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Can any Real Singaporeans here Enlightened me?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Why sinkieland with its first world status also has the highest emigration rate?


Which means, many of the Sporeans wanna get the fuck out of here. Which means, Spore is not that great afterall.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Highest emigration rate??? Where did you get those figures?:rolleyes:

Goodbye and thank you

Singapore’s emigration rate, one of the highest in the world on a per capita basis, is a blow to the government.

YEARS of strong economic growth have failed to stem Singapore’s skilled youths from leaving for a better life abroad, with the number topping 1,000 a year.

This works out to 4%-5%, or three in 10, of the highly educated population, a severe brain drain for a small, young nation, according to Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew.

Such high-end emigration is usually associated with less better-off countries where living conditions are poor. Here the opposite is the case.

Last year the economy created almost 200,000 jobs, far in excess of the 38,000 births recorded.

The future doesn’t look better, either, despite Lee holding out promises of “a golden period†in the next five to 10 years.

Lee believes the exodus, which has been worrying him for two decades, could only grow because “every year, there are more people going abroad for their first or second degree.â€

The emigration rate, one of the highest in the world on a per capita basis, is a blow to the government, particularly to Lee, who takes pride in building up this once poor squatter colony into a glittering global city.

They are people who abandoned their citizenship for a foreign one, mostly in Australia, the United States and Canada.

It is particularly serious for two reasons. First, Singapore is a young nation that is working hard to consolidate its nationhood and its people, and second, its defence lies in a reservist army.

This is made up of young men who have served two years of compulsory military training when they reach the age of 18. Any big outflow will badly affect security, not to mention the economy.

Adding to a declining birth rate, the problem of emigration, which appears to have worsened during the past few decades as people became better educated, will further reduce the base of this well-trained people’s army.

Hundreds of thousands of foreigners and permanent residents who have come to Singapore help make up the numbers, but they do not have to serve national service.

The emigrants, mostly professionals, don’t leave Singapore out of poverty but to seek a better, less pressurised life.

Lee recently said the brain drain is touching close to this family.

Lee’s grandson, the elder son of Prime Minister Hsien Loong, who is studying in the United States, has indicated that he may not return.

Over the years, the children of several Cabinet ministers have also made Britain or the US their home.

Lee, aged 84, has often spoken on the issue with emotions, once tearing when referring to the losses.

However, he has offered no reasons for the exodus beyond economic opportunities, although the government more or less knows what they are.

Singaporeans who have or are planning to emigrate are given a host of 10 questions and asked to tick the three most important ones. They include the following: -

> High costs of living

> Singapore is too regulated and stifling

> Better career and prospects overseas

> Prefer a more relaxed lifestyle

> Uncertain future of Singapore. (Sinkies, still get stuck in your own land?)

Some liberal Singaporeans believe Lee himself, with his authoritarian leadership and unpopular policies, is largely to blame.

Singapore’s best-known writer Catherine Lim calls it a climate of fear that stops citizens from speaking out against the government, saying it could eventually lead to the decline of the state.

She praised the government for its economic achievements but added: “A compliant, fearful population that has never learnt to be politically savvy could spell the doom of Singapore.â€

Globalisation, which offers opportunities in many countries like never before, is a big reason for the outflow.

Many countries, including populous China, are making a special effort to attract foreign talent.

Others who leave were worried about the future of their children living in a small island, and look for security and comfort of a larger country.

The exodus is more than made up – at least in numbers – by a larger intake of professionals from China and India.

“The trouble is many of the Chinese then use us as a stepping stone to go to America, where the grass is greener, Lee said.

“But even if we only keep 30%-40% and lose 60%-70%, we’re a net gainer,†he added.

He believed, however, that the Chinese would cease to come in 20 to 30 years’ time, when China’s living standards rise to match Singapore’s.

Some feel the large presence of foreigners, and the perks they enjoy over locals in military exemption as well as in scholarships, are themselves strong push factors.

They see the foreigners as a threat to jobs and space, undermining salaries and loosening the nation’s cohesion.

“I just feel very sad to see the Singapore of today with so many talented, passionate Singaporeans moving out and being replaced by many foreigners,†said one blogger. “I feel sorry for the future.â€

Others point out the danger of an easy fix in numbers without regard to quality.

“Foreigners treat this place as a hotel, when the economy turns they will leave,†said a teacher who is seeing more and more foreign students in his class.

Lee recently made a passionate appeal to youths to think hard about their country. He said they had received education and opportunities provided by Singaporeans who had worked hard for it.

“Can you in good conscience say, ‘Goodbye! Thank you very much?’ Can you leave with a clear conscience? I cannot,†he said.

Source: http://thestar.com.my/columnists/sto...20Down South
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
In the Straits Times today, some writers discuss a July survey which showed that 53% of young Singaporeans would consider emigration. Can Singapore depend on its youth to stay here and take ownership of the country, our ever-complaining MPs lament in Parliament.

Actually I wonder why young Singaporeans are being singled out in particular. After all, Singaporeans in just about every age group are emigrating. This article, written in 2005, cites various sources and tells us that:
* Every year, 6,000 to 7,000 Singaporeans leave to settle down overseas, including many professionals. This is 15% of today's annual births, probably the highest proportion in the world.

* One survey has put Singapore's average outflow at 26.11 migrants per 1,000 citizens, the second highest in the world - next only to East Timor (51.07).

* Nearly half of all Singaporeans do not think they need to be a resident to be emotionally rooted to the country.

* Six out of 10 undergraduates said they wanted to go abroad to live or work mostly for better economic and job prospects, and enjoy a higher quality of life with less stress.

* An ACNielsen poll showed 21% of Singaporeans, mainly professionals, were considering emigration, half opting for Australia and New Zealand.

* Between 100,000 and 150,000 Singaporeans are studying, working or in business in foreign countries; leaders fear that many of them will not return.
On a separate note, I do not really believe that the government is really concerned about the high emigration rate, as long as it is able to continue attracting sufficient numbers of foreigners to Singapore.



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
How come a first world govt runs a country until everyone is leaving, some more these are unsinkified and intelligent beings.

Or maybe they are intelligent, that is why they leave,


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Year Net migration rate (migrant(s)/1,000 population)
2000 26.8
2001 26.45
2002 26.11
2003 25.76
2004 11.53
2005 10.3
2006 9.12
2007 7.98
2008 6.88


PLease ask yourself why the net migration rate is going down from 2000 to 2008. Please do not think that Real Singaporeans are not leaving.

It is the sinkie ( as usual) deceptive FT policies that play around with the figures to give this deceptive calculation figures or you call that "geng" the figures.

If sinkies losers here do not know what the hell is NET MIGRATION RATE.

please check the definition here :http://www.indexmundi.com/singapore/net_migration_rate.html

and if the words in the definition is hard to understand,
there is an online dictionary here: http://dictionary.reference.com/


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Even going down still the highest... shake head.


Now let's compare to Thailand:


0 migrate(s)/ 1000 population.

ZERO!!! Please see clearly.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
And please remember, Thailand has far more population than sinkieland and they still get ZERO migrate(s)/1000 population.


I am Real Singapore so this question only me can give the best answer= there is not equality in singapore, all talk only.

my wife and me have decided to have our baby born in austrialia or HK. still finding more info.

why should my children been deprive of education and job opportunity. don't tell me is not true, i am a business man, i know how what happen around singapore.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Real Singaporeans = Unsinkified and intelligent, independent thinker and creative.

Do you have such characteristics? The most important is the unsinkified part and the rest can slowly developed.


How come a first world govt runs a country until everyone is leaving, some more these are unsinkified and intelligent beings.

Or maybe they are intelligent, that is why they leave,

i know of one asshole who leave becos he has criminal records in spore.. he is now pimping his ladyboy gf in thailand..

that is you!!:oIo::oIo::oIo:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I am Real Singapore so this question only me can give the best answer= there is not equality in singapore, all talk only.

my wife and me have decided to have our baby born in austrialia or HK. still finding more info.

why should my children been deprive of education and job opportunity. don't tell me is not true, i am a business man, i know how what happen around singapore.

Since you are a businessman and know the truth about sinkieland, i think you are the true real singaporean.

Good luck to you and your future children. Your children are lucky as you are unsinkified and so your unsinkified genes is passed on to your children.

For the rest of those sinkies who still not yet unsinkified themselves and still dunno that they are a sinkie and are still stubborn and will not change, you can just continue to sink together with your country.
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High Order Twit / Low SES subject

Even going down still the highest... shake head.

Now let's compare to Thailand:

0 migrate(s)/ 1000 population.

ZERO!!! Please see clearly.

You obviously don't understand the term "net migration rate". It refers to the number of migrants per 1000 population. A positive figure means that more people are arriving than leaving. A negative figure means that more are leaving than arriving.

Singapore ranks way up in the positive zone because many foreigners find the Island a wonderful place to live and have made it their home and become sinkies or permanent residents.

Thailand, on the other hand, is a fucked up country and very few want to settle there permanently.

High Command

And please remember, Thailand has far more population than sinkieland and they still get ZERO migrate(s)/1000 population.

1) Those that got no money cannot migrate.

2) Those that got money have no need to migrate as life is good and living like a king.

Simple as that.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
there are lots of migration to Thailand what...go to Pattaya and you see many Thai chicks clinging onto the arms of "farangs"....many also go there to retire and max out their retirement pensions (but 90% angmohs.).