
Cunts - A Pictorial Essay

After looking at so many cunts, I have realised that, just like the human face, no two cunts are exactly the same. In fact, most men should be able to recognise their girlfriends simply by looking at their cunts.

I have heard that governments the world over may soon start photographing all female cunts once the owner has reached puberty. These cunt photos will be kept in a databank together with the usual mug shots and fingerprints. The cunt photos can be used in conjunction with the normal identification methods to prosecute women who act in illegal XXX movies. Cunt shots can also be used to identify female criminals who have gone for plastic surgery to change their appearances.

In addition to being a means of identification, cunts also reflect the general health of the owner. A nice sweet smelling pink cunt signifies that the owner of that cunt is healthy and sexually attractive. Wrinkled, swollen, pus oozing or smelly cunts can are indicative of some health disorder. Bleeding cunts signify that it is the wrong time of the month for sexual escapades. (Tough luck isn't it....especially after you spent big bucks on the theatre tickets and romantic dinner) Cunts with sperm oozing out tell you that someone else was there just before you...

Anyway, enough talk about cunts.... Let's see some real live ones........



 Big Cunt

 Small Cunt

 Long Cunt



 Hairless Cunt

 Neat Looking Cunt

 Hairy Cunt




 Ugly Puffy Cunt

 Rather Untidy Looking Cunt

 Gaping Cunt




 Heavily Used Cunt

 Shaved Cunt

 Black and Pink Cunt




 Juicy Cunt

 Spermy Cunt

 Warty Cunt




 Syphilis Transmitting Cunt

 Wrong Time of the Month Cunt

 Dessert (Banana Split) Cunt

 Well Cuntface?... Had enough?


PS: Anyone who would like to contribute any unique cunt pics to this page is welcome to email them to me at [email protected]. However, I reserve the right to decline publication if I feel that they do not meet my prudish editorial guidelines.