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61 yo Sinkie man and his DELULU vietbu wife LU Ut Em, 33.


Viet chickens are all over Singapore.
They are eating into gansiokbin's market.
The shit skins after trying their Banhmi, will forsake gansiokbin's beef curtains.
  • Haha
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Know someone stay in hougang married a vietbu has a teenager son. The vietbu works in a spa. But tell ppl she spa owner.


Alfrescian (Inf)
50s marry vietbu in her 20s.
She's sexually frustrated, the ah lao don't even bother to find her hole or squeeze her neh anymore.
The lau hero just wanted to have kids when the wife was still young. After the kids were born, either his libido dropped off completely or he steal eat outside.


Low SES 61 years old dick head should not get married…. Only to bring his 2 young children to this world and suffer… cos he will be lay flat and die in a couple of years and his children would only be in the teenages

I know one old fart who's 72 this year and his son is only in primary 4. I don't know if he'll even get to see the boy enlisted in NS.


most of them use their marriages to local men as passports, then they will file for divorce. this old fuck didn't do his homework. The wife could already have started fucking other men the moment she stepped foot here, Fucking him was a mere formality
  • Haha
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I know one old fart who's 72 this year and his son is only in primary 4. I don't know if he'll even get to see the boy enlisted in NS.
WTF…. just could not fucking understand what
On the bright side, the boy will receive inheritance soon.
Provided the 72 old fart is rich and have money and property to hand down… if not than the poor boy will need to eat himself


WTF…. just could not fucking understand what
Provided the 72 old fart is rich and have money and property to hand down… if not than the poor boy will need to eat himself

Just a 3 room HDB flat at AMK. Working as a security guard. The wife is a Vietbu working part-time at a Kopitiam food store. Definitely low SES.
  • Wow
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Just a 3 room HDB flat at AMK. Working as a security guard. The wife is a Vietbu working part-time at a Kopitiam food store. Definitely low SES.
why want to marry and bring kids into this world for PAP elites to abuse in future?