Hi, my name is Shuli and I'm from The Straits Times. I am writing a story about big players in casinos in conjunction with the coming up of the IRs and was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about how it works in casinos?
It will take a few minutes by phone or by email and you can be anonymous if you prefer. It would be very helpful for our story if that would be possible. Please do let me know! You can contact me at any of the details listed. Happy Holidays!
Shuli Sudderuddin (Ms)
The Sunday Times
Singapore Press Holdings
DID: (65) 63195489
H/P: (65) 97835760
It will take a few minutes by phone or by email and you can be anonymous if you prefer. It would be very helpful for our story if that would be possible. Please do let me know! You can contact me at any of the details listed. Happy Holidays!
Shuli Sudderuddin (Ms)
The Sunday Times
Singapore Press Holdings
DID: (65) 63195489
H/P: (65) 97835760