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Law prof Tey Tsun Hang found guilty in sex-for-grades case


Alfrescian (Inf)
You're grasping on straws, blurfuck Meng. Why no more thumping of chest for your corrupted Teh? Admit defeat liao, issit? LOL


Uncle, you're the blurfuck here. Don't try this psychological warfare on US lah. It ain't gonna work.

WE are just a group of educated citizens who are interested in more than just lift upgrading. To wit, we are interested in the security of our persons and property from arbitrary whimps of the State i.e. the Rule of Law, Right to FAIR TRIAL, etc.

This time, I (meaning the person among US who happen to be writing this post now) noticed you surreptitiously suggest that WE are somehow related to the accused. Nice Jedi Mind trick. Who teach you ah? Scroobal is it? Can ask him to teach me?

This other thread shows how a more direct approach by your colleague (2nd post only accuse others of being Tey or his this or that) has failed miserably:

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Alfrescian (Inf)
Uncle, you're the blurfuck here. Don't try this psychological warfare on US lah. It ain't gonna work.

WE are just a group of educated citizens who are interested in more than just lift upgrading. To wit, we are interested in the security of our persons and property from arbitrary whimps of the State i.e. the Rule of Law, Right to FAIR TRIAL, etc.

This time, I (meaning the person among US who happen to be writing this post now) noticed you surreptitiously suggest that WE are somehow related to the accused. Nice Jedi Mind trick. Who teach you ah? Scroobal is it? Can ask him to teach me?

This other thread shows how a more direct approach by your colleague (2nd post only accuse others of being Tey or his this or that) has failed miserably:


US? As in You, Yourself and blurfuck? LOL

You just wasted another 30 secs of my life typing this, you gong cheebye Narong's fuck-buddy.


Alfrescian (Inf)
A fucking gang rape on Prof Tey organised by PAP turd heads and kangaroos and with all their fucking running dogs jumping in as well

Nothing new ever since LKY and PAP got into power


Sex-for-grades trial: Former law professor Tey Tsun Hang to be sentenced today
Former law professor Tey Tsun Hang is expected to be sentenced on Monday morning.

Forummer Wong Meng Meng/Tan Siong/Thye/Rumpole is currently unavailable. Busy with court proceedings.


TANKS U 4 U mavulos saPORK. CheeByeKia U nam bery scari. U team R de bestest THUGS in dis world. Wit plenty $ me no scare off TOEmatos & roTAN eggs thown @ moi. Moi noe CLOWN off annie1 lah. De post fr Jaga8 beLOW iz scary BUTT make U team look clumsi. No eye si!


Based on my pap ib database, one of sammyboy nick is the current changi chalet warden. If WMM and his clones continue to waste our time, the warden will have special treatment for the tikko cheapo new inmate.

Sex-for-grades trial: Former law professor Tey Tsun Hang to be sentenced today
Former law professor Tey Tsun Hang is expected to be sentenced on Monday morning.

Forummer Wong Meng Meng/Tan Siong/Thye/Rumpole is currently unavailable. Busy with court proceedings.
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TANKS U 4 U mavulos saPORK. CheeByeKia U nam bery scari. U team R de bestest THUGS in dis world. Wit plenty $ me no scare off TOEmatos & roTAN eggs thown @ moi. Moi noe CLOWN off annie1 lah. De post fr Jaga8 beLOW iz scary BUTT make U team look clumsi. No eye si!


Good luck. I am guessing 6 months.


TANKS U 4 U mavulos saPORK. CheeByeKia U nam bery scari. U team R de bestest THUGS in dis world. Wit plenty $ me no scare off TOEmatos & roTAN eggs thown @ moi. Moi noe CLOWN off annie1 lah. De post fr Jaga8 beLOW iz scary BUTT make U team look clumsi. No eye si!

Alamak! Don't have to try so hard to be different at word spelling. Still a clone :rolleyes:


Dear Merl.

Now this is interesting. Firstly I have known poor relatives of rich families. A bastard thing but heck not all relatives are created equal when it comes to getting a share of the pie, secondly the old chinese adage of the third generation squandering often holds true.

But assuming that its reliable and that she is "RICH" and yes I am believing you because you have been highly accurate in the past, then the following is true.

1. How did the SDJ arrive at the conclusion that she was "poor". Judges are not prone to picking facts from the air so where did it come from. Her "testimony" ? Her statements to the CPIB ? Because if she was not poor and was in fact the little rich girl.........how did that small tibit come about ?

2. So she was rich, how does it affect the verdict. A judges decision written is a piece of deductive and logical reasoning so as to arrive at a guilty or not guilty verdict. The need in criminal defence and appeal is to break down each and every link. If she was rich, then a rich infatuated girl giving gifts to a lover which her lover does not reciprocate has a higher deductive possibility then the poor girl giving gifts to a lover who does not reciprocate. But is the truth of whether she is rich or poor enough to break a verdict ? Well the "judge" seemed to consider the wealth inequality substantially in his reasoning so there is a valid ground of appeal.

3. That will have to be balanced however with the total lack of intimacy demonstrated in communication between the pair, but if one takes that together with the marginal grade inflation he did for her, then perhaps he has some chance on appeal


QUOTE=Merl Haggard;1543940]This low class Tey fellow must have known about Darinne Ko's background and it was her money that he was after.

She's the niece of the late Datuk Ko Teck Siang who was the younger brother of the late Ko Teck Kin, rubber magnate & founder chairman of Chung Khiaw Bank who in 60's was one of the wealthiest in SEA.

Everybody who had passed biology class would had reasoned she was poor. She had only one hymen to offer and the former District Judge and later her law professor took it. Morally, a despicable breach and betrayal of the faith and respect held by society towards a profession of such high standing. Do I judge him guilty? I can't make that decision yet. I have to wait and see what happens to the City Harvest Six.


Everybody who had passed biology class would had reasoned she was poor. She had only one hymen to offer and the former District Judge and later her law professor took it.

Everyone who has a brain, will know that she is RICH materially and can well afford the gifts. The professor himself is also affluent. Value of gifts amounted to less than 10% of his monthly salary. Wake up!

When the judge said “poor” in his decision, he was using it in the MATERIAL and NOT biological sense. If he was using “poor” in a biological sense, then that would make our Courts the greatest joke of the Commonwealth! By this FAULTY LOGIC, any male who had consensual intercourse with a virgin should be put in jail for corruption. The virgin that Scroobal screwed 20 years ago can go to the Public PROSTITUtor’s office and request that they help put him in jail.

Since she is RICH and the judge has said that she is poor, it is obvious that his was a PHONEY decision that made our Courts look more like the KANGAROO system that it really is. Time to CALL A SPADE A SPADE.

Scrooball has one penis and two balls. Comparatively speaking, in the biological sense he is poor in penises but rich in balls. However, he has chosen to use his language skills to serve the PAPzis in their distortion of facts. Spiritually speaking, we can say that he is POOR IN BALLS.
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Morally, a despicable breach and betrayal of the faith and respect held by society towards a profession of such high standing. Do I judge him guilty? I can't make that decision yet. I have to wait and see what happens to the City Harvest Six.

Nice Jedi mind tricks, SCREWEDbo’s lousy clone. Morals differ with times, race, culture, age group, etc. Criminal laws catches ONLY those conduct that a multiracial, multicultural, MODERN, FIRST WORLD, etc society collectively and democratically decide to be deserving of punishment through temporarily taking away a person’s liberty. You are here to manipulate the minds of Sinkies with your SHIT Times Jedi Mind tricks and steer the simple minds of Sinkies to judge him guilty in the Court of Public Opinion. You have used the City Harvest Six which has nothing to do with this case to invoke Sinkies’ disgust with them and channel it against your master’s real target, CRITICS and DISSENTERS, of which there are more and more by the day in Sinkieland.

As PAP IB with Shitty Times skills of subliminal messages, I have this message for you. Given the increasing incompetence of your masters in policy and execution, you have your work cut out for you. Translate – more $$$ for a manipulative bastard at daft Sinkies’ expense.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
At the rate that it is going, everyone here will end up being suspected as a PAP IB.


At the rate that it is going, everyone here will end up being suspected as a PAP IB.

It's OK, even this ChewCheng idiot has called me a PAP IB. Just look at his signature. I noticed that this the last resort of the true PAP IB team.

Most people who read this forum do so as guests. In my humble opinion, they can believe whatever they want, so long as they remember to vote the PAP out in 2016.

No hard feelings Ah Bui. Roti prata on me! :rolleyes:


5 months is too short, hope he appeals and the sentence extended.

WMM is a CHEW Cheeybye, clones all exposed still act blur. Clearly a friend of Tey and looking at how tey behave in court, his friend can't be that far off.


Tey Tsun Hang/Wong MM,

See you make you own brother feel so shameful. Until he needs to cover his whole damn face from reporters. It is very malu to be associated with you. :(


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Tey Tsun Hang/Wong MM,

See you make you own brother feel so shameful. Until he needs to cover his whole damn face from reporters. It is very malu to be associated with you. :(

Dat photo was me avaTAR, the CHEF District Judge TAN hiding fr de toMADtoes thrown @ moi 4 dat stuPIG judgment. U THUGtics & TAGtics @ learn fr best – de PAPpy DOGS.

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CHEW CHEEBYE!!!! So effort in trying to write differently? Bold and red somemore. No need lah. All know that same person. Just use WMM can already.

Dat photo was me avaTAR, the CHEF District Judge TAN hiding fr de toMADtoes thrown @ moi 4 dat stuPIG judgment. U THUGtics & TAGtics @ learn fr best – de PAPpy DOGS.



Dat photo was me avaTAR, the CHEF District Judge TAN hiding fr de toMADtoes thrown @ moi 4 dat stuPIG judgment. U THUGtics & TAGtics @ learn fr best – de PAPpy DOGS.



保释郑尊行 弟弟弟媳无面见人

入狱的,大方露脸任拍,担保人不入狱,却包头遮脸躲躲藏,跟媒体玩“躲猫猫”4小时,被形容无面见人!郑尊行的弟弟弟媳,昨日首次现身法庭,并在法官下判后,帮郑尊行保释。为逃避媒体,他们衬衫套头,兵分两路逃离法庭。据悉,两人住在新加坡。原本,郑尊行是由包括弟媳在内的3名女性保释,但另外2人因银行文件有些问题,临时改由郑尊行弟媳及国大法学院副教授陈永昌(音译)担保。陈副教授也是为郑尊行写求情信的同事之一。弟大声呵责记者 称骚扰要报警;与高文慧胡搞的“红色沙发” 郑尊行:我买的,会要回来。完整报道,请翻阅04.06.2013《联合晚报》。