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@musclepower said until like I only met one Cantonese bitch so here is my List of Cantonese BULLY dogs and bitches that I met in life!


Your vagina is loose and go around jurong east to find man to whistle :sneaky:
Tsk Tsk Tsk damn dirty and itchy.
You Sia suay self admitted CBT THIEF Cantonese bully dog son of slut prostitute @sbfuncle that viciously attacked hokkien virgin as vagina loose slut whore mistress when you dare not swear if I am a virgin you die violent death and 18 generations whores. Pui!


In sfc want to suck amdk cock and got fired.
In nusa duta go around neighbourhood without bra.
In Mayfair go around jurong east to find man to whistle.
Tsk Tsk Tsk. Very dirty fark slut.
Now everyone can see how despicable and shameless LIAR CANTONESE BULLY DOGS are keep repeating lies with no shame one no amdk in SFC say I go suck amdk cock, never stepped outside of my home without bra say I go round neighbourhood without bra etc very dirty very 不要脸is you CANTONESE SON OF DIRTY SLUT THAT DARE NOT SWEAR. No wonder a CBT thief steal money from office and suck cock of your boss when discovered to prevent being fired and sent to jail. Pui!


Everywhere you go involved man :sneaky:
You are a horny fark slut.
You are the one that gave away your own fetish.
Dumb ass.
Everywhere I go got Cantonese and Indian bullies like you twisting everything to sex to bully me a virgin as slut whore mistress while you prostitute descendant dare not swear for it more like it. Pui!


Who will wash their vagina at 4am?
Children also will know the answer
So shameless Cantonese BULLY DOG prostitute descendant can even twist bathing time to sex. Basically whatever CANTONESE BULLY DOGS accuse me is what they are themselves indeed.


You ownself dumb and stupid teo ho.
You think other people are stupid?
Of course you shameless despicable Cantonese bully dogs called bullying is clever. No wonder can’t make it except by suck cock and then accuse me what you are yourself. Pui!


7) ex colleague that just retired Cantonese BULLY dog that came to my wedding dinner to eat AND didn’t give any angbao.......
knn.. ur wedding dinner ?.. got any cuttlefish dish??.. n on ur wedding night got lost ur virginity?... ccb.. still claim to be a virgin.. Pui


@ChinaCommunistSG read here of the evil deeds of Cantonese that I met in life. Not a single lie if not I die a violent death. That’s th difference between me high class good human and Cantonese dogs sons of dirty slut prostitute @musclepower @gsbslut @Balls2U @Cottonmouth etc hiding in rat spamming evil toxic lies of me hokkien virgin with annulled marriage as slut whore mistress with their Cantonese dog pride while they dare not swear to die a violent death if I am a virgin. Pui!




That’s you as usual accusing me what you and your cheap women are open leg big big sell nude buy Porsche or fabricate stories of kena thrown eggs in Taiwan. Whereas everything I said of Cantonese is a fact that I dare to swear for. That’s the difference between me high class human and you cruel inhuman Cantonese criminal bully dog. Pui!!