hahaha. You have good memory
hahhaa. You have devious anti Singaporean character.
hahaha. You have good memory
Israel is surrounded by bigger countries Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon. Most want Israel dead. Israel is fighting for survival
USA backstabs Israel yesterday at the UN.
USA is not as reliable as LHL thinks. Will USA backstab Singapore in the future?
With LHL antagonising China and losing many friends in ASEAN, SG is doomed
these chee-buys have been dominating america politics for the past 2 decades...
let's see and hope what tekco trump can do?... will do?
USA backstabs Israel yesterday at the UN.
USA is not as reliable as LHL thinks. Will USA backstab Singapore in the future?
With LHL antagonising China and losing many friends in ASEAN, SG is doomed
obama backstabs. trump will right the wrong.
You dumb nigger. USA as an entity has always backstabbed it's allies it doesn't matter who its preshitdent is. What a joke you're implying that the preshitdent of the US is the one who runs the show when they have the real backers behind the scenes that truly runs things and hence why almost every US preshitdent has openly supported isreal and the ones that defied them got assassinated.
Judas Hussein Obama abandons and betrays Israel and he cowardly chooses to make the move just 26 days before he leaves office.
The last time George W Bush attempted to divide the land, Louisiana was struck by Katrina which killed thousands.
In days to come America will have a disaster most likely weather related or terrorism.
You dumb nigger. USA as an entity has always backstabbed it's allies it doesn't matter who its preshitdent is. What a joke you're implying that the preshitdent of the US is the one who runs the show when they have the real backers behind the scenes that truly runs things and hence why almost every US preshitdent has openly supported isreal and the ones that defied them got assassinated.
So what happens if another "Obama" takes over as President?
Country to country relations are not based on one personality.
The crooked commie chinks gave some face to Lee Kuan Yew while he's alive. Now that he's dead, they confiscated Lee Hsien Loong's terrexes, and you say country to country relations aren't based on one's personality?
You have an unrealistic view of world politics. Trump will right the wrong Obama did.
such a peaceful looking nigger,islam is truly the religion of peace.
lky gave china some face too by donning dragon robes near his death
You obviously don't know how much those hardcore commie chinks are pissed at Lee Kuan Yew for calling the US to re-balance to Asia Pacific.
he did it quietly and in private,he didnt announce his intentions to the whole world no?besides he wasnt calling US to do anything,he was only telling them not to neglect Asia in case asia starts pivoting to China.some people on the other hand like arse loong,got fetish and wanderlust for ang moh cock and they simple dunno how to hide it
That's why the young Lee is better than the old Lee. I can't stand his father's cowardice and hypocrisy. Donning dragon robes to suck American balls? What freaking alien is that? This proves country to country relations are based on the leaders' personalities and ckmpd is totally wrong. Trump is going to right the wrong Obama did.