• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

The Truth is Out, SBF is a pro-PAP Website - why do I need to be here?


Here's your last few months of data from the rep system :

15:52, 24th Jan 201330upz u
00:39, 26th Jan 2013-13Tey is a genius
14:50, 28th Jan 201322Agree. Wuqi
15:20, 1st Feb 201311Yes that is so true. Einfield
11:12, 22nd Feb 201348well said
12:30, 6th Mar 201312Good point
09:13, 8th Mar 201316well said. glockman
19:11, 8th Mar 201313Very true. FS
11:31, 20th Mar 201326fastbreak
22:16, 22nd Mar 201329nice post...upz you...8868 :smile:
19:43, 23rd Mar 201321Very Well Said - IHP :smile:
12:27, 25th Mar 201322Don't agree entirely but up you nevertheless
01:51, 17th Apr 20137yes u the man
11:40, 9th May 2013-18Stop spoiling the thread!
22:45, 25th May 201322Cheers
22:15, 16th Jun 201346hahaha yes...............
18:55, 2nd Jul 20131beri good...
17:53, 6th Jul 201322upz for you
20:54, 9th Jul 20133good article. Winni
15:27, 12th Jul 20135well said. yellowarse


Here's an example from a pro govt nick :

22:25, 30th Jul 2013-24should be "he just doesn't"
11:04, 5th Aug 20131points for u, pap ib
16:25, 5th Aug 20135Good response. yellowarse
14:14, 6th Aug 2013-50later I try again
18:08, 6th Aug 2013-1when your family die.tonite midnight come eat candle
18:12, 6th Aug 2013-1I want punch your dog face n fuck your mother sister
20:38, 12th Aug 2013-8Fuck you
20:39, 12th Aug 2013-6Fuck you
20:41, 12th Aug 2013-10Fuck you
20:42, 12th Aug 2013-42Fuck your mother chow cheeby
21:32, 12th Aug 201312YY. Hope this compensates a bit
23:59, 12th Aug 201338work of oppositon
12:43, 13th Aug 20135Let me help you a little bit with your points :smile:
13:12, 13th Aug 201360,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
13:28, 13th Aug 20137points 4 u. ltb, re
13:49, 14th Aug 201310.....
15:17, 14th Aug 201324bwahahahahahahaa... nice one! :smile::smile::smile:
16:46, 14th Aug 20136hokkien ups:biggrin:


Need I say more?

Pls post my data from my rep system you will get a shock of your life:wink::mad:


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Anti-establishment sentiment naturally dominates cyberspace. To artificially impose a condition of neutrality is itself unnatural. I suggest you just ensure everyone has freedom of speech, adjust the reputation and infraction system so that people cannot use those to intimidate/silence critics, and let the forum take its natural course.

When I preach free enterprise and capitalism and advocate that the law of natural selection should be allowed to take its course, I'm accused of being heartless, cruel and inhuman.

However, when I try to steer this forum towards some degree of balance so that all viewpoints are encouraged, I am now told that I should allow nature to take its course.

Damned if you do. Damned if you don't.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Kan Ni Na Bu Eh Phua Chee Bye! Kong Wu Kong Boh! :oIo::kma:

you see what i mean. this type of CHOWcb PHUAcb response.you have just proved my point. thank you IHP.
i don't like to confront you or engage you. i take the advice from my mentor in this forum. IHP is okay...


Alfrescian (Inf)

You got the fucking head of a toad.

You infract me stating because I used vulgarity on hk14k and his mother when I honestly felt he was the unwanted result of by sowing of wild oats while I tried to
keep myself as factual as could be.

I then put him into ignore, but enough of what he said of me and vulgarities of my mother came through some of the quotes of him.
You think you can have your jollies by trying to tie my hands and letting hk14k kept firing his vulgarities at me ?
Probably laughing all the way in Petir as well on that?

Or was that you doing your clone of hk14k?
Perhaps you do much better by sticking your fucking head in that shit toilet bucket you shared with 50 other families

I am finding you fucking boring with your hosannas and your toyboys of kopisai and hk14k

I do have better things to do with your life and your grooming of PAP IPs

Leongsam, FUCK YOU


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Wah lau eh ...you sucking up to Sam big time. Why? Got kang tau or not?

from day one, i knew SAM is a fair, just and honest man.
you did wrong, he will zap you.
you did right, he will up you.
you are a bully, he will humble you
if you are killed unjustly, he will resurrect you
he is the ideal moderator, owner and boss
i salute him
for those who do not disagree with him, just too bad
for those who support him, pls continue to support him
the forum is only good if every participates actively and passionately
it does not matter what is your political affiliation
but don't go overboard...thank you...]
ready for your hongbaos soon...haha


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

You got the fucking head of a toad.

You infract me stating because I used vulgarity on hk14k and his mother when I honestly felt he was the unwanted result of by sowing of wild oats while I tried to
keep myself as factual as could be.

I then put him into ignore, but enough of what he said of me and vulgarities of my mother came through some of the quotes of him.
You think you can have your jollies by trying to tie my hands and letting hk14k kept firing his vulgarities at me ?
Probably laughing all the way in Petir as well on that?

Or was that you doing your clone of hk14k?
Perhaps you do much better by sticking your fucking head in that shit toilet bucket you shared with 50 other families

I am finding you fucking boring with your hosannas and your toyboys of kopisai and hk14k

I do have better things to do with your life and your grooming of PAP IPs

Leongsam, FUCK YOU

you are the classic example of why fuckers like you should be ostracised, banned and permanently exiled...go eat your joss sticks
you are one of the intellectual toads here with your toilet cleaning and flushing and your scorn and contempt for singAPore...


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
When I preach free enterprise and capitalism and advocate that the law of natural selection should be allowed to take its course, I'm accused of being heartless, cruel and inhuman.

However, when I try to steer this forum towards some degree of balance so that all viewpoints are encouraged, I am now told that I should allow nature to take its course.

Damned if you do. Damned if you don't.

just do whatever you feel is fair, just and honest
you cannot please everyone
of course there are some bigwigs who are calling the shots and who are controlling the tone of this forum
these bigwigs act like mafia and there are only about a dozen of them - the dirty dozen so to speak


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
This is not a PAP forum. It's a forum for everybody including those who want to keep out of politics like yourself. I even created a sticky just for your Thailand posts. I have even offered you a whole section just for your contributions.

All I'm doing is trying to make sure that the forum is not hijacked by any particular group at the expense of all others. I really do not understand why you are so upset. You should be happy that I try my best to keep this forum open to ALL regardless of their points of view.

PS: You were also appointed as a moderator but you declined the position.

There is no hiding of the truth and the truth is yes you had created a sticky and yes offered me a whole section for my contribution and even appointed me a moderator - for these I thank you. The truth is also what you did or offered to do also helps push up the readership of this forum which I am proud to be part of.

Finally it is ok if do not understand why I am so upset because any explanation could not be understood by you neither does any explanation by you will not be understood by me simply because our views differ and the methods differs too. It is perfectly acceptable as the saying goes we could at least agree to disagree.

So far our communication with each other is pretty civilized with mutual respect however to confess to have employed the help of the PAP ruling party to come in here to "balance" the forum and claiming this is not a PAP forum is really an insult to my intelligence.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Can anyone truthfully tell me who are the PAP IB here ? No BS please.

As far as I am concerned, the tone and direction of this forum is rather skewered towards anti pap, anti establishment and anti singapore. Those who speak and write for Singapore are very few and many of them are actually being zapped, moderated and even exterminated.

The tone and the flow in this forum is determined by The Phuacb Gang of Four and The Dirty Dozen here. I have listed them before and I think they are still active, using different clones and handles and perhaps sharing nicks and using other more under-hand methods. Now they are going for The Real Thing - threatening and intimidating you in REAL LIFE.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
So far our communication with each other is pretty civilized with mutual respect however to confess to have employed the help of the PAP ruling party to come in here to "balance" the forum and claiming this is not a PAP forum is really an insult to my intelligence.

Let me give you an example.

You started a Thailand thread which is informative and interesting. For that, I thank you.

However, if I contacted a friend in Vietnam and invited him to start a similar thread about Vietnam in order to broaden the scope and coverage of the content here, that would not turn this forum into a pro Vietnamese forum. It would simply mean that the forum has two informative threads.. .one about Thailand and one a about Vietnam.

That is all I'm trying to achieve... a broader spectrum of opinions.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I honestly do not believe there are any official PAP IB here.

Depends what you mean by PAP IB.

The official, well organized brigade headed by Jason Chua operates on Facebook. I am sure they are not very active in sbf, if at all they are here.

Besides the official ib, you also have information gatherers and those wanting to ply identities through meet ups. These folk appear now and then thru various nicks. Generally will disappear and reappear in new nick once exposed.

Then you have the usual band of zappers, stalkers, vulgar spammers, thread disrupters, etc. Not officially working for YPAP but end goal is similar ... to disrupt civilized discourse through irritation.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I honestly do not believe there are any official PAP IB here.

I fully agree too.

All these make up stories about PAP IBs are deliberately churned out to lynch those forummers who disagreed with the Gang Of Four and The Dirty Dozen who are in control of the tone, the character and the flow of this forum. They are the real IBs.

Any newbie with a different view point is regarded with grave suspicion and if the newbie is more combatant,more vocal,more confrontational and advesarial, he is branded a PAP IB and becomes a target of the pack of rabid dogs. That's how it works ,unfortunately. This will drive away those forummers who are genuinely interested to share and to offer alternative views to make this forum more balanced and more credible.


Alfrescian (Inf)
you see what i mean. this type of CHOWcb PHUAcb response.you have just proved my point. thank you IHP.
i don't like to confront you or engage you. i take the advice from my mentor in this forum. IHP is okay...

Fuck Your Mother Chao Chee Bye! :oIo: Don't come here and act victim. Some might have forgotten how you disrupted the flow in chat room and abusing the rep system with vulgarities. Limbeh still remember! Fucking Chee Bye Hypocrite! :oIo:
Fuck your Family 18 Generations of Chao Chee Bye! :oIo::kma:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
i thought this forum is a pro meat eater forum..

i am here to try to balance it by giving them some fiber or else their ass will be clogged with shit.