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75YO Man Dies After Being Hit by a Garbage Cart Near Boon Lay Shopping Centre


75YO Man Dies After Being Hit by a Garbage Cart Near Boon Lay Shopping Centre
By Rachel Goh
2024-01-10 , 11:07 am

It’s always painful for a loved one to pass away.
In December 2023, a 75-year-old man was allegedly hit by a garbage cart near Boon Lay Shopping Centre.
Image: Google Maps
Unfortunately, he has since passed away.
His family is now appealing for witnesses to the incident.

Elderly Man Dies After Being Hit by a Garbage Cart

Speaking to Shin Min Daily News, Cai Liling (transliterated from Mandarin), the eldest daughter of victim Cai Tianlai, detailed the ordeal.
The incident allegedly occurred at around 3 pm on 23 December 2023.
Mr Cai was at a zebra crossing outside Boon Lay Shopping Centre when an electric garbage cart crashed into him.
He was knocked down and suffered severe injuries.
According to Ms Cai, he was unable to move from the ground.
Fortunately, a kind passer-by contacted the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) and Mr Cai’s family.
Doctors at the hospital noted that Mr Cai had fractured his left arm and hip.
He was thus scheduled to undergo surgery the next day.
Mr Cai’s family emailed the town council shortly after the accident.
The cleaning company which owned the garbage cart contacted the family as well.
The company claimed to have identified the employee involved in the accident.

Victim Died 16 Days Later

Mr Cai suffered a cardiac arrest on 4 January 2024.
Unfortunately, his condition worsened.
Although doctors managed to resuscitate him, not much could be done to improve his condition.
On 7 January, Mr Cai developed a high fever, prompting doctors to intubate him.
Eventually, his family made the difficult decision to let him go.

Contacted Town Council Again

After Mr Cai became critically ill, Ms Cai contacted the town council again.
The family also contacted the cleaning company when Mr Cai’s condition worsened.
They were told that the company had taken the employee to lodge a police report.
Notably, the family is still uncertain of how the accident happened.
Ms Cai told Shin Min Daily News that although the incident occurred “so long” ago, her family still didn’t know the truth.
She added, “We hope someone will take responsibility, give us an explanation, and let my father have justice.”
The family is now appealing for witnesses.

Allegations Made Against Cleaning Company Employee

Ms Cai alleged that the employee involved in the accident did not stop the garbage cart after the accident.
Instead, he carried on working.
Ms Cai claimed that the cleaning company told her the employee had returned to the accident scene and saw that Mr Cai was doing alright.
However, Ms Cai’s father said that he only remembered a migrant worker giving him some water to drink.
Allegedly, the migrant worker did not ask about his injuries.

Cleaning Company’s Response

Responding to queries from Shin Min Daily News, an executive from the cleaning company said that the town council notified them of the incident.
The cleaning company spoke to the employee involved before bringing him to the police station to lodge a report.
The executive added that a company representative and a town council member had visited Mr Cai in the hospital.

Regarding the fact that Mr Cai’s family was still unaware of how the accident occurred, the executive stressed that the company needed time to look into the accident.
He promised to give Mr Cai’s family an explanation afterwards.
The police are currently investigating the incident.

Fond Memories of the Deceased

Mr Cai’s family had looked forward to celebrating his birthday on 8 February.
His children remember him as full of energy and someone who loved celebrating Chinese New Year.
Shin Min Daily News reported that Mr Cai had hoped to be discharged early enough to celebrate the holiday with his family.

Similar Incidents

In April 2023, a garbage truck allegedly hit an 83-year-old woman near Block 216 Bedok Food Centre and Market.
She suffered injuries to her head and spine.
Her ribs and one of her legs suffered fractures as well.
Detailing the incident on Facebook, the woman’s son noted that she had to undergo “emergency surgery”.
To make matters worse, she could not recognise anyone and was in an “incoherent state”.
In his Facebook post, the woman’s son appealed for witnesses.
He wrote, “She is a jovial lady and very independent despite her age… And just like that, she is lying in pain on the hospital bed.”
In June 2022, a 75-year-old woman died after she was hit by a tipper truck in Upper Boon Keng Road.
According to the police, she was pronounced dead at the scene by a paramedic.
A 46-year-old driver was arrested for careless driving.
Speaking to The Straits Times, a witness said that the accident occurred when the tipper truck was being driven out of the parking lot.
Speaking to Shin Min Daily News, residents of the estate recounted fond memories of the woman.
She was affectionately known as “Ah Moi” and was believed to be a cleaner.
Residents told Shin Min Daily News that the woman would help clean a few units at the estate on Thursdays and Fridays.
Residents believe that the deceased was on the way home when the incident occurred.

Bad New Brown

Old people after the age of 70 must be very careful when travelling outside. Try not to go too crowded places and use overhead bridges more often if possible.


So what will happen to this poor old man's CPF monies? Go into the pockets of the gahment?

Scrooball (clone)

Everything is fated.

If u are fated to die, even an ant bite will kill you!


FRANKLINTON, North Carolina -- A Franklinton family is warning others after the death of a father and husband.

On Sept. 28, Floyd Edwards died after his family said he had an allergic reaction following a fire ant bite.

"There ain't no telling how many times he got bit by fire ants," said Carlton Curtis, Edwards's son.

Curtis, his brother, and Edwards were clearing out a trailer on their 45-acre property when he began having problems.

"All of a sudden he says - 'Carlton, something's in my throat,'" Curtis said.

Edwards drank some water, and then returned to working. Shortly after, he came back to the house still struggling.

"I sat him down in the recliner right here - and I said, 'Floyd don't try to talk, just try to breathe. That's all you need to be worried about right now,' and you can tell he was real antsy like 'I can't breathe,'" Curtis recalled.

Paramedics gave him two shots with an EpiPen and Benadryl, but Curtis said that didn't help.

"I mean literally you feel helpless. Like, I was sitting with him with the ambulance, I was like - 'you all need to save him.' But I guess he was just too far gone," Curtis said.

The family was told that Edwards's cause of death was Anaphylactic shock, which was triggered by a severe allergic reaction.

"He loved his family, loved me, loved my mom. Especially loved that dog right there - good God almighty," said Curtis, as he petted Ellie Mae, Edwards' beloved dog.

The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology recommendspeople who've had severe reactions be evaluated by an allergist to diagnose their conditions. It added people should have an autoinjectable epinephrine pen, and be trained how to use it during an emergency situation.