.

We don't have 150bhp so we can't accelerate from 0 to top speed in 10 seconds. Is it too much to ask a motorist simply to wait a couple of seconds till they can get past. 90% of all recreational cyclists are motorists too and I have never had a run in with any cyclist while I'm driving. I know their limitations when I come across one when I'm in my car so I simply exercise patience and due care so as not put them at risk. This makes hardly any difference to how long it takes me to reach my destination. If I do get delayed a minute or so in a 30 minute commute, it makes no difference to my life.

The road tax argument doesn't hold water because we've all paid our road taxes via the car that's parked at home while we're out riding.

If you put aside the dangers of being killed by an idiot motorist, the benefits of cycling a tremendous. The balance and coordination required to stay upright does wonders in keeping the central nervous system in good shape. The exercise it provides lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Cycling also cures type 2 diabetes.

Despite the risks, I will continue to ride.

Hey Sam, your bike friend that died crashing onto a taxi. Don't you think he is at fault for speeding ? He is a twit for speeding on the road without paying road tax.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Hey Sam, your bike friend that died crashing onto a taxi. Don't you think he is at fault for speeding ? He is a twit for speeding on the road without paying road tax.

He was not speeding.


Ang Mor Taxi Driver ?


STOMPer August was surprised to take a taxi driven by an 'ang moh', or a Caucasian. Could this be Singapore's future, wonders the STOMPer.

STOMP understands the taxi driver could be an Eurasian from his name.

Wrote August (Nov 5):

"Ang moh cab driver in Singapore.

"After boarding the cab, to my surprise, the driver is a ang moh.

"To confirm, I checked the driver's name on the left of the taxi near the passenger seat, and it displayed an ang moh name.

"I just had a glance of Singapore's future."


Expat Criticised Sinkies Taxi Drivers As Lousy


Expat says S'pore has world's worst cabbies

Singapore has the worst taxi drivers in the world, said Chris Reed, an expatriate who has been living here for the past three years.

The 42-year-old director of a marketing firm wrote a commentary in Singapore Business Review on July 23 about the incompetence of a small group of cabbies. He said that 25 per cent of his taxi experiences in Singapore were less than ideal.

Reed's main gripe is that cab drivers here do not know their way around the city. He believes that there is no excuse for this, since all taxi drivers here have to be Singaporean. He also blamed cab companies for not training their drivers.

In his commentary, Reed, who takes between two and six taxi rides a day, listed examples of the many incorrect routes that he was taken on: He ended up in Little India when he wanted to go to Marina Square, a cabby did not know his way to Nicoll Highway from Bugis, he had to ask three taxi drivers before someone knew how to get to Rochester Mall, and was taken to Suntec when he had said Novena Square.

Comparing local taxi drivers' knowledge to London black cab drivers, Reed said that London drivers must know every street, hotel and landmark before they are issued a license.

Reed argued that the Government has a part to play in the taxi industry and that if the jobs of cabbies are opened to non-Singaporean Asians, it would make current drivers "more competitive, less ignorant and complacent".

"Getting cab drivers to take personal responsibility to know their own city streets, being properly trained by companies and creating a competitive market place with non-Singaporean rivals for their jobs is the only way forward for Singaporean cab drivers.

"If nothing changes they will continue to be the world's worst taxi drivers and continue to be the black mark on the tourism and business marketing of our otherwise amazingly run city state," he wrote.

In an update on Aug 3, Reed explained why he made his initial post. He said that he cares about the subject and thinks that a minority of taxi drivers let down the Singaporean business, tourism brand, as well as majority of the drivers.

He was also quick to point out that the local taxi service is the only thing in Singapore which he gives the thumbs down to.

RazorTV spoke to some local cab drivers who agreed that new drivers, and even seasoned ones, do not know 100 per cent of the roads.

"When you are new on the job, you have to start from scratch and learn along the way. But it's different in other countries, where you have to master all the roads to qualify as a cab driver.

"In Singapore, you get the vocational license first, and then you learn on the job," said a male cab driver to RazorTV.

Why are there no cabs when it rains?

Another gripe that Reed has is that cabs disappear when it rains.

"Where you normally, reliably have been able to get a cab, suddenly you can't get a cab because they were all waiting around the corner to get the [call booking] message."

When asked if this is true, a cab driver told RazorTV that it depends on the taxi company.

"Comfort and CityCab get more calls. But for others like mine, we would starve to death if we just wait for calls to get through," said one cabby.

Another cabby replied that some drivers do not want to drive when it is raining because it is dangerous on the road. He also said that it is common for all taxis to be occupied when it rains due to higher demand.

Wow. Who is right ? Non-Sinkies ? Unthinkable !


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: Ang Mor Taxi Driver ?


STOMPer August was surprised to take a taxi driven by an 'ang moh', or a Caucasian. Could this be Singapore's future, wonders the STOMPer.

STOMP understands the taxi driver could be an Eurasian from his name.

Wrote August (Nov 5):

"Ang moh cab driver in Singapore.

"After boarding the cab, to my surprise, the driver is a ang moh.

"To confirm, I checked the driver's name on the left of the taxi near the passenger seat, and it displayed an ang moh name.

"I just had a glance of Singapore's future."

This chap Looked more Chinese than Angmo to me.Some Chinese can have Angmo sounding names too.
Btw he Looked more of Goh Chok Tong w/o his trademark specs on..:eek::wink:


Alfrescian (Inf)
The issue is Cyclist cos accidents and there are more inconsiderate cyclist out there endangering themselves but getting others into trouble. Roads are for cars,,cyclist cycle slow is their problem. Dont get car drivers who pay road tax etc into trouble bcos of cyclist Fuck wits.

My experience is this. I was driving along a suburban road in ang mor land at 40km in a 50km zone, I cyclist just came from the left junction and cut into my lane , I slammed the breaks and horn him like crazy...if I was just abit faster I would have hit him and got into trouble. I thank God nothing happen to me. The road rules is coming from a junction you stop or slow down and if its clear u go,,cyclist are to obey the same road rules but that fuckwit cyclist did not,,but I will get into trouble becos of his inconsideration,,if he wants to kill himself its fine,,dont get others into trouble,,,chee bye cyclist

For your info I enjoy cycling and have an expensive bike. When I 1st cycled at night on the road,,I realise that cars like to come damn close and dont give a hoot about cyclist. That was when I realised that its not worth tangling with cars as I will lose as the road is for themand they are bigger and much better protected than me. So when I cycle for relaxation, I cycle on those back end isolated foot paths etc till I reach Bukit Timah hill etc...If I reach a traffic light etc, I get off my bike, push my bike across the street. I keep myself safer and not be a nuisance to pedestrians and vehicles.

U ask for consideration,,,but do cyclist show such consideration??? In ang mor land,,they cycle on foot paths when they like,,than change to the road when they like,,and put others at risk,,cyclist want consideration,,they ask but dont fucking give. And in Sinkieland now,,how many cyclist cycle 2 or 3 abreast??? and even when there are cycling lanes,,,those fuck wits cycle out of the lane or damn close to the right lane and keep close to cars,...u call that consideration/???? fucking inconsiderate cyclist, keep asking for consideration but giving none,,,if they get run over its their fault,,they should be treated like road kill

I can't speak for the bike commuters but for all of us who race regularly, we ride because we love our sport but we certainly don't have a death wish. All that cyclists ask for is a bit of consideration.

We don't have 150bhp so we can't accelerate from 0 to top speed in 10 seconds. Is it too much to ask a motorist simply to wait a couple of seconds till they can get past. 90% of all recreational cyclists are motorists too and I have never had a run in with any cyclist while I'm driving. I know their limitations when I come across one when I'm in my car so I simply exercise patience and due care so as not put them at risk. This makes hardly any difference to how long it takes me to reach my destination. If I do get delayed a minute or so in a 30 minute commute, it makes no difference to my life.

The road tax argument doesn't hold water because we've all paid our road taxes via the car that's parked at home while we're out riding.

If you put aside the dangers of being killed by an idiot motorist, the benefits of cycling a tremendous. The balance and coordination required to stay upright does wonders in keeping the central nervous system in good shape. The exercise it provides lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Cycling also cures type 2 diabetes.

Despite the risks, I will continue to ride.
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High Order Twit / Low SES subject
The issue is Cyclist cos accidents and there are more inconsiderate cyclist out there endangering themselves but getting others into trouble. Roads are for cars,,cyclist cycle slow is their problem. Dont get car drivers who pay road tax etc into trouble bcos of cyclist Fuck wits.

Roads are for road users and that includes cyclists.

There are far more inconsiderate motorists than there are inconsiderate cyclists.

I realise that cars like to come damn close and dont give a hoot about cyclist.

I rest my case. I'm sure you weren't riding recklessly but that didn't prevent cars trying to push you off the road.


Alfrescian (Inf)
By cycling on the road and forcing cars to overtake me etc, I am a nuisance on the road. And when a lorry or semi-trailer comes by,,they will have problems overtaking and I dont want to tangle with them,,that is why being a nuisance, I took myself off cycling on the road...so cyclist being on the road already are inconsiderate...

Roads are for road users and that includes cyclists.

There are far more inconsiderate motorists than there are inconsiderate cyclists.

I rest my case. I'm sure you weren't riding recklessly but that didn't prevent cars trying to push you off the road.


No PRC Taxi Driver ?

This chap Looked more Chinese than Angmo to me.Some Chinese can have Angmo sounding names too.
Btw he Looked more of Goh Chok Tong w/o his trademark specs on..:eek::wink:

But, if you ever see a PRC behind the wheel, better close the door and go to the next one before someone beats you to it who is also in the queue. I'm not sure why he was so sure about PRC not being given the 'honour' to drive our cabs on the road. LKY is a typical betrayer that cannot be trusted. Saying it is one thing BUT doing it is another.

There were one question from some forumers : Is there PR Chineses nationals driving Singapore taxis ? Or Indian Nationals from India driving taxis ?

And the answer is : No !

No way la , the person who actually had this thoughts is nutz la , really nutz .

I am a 37-yrs-old cabby , living in Singapore for 37 years , Singapore road i can only say i know 95% , how can you expect those China pumpkins to know 100%Singapore roads in 1 or 2 years ?

U people think easy to master the roads in Singapore ? U guys think it's easy to master the roads by the shortest route in S'pore ?

Majority of Singaporean you ask them a certain ulu ulu places , they also dunno , how do you expect those Chinese pumpkins to know ?

LTA will be looking for trouble if they allowed PRC or forengn nationals to drive our taxis . Especially if they want so call "service " , you all want service from those Chinese , non-English speaking idiots to give you service ?

NTUC Union won't allowed it !

Instead of giving jobs to Singaporeans , how can they give those jobs to foreigners ? PAP are going to lose their elections .

LTA regulations : To register to become a cabby ......

1. Must be a Singaporean , pure Singaporean , not even Permanent Resident !

2. Must be 30 years and above

3. Must be able to read and write Simple English .

4. Must go through 3 mths Intensive Theory Training , and must passed the exam with less than 5 mistakes .


Alfrescian (Inf)
ah...yesterday, i just disturbed one indian cyclist, he was cycling as if he was riding a motorcycle, i horned at him as he passed by me at winstedt thru road, i think it gave him a shock, after, he was swearing at me..haha...so farni, you should look at how furious he was... :biggrin: *evil grin*

Roads are for road users and that includes cyclists.

There are far more inconsiderate motorists than there are inconsiderate cyclists.

I rest my case. I'm sure you weren't riding recklessly but that didn't prevent cars trying to push you off the road.


Alfrescian (Inf)
why scrooby? loss of words huh, suck thumb izzit???:rolleyes:

hey, scrooby-doo, please see remarks in navy blue.

Bro, I saw what you wrote and the excerpt is below and realised that you are delusional. High Moral Standing!!!! I also think you are being less than honest with the entry requirements. The vast majority of Singaporeans do qualify to be taxi drivers including ex-convicts.

The taxi vocation is somewhere below 2nd car dealers, HDB property agents and insurance salesman now know as financial planners.

Honestly people have more respect for the hawkers, the various office workers, storekeepers and most vocations but certainly the conduct of most cabbies would not warrant respect equivalent to these people.

Most front serving vocations receive similar abuse from customers of varying nature including doctors and lawyers. There are inconsiderate, dishonest and abusive patients, clients and customers. It is nothing new. There are people who lodge unreasonable complaints to various professional boards and these highly educated professionals have to undergo various stressful and time-consuming disciplinary hearings etc.

The taxi service is an essential service but not a noble service because any man and his dog can qualify to be a taxi-driver. There is very little barriers to entry. Not many people can be hawkers because there is an element of hard work and risk involved. There is no NTUC to them give a recipe, set the stall up etc.

Like all vocations there will be good, hardworking and honest people but the taxi drivers conduct in the main is so far from that of a hawker. Thank god it is highly regulated.