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42yrs old milf Erika zeh zeh, mom of 2, housewife looks & perky tits return from 20yr break, releases digital photo album for Samsters to 'Enjoy' kym?



Erika Yamakawa returns to gravure after 20-year break




Earlier this year, we wrote about the surprise yet very, very welcome return to gravure of two major stars now in their late thirties: Aya Ueto and Haruka Ayase.

Indeed, as the likes of Yoko Kumada amply demonstrate, you can continue a career in gravure into your forties.

While the industry is dominated by ladies in their twenties or late teens, we like to see veterans and survivors in there, and love a good comeback story.

But even we were surprised by the return of Erika Yamakawa to gravure after a 20-year break.



Now aged 42 and the mother of two children, the model made her gravure debut way back in 1998.

She then carved out a minor career on TV shows and drama through the early 2000s until she married a comedian 14 years her senior in 2007, after which she effectively retired.

She gave birth to their first child in 2010.

She released three photo books between 1997 and 2000, after which seemed to leave gravure behind.

Until now. She has recently return to the fold since late last year with a couple of lavish, semi-nude gravure shoots that show off her trim body and attractive looks.



In the interim years, we’re not sure what she has been doing — other than the not inconsiderable task of raising two kids — but her social media profile lists a bevy of roles and jobs, including skincare advisor, financial planner, Dalcroze eurhythmics instructor, and diet advisor.


In conjunction with her shoots for Weekly Friday, she has also released a digital photo book called enjoy. And we certainly do.

And we are also very intrigued to know what her husband (now in his mid-fifties) and kids think about these shoots!
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Very average, many of them can be found at Orchard Road and River Valley. Sometimes the Meidi-ya supermarket at MiIlennia Walk.



Erika Yamakawa returns to gravure after 20-year break




Earlier this year, we wrote about the surprise yet very, very welcome return to gravure of two major stars now in their late thirties: Aya Ueto and Haruka Ayase.

Indeed, as the likes of Yoko Kumada amply demonstrate, you can continue a career in gravure into your forties.

While the industry is dominated by ladies in their twenties or late teens, we like to see veterans and survivors in there, and love a good comeback story.

But even we were surprised by the return of Erika Yamakawa to gravure after a 20-year break.



Now aged 42 and the mother of two children, the model made her gravure debut way back in 1998.

She then carved out a minor career on TV shows and drama through the early 2000s until she married a comedian 14 years her senior in 2007, after which she effectively retired.

She gave birth to their first child in 2010.

She released three photo books between 1997 and 2000, after which seemed to leave gravure behind.

Until now. She has recently return to the fold since late last year with a couple of lavish, semi-nude gravure shoots that show off her trim body and attractive looks.



In the interim years, we’re not sure what she has been doing — other than the not inconsiderable task of raising two kids — but her social media profile lists a bevy of roles and jobs, including skincare advisor, financial planner, Dalcroze eurhythmics instructor, and diet advisor.


In conjunction with her shoots for Weekly Friday, she has also released a digital photo book called enjoy. And we certainly do.

And we are also very intrigued to know what her husband (now in his mid-fifties) and kids think about these shoots!

bro tis iz bky :biggrin:


Very average, many of them can be found at Orchard Road and River Valley. Sometimes the Meidi-ya supermarket at MiIlennia Walk.
Really? Jippun milfs have?
bro tis iz bky :biggrin:
U must be andy lau kor kor
means bank account dry up already or 本性难移?
I only know 淫贱不能移
If making porn is your ‘passion’ will you take a 20 year break? lol

Must be money la. Don’t tell me she’s doing this to save humanity hor.
In sinkieland context is called give back to society :geek:

Scrooball (clone)

In sinkieland context is called give back to society :geek:
Yes only in Singapore.... will you find someone being cheeky and shameless enough to 'volunteer' to be the CEO of a company.

https://mothership.sg/2017/11/khaw-...xt=2011 was the last major,to go and fix this.

In remarks that were not included in his Ministerial Statement, Khaw shed some light on the circumstances behind Kuek's appointment, and revealed that he volunteered for the job.

"I know he has been working very hard to try to change work culture. Let me share a little secret about, I don't know whether he make public. 2012 you know, when...2011 was the last major disruption and then the SMRT decided to remove their previous CEO.
Mr Desmond Kuek volunteered for this job. He volunteered for this job, he wasn't parachuted in or being asked to go and fix this. He volunteered for this job. I mean as former Chief of Defence force, I know, I think his heart is in the right place. He's proud to be a Singaporean, and we all felt ashamed by these, you know, every now and then disruptions in SMRT."