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5-Room Flat In Henderson Listed For Sale At $1.8M, Features Carrara Marble & French Terrazzo Flooring



5-Room Flat In Henderson Listed For Sale At $1.8M, Features Carrara Marble & French Terrazzo Flooring​

With Italian Carrara marble floors and 1,216sqft of space, this 5-room HDB flat in Henderson is on the market for almost $2 million dollars.

5-room hdb flat in henderson

As shocking as the new normal of HDB resale flats might be, sometimes the high price tag might be justified. Case in point: this 5-room flat at City Vue @ Henderson bears an asking price of $1.8M. If you’re just looking at those figures alone, you might laugh it off as another greedy seller who wants to flip their home for a quick buck. But on closer inspection, this flat has plenty of reasons why it deserves a million-dollar price tag.

Carrara marble & French terrazzo flooring

living room of a 5-room flat

Image credit: Debra Teoh/PropertyGuru

Rest assured that with the price that you’re paying for this unit, you won’t be greeted by a floor that’s covered in cheap vinyl. The flat was renovated when the original homeowners moved in━they replaced the floor in the kitchen and living room with premium Carrara marble from Italy, and French terrazzo tiles.

dining room and entryway of a 5-room hdb flat in henderson

This was definitely not cheap. Plus, since the TOP for the development was in 2018, the unit is super new and the renovation would still be holding on pretty well.

bedroom with walnut vinyl flooring

The bedrooms, however, have been covered with a walnut-coloured tile instead of marble or terrazzo. Having high-quality flooring ready to go would definitely help save some money if you aren’t looking to do any major renovation work.

A corner unit on a high floor & a great view

windows of a 5-room hdb flat in henderson

Image credit: Debra Teoh/PropertyGuru

This 5-room HDB flat in Henderson has all the makings of an ideal unit. It boasts 1,216sqft of floor space, is a corner unit on a high floor, and has a great view of the surrounding neighbourhood.

A glance at the BTO development’s brochure also showed that Block 96A only has 4 units on each floor, from the 30th- to the 48th floor.

Looking at past resale transactions in this development, similar units were transacted between $1.2M-$1.45M, although the “cheapest” unit was sold back in 2021, before prices inflated to today’s numbers.

Remaining lease of around 94 years

blue kitchen

Image credit: Debra Teoh/PropertyGuru

The lease period is another factor that can determine how pricey an HDB resale flat gets. You wouldn’t see a flat that only has sub-50 years left on its lease go on to the market for anywhere around a million dollars. Conversely, the “fresher” the HDB flat is, the more it can command, which is probably why this 5-room HDB flat in Henderson is asking for $1.8M.

However, with many of the recent record-breaking resale flat transactions only hitting the $1.5M mark, it’s a little unrealistic for a flat with 94 years remaining to be asking for $300K more than the most expensive HDB flat ever sold so far.

5-room HDB flat in Henderson on sale for $1.8M

5-room hdb flat in henderson

Image credit: Debra Teoh/PropertyGuru

This 5-room HDB flat in Henderson might not be a fake jumbo flat in Sengkang that costs $2M, but it’ll still set anyone back at least $1.8M. To be asking at least $300K more than the most expensive HDB flat ever sold—to date—is frankly, a little out of pocket.

Even with the newly renovated interior and all the marble, this home would only be considered by a homeowner who can afford to drop nearly $2 million on a flat and not want to pay for a renovation. After all, there’s no point paying a premium for a transformed HDB flat and hack the results away.


Only in Singapore
Almost 2m for PUBLIC housing.
the more subsidies the government pump in, the higher the resale prices


Every jihukia has a bigger round marble dining table, with 2 ceiling fans in living room. The moron leasee only know how to sink money into floor. Kongkum