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Is PAP Working For Singaporeans?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Lived in London for 2 years... worse than Singapore.. full of disgusting Arabs and Pakis. Food, parking cost an arm and a leg. Rents were through the roof.

Bay Area SFO / San Jose - 18 months. Some places are war zones. They station cops to warn you not walk down certain alleys or risk not coming out in one piece. When you live there you don't just see the touristy areas like Pier39. You have to navigate the crime ridden areas to get to business meetings etc.

LA 6 months - same problems as SFO/San Jose but more widespread.

KL. Was there for a month. The crime rate is horrendous. Pollution, congestion, driving all worse than Singapore.

Auckland 8 years - Crime is rampant in the Southern suburbs. Not safe to walk the streets at night. Drug addicts and drunks litter the streets in downtown Auckland. Street corners where hookers hang out at night are littered with used condoms and needles every morning... kids walking to school have to go through the area. You would not want to bring up your kid in this sort of environment.

Singapore is paradise in comparison.

London , New York, etc are full of tourists unlike SG will is full of 3rd world foreign workers. The tourists are transient visitors there to create jobs.SG's 2m foreigners are mainly from 3rd world countries who are here to take away jobs. That's one main difference which you fail to understand.

Another point which you fail to see are Londoners, New Yorkers, just as angry with foreigners which cause congestion, crimes,etc?

A third main point which you do not know is Londoners, New Yoprkers, etc can leave these big cities and live in the suburbs.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Lived in London for 2 years... worse than Singapore.. full of disgusting Arabs and Pakis. Food, parking cost an arm and a leg. Rents were through the roof.

Bay Area SFO / San Jose - 18 months. Some places are war zones. They station cops to warn you not walk down certain alleys or risk not coming out in one piece. When you live there you don't just see the touristy areas like Pier39. You have to navigate the crime ridden areas to get to business meetings etc.

LA 6 months - same problems as SFO/San Jose but more widespread.

KL. Was there for a month. The crime rate is horrendous. Pollution, congestion, driving all worse than Singapore.

Auckland 8 years - Crime is rampant in the Southern suburbs. Not safe to walk the streets at night. Drug addicts and drunks litter the streets in downtown Auckland. Street corners where hookers hang out at night are littered with used condoms and needles every morning... kids walking to school have to go through the area. You would not want to bring up your kid in this sort of environment.

Singapore is paradise in comparison.

have you been to the really big cities Beijing, Shanghai, New Delhi, etc?


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
London , New York, etc are full of tourists unlike SG will is full of 3rd world foreign workers. The tourists are transient visitors there to create jobs.SG's 2m foreigners are mainly from 3rd world countries who are here to take away jobs. That's one main difference which you fail to understand.

Another point which you fail to see are Londoners, New Yorkers, just as angry with foreigners which cause congestion, crimes,etc?

A third main point which you do not know is Londoners, New Yoprkers, etc can leave these big cities and live in the suburbs.

The foreign trash in London are even worse than the trash in Singapore. They certainly aren't tourists. They're there for good. ....black HIV infected refugees, Gypsies and other Eastern European garbage, Arab scum, Paki muslim fanatics who preach hatred under the guise of freedom of expression.

The suburbs of the big cities aren't homogenous. While the rich can take refuge in the upper class neighborhoods, the poor suburbs are just as bad as the inner city slums.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The foreign trash in London are even worse than the trash in Singapore. They certainly aren't tourists. They're there for good. ....black HIV infected refugees, Gypsies and other Eastern European garbage, Arab scum, Paki muslim fanatics who preach hatred under the guise of freedom of expression.

The suburbs of the big cities aren't homogenous. While the rich can take refuge in the upper class neighborhoods, the poor suburbs are just as bad as the inner city slums.

are the londoners against the trash you mentioned?

how abt answering my 2nd and 3rd points too?


Alfrescian (Inf)
The foreign trash in London are even worse than the trash in Singapore. They certainly aren't tourists. They're there for good. ....black HIV infected refugees, Gypsies and other Eastern European garbage, Arab scum, Paki muslim fanatics who preach hatred under the guise of freedom of expression.

The suburbs of the big cities aren't homogenous. While the rich can take refuge in the upper class neighborhoods, the poor suburbs are just as bad as the inner city slums.

how do you know the trash in london is worse than SG? any data to support your wild claim?

did they cause the worst riot in london in 40years?
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Alfrescian (Inf)
The foreign trash in London are even worse than the trash in Singapore. They certainly aren't tourists. They're there for good. ....black HIV infected refugees, Gypsies and other Eastern European garbage, Arab scum, Paki muslim fanatics who preach hatred under the guise of freedom of expression.

The suburbs of the big cities aren't homogenous. While the rich can take refuge in the upper class neighborhoods, the poor suburbs are just as bad as the inner city slums.

The British govt is doing something abt the problem. Is the pap doing something?

"Britain said it was stepping up restrictions on foreign job seekers' access to welfare payments on Tuesday (8 April), as Prime Minister David Cameron strives to cut immigration ahead of the 2015 election.

Britain said Tuesday that it was stepping up restrictions on foreign job seekers' access to welfare payments, as Prime Minister David Cameron strives to cut immigration ahead of a national election next year.

Polls show voters are concerned about immigration levels, a trend reflected in the rising popularity of the anti-EU UK Independence Party (UKIP) which opposes "open door immigration" and has drawn support away from Cameron's Conservatives.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
[h=1]UK backlash against immigrants targets Romanians, Bulgarians[/h]

In a 2007 file photo, a Bulgarian man boards a bus departing the Black Sea town of Varna and heading for London via the Bulgarian capital Sofia, at the bus station in Varna, Bulgaria. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS


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LONDON — They're portrayed as pickpockets who will steal British jobs. There are predictions they will beg, the unruly young ones will stir up riots, and some will even try to sell babies.

For months, Britain's tabloids have repeatedly warned of the horrors they believe will ensue after Jan. 1, when work restrictions will be lifted across the European Union for migrants from Romania and Bulgaria — two of the trading bloc's newest members. Those changes, the papers claim, will unleash a mass exodus of the poor and unemployed from the two eastern European countries to Britain.

''In January, the only thing left will be the goat,'' a Daily Mail headline proclaimed, referring to a remote Romanian village where, the paper claimed, everyone was preparing to move to Britain for the higher wages and generous welfare benefits.

''We're importing a crime wave from Romania and Bulgaria,'' another headline declared, quoting a Conservative lawmaker who told Parliament that most pickpockets on British streets hail from Romania.

The alarming stories about a possible Romanian and Bulgarian influx, and a government scramble to tighten welfare rules, are part of the latest chapter in an increasingly bitter debate about Britain's immigration policies and its uneasy relationship with the EU. Right-wing politicians have won over voters by arguing that foreigners, particularly eastern Europeans, are flooding Britain's job market with cheap labor and exploiting the country's benefits system.

The upstart UK Independence Party, known as UKIP, has seized on the anti-immigration mood to undermine support for the Conservative Party led by Prime Minister David Cameron. In response, Cameron has recently stepped up his rhetoric on immigration and rushed to impose curbs on the ability of new migrants to claim state benefits.

He also angered fellow EU leaders when he challenged the established concept that there should be a free movement of workers throughout the economic bloc, arguing that it should be amended to stop mass migrations from poorer to richer member states.



High Order Twit / Low SES subject
[h=1]Ed Miliband and Britain’s anti-immigrant backlash[/h]

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The politics behind Ed Miliband’s long-awaited speech on immigration are pretty straightforward. Polling – and Labour activists’ experience on the doorstep – suggest that immigration remains a big concern for large numbers of working-class voters. Unless Labour engages with a conversation going on in ‘every kitchen’, as Ed Miliband puts it, the party will continue to be seen as out-of-touch by those who abandoned it, and the Tories will only stand to benefit – or so the story goes.
First, let’s just take on a myth. One of the justifications given for the speech is that for too long Labour politicians have shied away or even helped to shut down the debate on immigration, even fuelling suggestions that those with the mildest concerns over the issue are closet racists. It is an impression that was boosted by Gordon Brown’s infamous branding of Gillian Duffy as ‘that bigoted woman’. But, in truth, New Labour had no qualms about intervening in the debate over immigration, often in the most inflammatory way possible.
After all, Brown himself had called for ‘British Jobs for British Workers’ (which became a key slogan for the far-right); back in 2002, David Blunkett spoke of Britain being ’swamped’ with asylum seekers; Phil Woolas served as immigration minister, and went on to be thrown out of Parliament by the courts after a disgraceful campaign which tapped into anti-immigrant prejudices; and, in 2006, Margaret Hodge suggested that migrants were being given priority for social homes over people with a ‘legitimate sense of entitlement.’ Shortly afterwards, a delighted BNP seized 11 out of the 13 seats they contested on the local council.



Alfrescian (Inf)
[h=1]UK backlash against immigrants targets Romanians, Bulgarians[/h]

In a 2007 file photo, a Bulgarian man boards a bus departing the Black Sea town of Varna and heading for London via the Bulgarian capital Sofia, at the bus station in Varna, Bulgaria. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS


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LONDON — They're portrayed as pickpockets who will steal British jobs. There are predictions they will beg, the unruly young ones will stir up riots, and some will even try to sell babies.

For months, Britain's tabloids have repeatedly warned of the horrors they believe will ensue after Jan. 1, when work restrictions will be lifted across the European Union for migrants from Romania and Bulgaria — two of the trading bloc's newest members. Those changes, the papers claim, will unleash a mass exodus of the poor and unemployed from the two eastern European countries to Britain.

''In January, the only thing left will be the goat,'' a Daily Mail headline proclaimed, referring to a remote Romanian village where, the paper claimed, everyone was preparing to move to Britain for the higher wages and generous welfare benefits.

''We're importing a crime wave from Romania and Bulgaria,'' another headline declared, quoting a Conservative lawmaker who told Parliament that most pickpockets on British streets hail from Romania.

The alarming stories about a possible Romanian and Bulgarian influx, and a government scramble to tighten welfare rules, are part of the latest chapter in an increasingly bitter debate about Britain's immigration policies and its uneasy relationship with the EU. Right-wing politicians have won over voters by arguing that foreigners, particularly eastern Europeans, are flooding Britain's job market with cheap labor and exploiting the country's benefits system.

The upstart UK Independence Party, known as UKIP, has seized on the anti-immigration mood to undermine support for the Conservative Party led by Prime Minister David Cameron. In response, Cameron has recently stepped up his rhetoric on immigration and rushed to impose curbs on the ability of new migrants to claim state benefits.

He also angered fellow EU leaders when he challenged the established concept that there should be a free movement of workers throughout the economic bloc, arguing that it should be amended to stop mass migrations from poorer to richer member states.

precisely..u are seeing the stupidity of liberal import of foreigner trash ...singaporeans are trying to stop the pap before riots become a norm


If someone proclaims himself to be ex ISD, would any ordinary Singaporean think that this person is working for Singaporeans?

Or would the ordinary Singaporean tend to think that this person has been working for pap?

There's an overbearing manipulative person in this forum who thought that by starting a persona with "ex ISD credentials", he would be able to win more friends and influence people. Is he right and are Sinkies really that stupid?

LOL .......................... LOL


Life is only difficult for the useless, non productive members of society. Singaporeans who are hard working and enterprising are amply rewarded for their efforts and that is the way it should be.

No one in SG wants to be useless or unproductive if given the chance to work. Sg is not a welfare state; no work, no money, no food. Trouble is locals have difficulties in finding work. They want to work but the jobs go to FTsh or PR. Sinkies are already most hardworking lot, working like steam rollers to support families and decent life style but still difficult to survive.


Alfrescian (Inf)
If someone proclaims himself to be ex ISD, would any ordinary Singaporean think that this person is working for Singaporeans?

Or would the ordinary Singaporean tend to think that this person has been working for pap?

There's an overbearing manipulative person in this forum who thought that by starting a persona with "ex ISD credentials", he would be able to win more friends and influence people. Is he right and are Sinkies really that stupid?

LOL .......................... LOL

who is he?


Alfrescian (Inf)
No one in SG wants to be useless or unproductive if given the chance to work. Sg is not a welfare state; no work, no money, no food. Trouble is locals have difficulties in finding work. They want to work but the jobs go to FTsh or PR. Sinkies are already most hardworking lot, working like steam rollers to support families and decent life style but still difficult to survive.

the pap will be severely punished for the injustice they have inflicted on hardworking, decent singaporeans