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100,000 flee worst Malaysia floods in decades


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysia's worst flooding in decades forced more than 100,000 people to flee as premier Najib Razak came under fire after photos showed him golfing with US President Barack Obama during the storms.

At least five people have been killed by the rising waters and there appeared little respite on the way on Friday, with forecasters predicting further heavy rainfall across previously unaffected southern parts of the country.

As local media carried photographs of people wading through flood waters as deep as two metres (6.5 feet) and entire houses submerged by rising water, the government faced criticism for not declaring a state of emergency to help devastated communities.

Seasonal flooding hits Malaysia every year and regularly forces tens of thousands from their homes, but the latest round has forced authorities to evacuate more than 100,000, mostly in the north-east, state news agency Bernama reported.

Among the dead was a man who drowned at a relief centre on Christmas eve, while a rescue boat carrying eight people including a young couple went missing after it became entrapped in a whirlpool and capsized, the news agency said.

Rising flood water has rendered several roads unusable and authorities have suspended train services in some of the worst-affected areas. Communications have also been badly hit by the storms.

In a rare piece of positive news, around 100 tourists who were stranded in a remote resort in central Malaysia's Mutiara Taman Negara Resort were rescued and sent to a relief centre.

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib called on rescue workers desperately trying to reach flood victims to step up their efforts to deliver food and water.
'PM needs a break'

Najib himself came under fire, however, when photos emerged of the premier playing golf with Obama in Hawaii, with Malaysians questioning why he was not at home to deal with the crisis in posts on his official Facebook page.

Critics have also charged his government with failing to respond quickly enough, with some lambasting the authorities for not declaring a state of emergency in the worst-hit regions.

"The PM needs time to take a break," Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin was quoted as saying by the New Straits Times.
"He has been working very hard so let's be fair to him as a human being. Don't worry, I'm in charge." Yassin also insisted the government had responded appropriately to the flooding, telling the newspaper: "We face floods every year but this is looking to be the worst the country has seen in the last 30 years." "Unless there was a total breakdown in electricity or water supply, or if the number of evacuees rises to over hundreds of thousands, we will not declare a state of emergency."

The Malaysian Meteorological Department warned of a heavy downpour over the next few days in parts of the country that have so far been spared the worst of the flooding, including the southern state of Johor, which neighbours Singapore.

Residents there have been cautioned to prepare for possible massive floods.
Some states and districts across Malaysia have decided to cancel their New Year celebration plans as a mark of respect for flood victims.



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Why Tonychat's bosses UMNO not doing anything to prevent floods?

Yet his parents continues to bend down everyday and get screwed by UMNO!!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
This is what you get when you have a government more interested in fixing non-Bumis. If only PAP was in charge, Malaysian Malaysia would not facing such problems today. Our flood prevention measures would reduce severe flooding to mere ponding.


Malaysia should thank us for buying water from them. Otherwise, I think the flood will be 2 meter high.


Aiyaa wasted. Why not wait till Chinese New Year then flood? No need to see those lousy msia FTs again.


lunar new year nearing, farm produce and essential food items prices will hike up, cough up more for bountiful year of goat!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Malaysia flood , Yeah!







Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said on Friday he was cutting short his US vacation to deal with the country’s worst floods in decades, which have killed five people and displaced more than 100,000.

Authorities have evacuated numerous villages and towns in five Malaysian states that were inundated following unusually strong torrential rains. More than 105,000 people have sought shelter in schools, community halls and other relief centres, according to flood monitoring procedures.

Najib has come under fire for going on holidays in Hawaii, where he was seen playing golf with President Barack Obama. People have posted messages on his Facebook page, urging him to return home as the flooding worsened.

Najib said in a statement he will return on Saturday, heading straight to flood-ravaged Kelantan state to oversee the response. Even on holiday, he said he was in constant touch with disaster and relief officials, who were doing all they could to help victims.

“I am deeply concerned by the floods. I feel for the people who have lost their homes, and the families who have lost loved ones,” he said. “I want to see the situation for myself and be with the people.”

The government says it was the worst flooding in more than 30 years, and on Friday ordered the deployment of more helicopters, boats and land vehicles.

Najib had said earlier bad weather and high floodwaters made it tough to transport displaced people and food supplies. Heavy rain was expected to continue until the weekend, the meteorological department said.

The five dead including a toddler who was swept away by strong currents after she fell from her mother’s arms while they were wading in waters on their way to a relief centre.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Malaysia flood , Yeah!

Malaysia is battling some of the worst floods in decades along its east coast.

At least five people have been killed and more than 100,000 forced to leave their homes.

The eastern coastal states are often flooded during the wet monsoon season, but this time officials say heavier rain and stronger winds have made things worse.

Prime Minister Najib Razak has returned early from his holiday in the US to deal with the disaster.

He is due to visit the worst-hit areas of northern Kelantan state.

In some areas, entire towns are submerged under water.

Rescue workers are struggling to bring in enough food and supplies for families sleeping in relief centres.

BBC Malaysia correspondent Jennifer Pak, in Kuala Lumpur, says Mr Razak cut short his holiday after the media published pictures of him golfing with US President Barack Obama in Hawaii.

The images reinforce the belief of some Malaysians that the government has not been doing enough to prevent these annual floods, our correspondent says.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Malaysia Flood - Dec 2014

Hi all, post the latest news and videos in this thread!

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