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5X worse than PRC Korean Surgeons cut n eat birthday cake while patient on table


PRC surgical team fired by hospital after taking amusing photos during sugery.

Now Korean surggical team found to 5 X worse.

Literally held a birthday party in middle of surgery while patient awaits unconciously on operating table. They sang birthday song cut and ate birthday cake. Joked and played in OT no fuck care patient's live.

Like the PRC case they took photos and videos also and posted online.

KNN! Got fucked now.


Plastic surgery Gangnam style: South Korean surgeons 'ate birthday cake and played with breast implants in theatre'
By Gareth Platt
December 29, 2014 14:44 GMT
17 8

A doctor is seen blowing candles on a birthday cake as a patient lies behind him.
Plastic surgeons in South Korea face investigation after the emergence of selfies which show them playing pranks and having a party in the operating room.

The images, which were posted on social media, capture staff at the Jewelry Plastic Surgery Centre eating hamburgers and birthday cake, and playing around with breast implants.

In one of the shots, a man dressed in a blue medical uniform is seen blowing out a birthday cake while a patient lies on a bed behind them, apparently unconscious.

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Another image shows staff eating hamburgers in the hall, while a third shows a female member of the team cupping an implant to her chest inside the surgical theatre.

The images were posted on Instagram by a member of staff at the clinic, which is located in the district of Gangnam - one of South Korea's wealthiest districts, and the nucleus of the country's plastic surgery industry.

The clinic has since confirmed that the staff who posed for the selfies were doctors or assistants, and said: "We are left devastated for causing such concerns among our clients ... because of the senseless behaviour.

"We offer our deep apology ... and will conduct thorough safety training for all our staff members."

Gangnam's Department of Health has released its own statement, saying that "our staff are investigating this clinic to see whether they have committed any violation of medical law."

"They may look into whether such behaviour damaged the reputation of medical practitioners."





Plastic Surgery Clinic Staff In Trouble For Operating Room Party Pics

Anna Merlan

Anna Merlan
Monday 11:30am
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A South Korean plastic surgery clinic is under investigation after Instagram photos showed clinic staff eating birthday cake and burgers in the operating room, with an unconscious patient on the table behind them. Because the best parties are the incredibly unsanitary ones.

Agence-France Presse reports that Jewelry Plastic Surgery Center in Seoul's trendy Gangnam neighborhood is under investigation for the photos, which were posted by a staff member but later taken down. Alongside the food photos were others reportedly showing a staff member posing with a breast implant on her chest, and in all the photos, the staff are reportedly wearing scrubs with surgical masks dangling from their necks.

Beside the fact that operating rooms are a really bad place to eat cake—So cold! No extra forks!—taking party photos in this setting might violate South Korea's laws against "immoral conduct," meaning anything that could tarnish the image of medical professionals in the country. A public health department spokesperson told AFP, "Our officials are investigating the clinic to see if there was any violation of medical laws. They may look into whether such behaviour damaged the reputation of medical practitioners."

South Korea has the highest per capita rate of plastic surgery in the world, and things occasionally get a touch weird: another clinic in the Gangnam neighborhood was fined earlier this year for building two artful towers made out of the jawbones they'd removed from patients hoping to slim their faces. Playing Jenga with medical waste, like eating birthday cake next to an anesthetized gentleman, is illegal.

AFP reports that Jewelry Plastic Surgery has apologized for the "careless actions" of its staff, adding, "We are left devastated for causing such concerns among our clients… because of the senseless behavior."

Instagram photo via Donga News Service


Really breast enlargement surgery is not so critical and not even covered by CPF medisave.

Mai Kan Jiong!


Really breast enlargement surgery is not so critical and not even covered by CPF medisave.

Mai Kan Jiong!

Balls comsmatic surgeries killed many patients on the tables.. Even in SG lipo suction also died.

If it was PRC surgeons you won't ask people to relex I bet.

Cakes Drinks Candles and flame are strictly ban in surgical rooms. The are toxic pollutents. Leathal violation against OT starization. Like the captain of the sunken Korean ship these moneys got to be put in jail and banned from medical practices.

Even clinics bans smoking. Can burn candles next to patient in OT?? KNN!

Jail lah!

The Kim patient should sue the Kim Chee hospital.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
This is one sinkie surgeon that I fully support. I also like eating waffles, so anyone whose name sounds like my favourite food is by default my friend.
