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21 injured when SBS bus rams into bus stop in Eunos Link


so many racist nationalistic losers

no mention of driver, immediately jumped to conclusion it is PRC

even if PRC can be many other factors causing accident like brake failure or another vehicle

so many dumbfuck useless losers

you also immediately jump to the conclusion it is NOT a PRC. The purpose of the forum is for ppl to express their point of views. I respect your point of view that maybe, maybe it's not a PRC.. but you don't have to flame anyone for being a loser! because if you keep doing so, you are also the BIGGEST LOSER!:biggrin:


don't be so negative towards prc leh...

my heart always melt when those cute coffeeshop prc beer mei mei smile at me


Alfrescian (Inf)
Does that imply that hospitals don't take good care of casualty patients unless teams from the organisation that caused the accident are present???:eek:

What a fucked up country sinkieland is!:rolleyes:

The FAPee DOGS are sending their spies there to prevent the victims from talking to the reporters lah!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Posted on 17 Apr 2010
SBS bus crashes into bus-stop at Eunos Link: 21 people hurt


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So sad

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Sure or not?

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This bus was travelling along Eunos Link when it crashed into a bus stop, says a STOMPer who was near the scene of the accident when it happened.

Two different STOMPers took these pictures showing how badly damaged the bus and the bus stop were after the accident.

Another accident between a car and a taxi also occurred at a T-junction nearby around the same time.

It is unclear if the two accidents were related or if anybody was injured.

The STOMPer says:

"A bus rammed into a bus stop at Eunos Link, damaging both the bus and bus stop.

"Another accident happened at the T-junction."

STOMPer sky, who was passing by at the time, adds:

"There was accident at the cross junction between a taxi and a car.

"Later, I passed by this bus stop and saw this bus that hit the lamp post follow by the bus stop."

In an email to STOMP(April 17), a SCDF spokesperson said:

"SCDF was alerted to an incident involving a bus which collided into a bus stop along Eunos link on 17 Apr 2010 at 1232 hrs.

"1 fire engine and 6 ambulances were deployed to the incident site.

"Upon arrival, SCDF rescuers and paramedics swiftly attended to 21 casualties at the site. No one was trapped.

"15 adults and 6 children were conveyed by SCDF to the Changi General Hospital and KK Children’s Hospital respectively for follow-up medical

"1 of the adult victims sustained head injury. The other victims suffered injuries such as cuts and bruises."

Click on thumbnails for larger image

Keywords: accident


Driver suspended after bus ploughed into Eunos bus stop

Driver suspended after bus ploughed into Eunos bus stop

By Saifulbahri Ismail |
Posted: 18 April 2010 1451 hrs
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SBS bus rams into bus stop in Eunos Link
</td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td class="update"></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td>
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SINGAPORE: The driver of the SBS Transit bus that ploughed into a bus stop in Eunos Link on Saturday has been suspended from his duties while investigations are being conducted.

The bus collided with several vehicles before crashing into the bus stop, causing 21 passengers to get injured.

Fifteen of them were sent to Changi General Hospital and the remaining six, all children, were sent to KK Women's and Children's Hospital.

One victim had head injuries and was semi-conscious but is now in stable condition.

The rest, including the driver, suffered light injuries such as cuts and bruises.

A spokesperson from SBS Transit said that most of the injured received outpatient treatment, and SBS Transit would pay for all their medical expenses.

- CNA/pw



Wah Lan!

I rather they burn up themselves at the interchange at night.

At least passengers are not hurt!


Did they not had 6 double-decks burnt away at AMK few weeks ago?

Just like 7th month ghost festival we burn merz and cars to offer to hungry ghosts, they burnt S$3million buses! Wah Lan Eh..... smart!


From the Shin Min Daily, the driver is a Singaporean, age 50+.

According to one passenger, the driver said the brake was not working after ramming 3 vehicles but before colliding into the bus stop.


Wah Lan!

I rather they burn up themselves at the interchange at night.

At least passengers are not hurt!


Did they not had 6 double-decks burnt away at AMK few weeks ago?

Just like 7th month ghost festival we burn merz and cars to offer to hungry ghosts, they burnt S$3million buses! Wah Lan Eh..... smart!

One bus cost only $150,000..... x 6 should be only $900,000....... KNN mark up the price to claim insurance !!! :mad:


From the Shin Min Daily, the driver is a Singaporean, age 50+.

According to one passenger, the driver said the brake was not working after ramming 3 vehicles but before colliding into the bus stop.

All those who blamed PRC even before the truth revealed, please apologise

Don't be so xenophobic, PRC are here to do a job that few Singaporeans want. We should be grateful to PRC

Let's be happy together, not blaming


All those who blamed PRC even before the truth revealed, please apologise

Don't be so xenophobic, PRC are here to do a job that few Singaporeans want. We should be grateful to PRC

Let's be happy together, not blaming

We apologize . And we will like to make an announcement again .

The drivers were not PRC but the mechanics are PRC origin .


so many racist nationalistic losers

no mention of driver, immediately jumped to conclusion it is PRC

even if PRC can be many other factors causing accident like brake failure or another vehicle

so many dumbfuck useless losers

Only PRC drivers can fuck up so badly man. Yucks I will only hire PRC as chauffer if I wanna die faster!


the bus should be speeding. the driver any how step on the accelerator pedal. any how step the brake. the bus should be buang (out of control) at that time.


All those who blamed PRC even before the truth revealed, please apologise

Don't be so xenophobic, PRC are here to do a job that few Singaporeans want. We should be grateful to PRC

Let's be happy together, not blaming

Sinkieporean not mean citizen automatically nowadays.